1. Builder

I wrote a builder program, for when you are distributing a piece of 
software... because I'm sick of looking inside include files to see what is 
included ... so I can add those include files, and see what is included.... 
it's annoying. (if you know what I mean)
This program uses a command-line interface:

ex builder.ex [main file] [destination directory]

It opens the main file, figures out which files it's dependant on, and adds 
them, then checks which files THEY are dependent, and adds them.. etc. Also 
adds the correct interpreter and a batch file.

That's all well and good, but it's still missing something. It doesn't find 
all dependant files, only the includes. It needs to find .bmp and .dat 
files.... and other such things... any ideas on how?

BTW, I don't have full version of Eu, just the PD. That's why I made this 

Below is the source code. I can send as an attachment if necessary.
The code that needs supplementing is in the function "findDependencies"
If anything doesn't make sense I can explain it... but it's fairly simple.

Tell me what you think.
Mr Trick

File: builder.ex
include file.e
constant includesDir = "c:\\Euphoria\\Include\\"
constant binDir = "c:\\Euphoria\\bin\\"
constant params = command_line()
constant thisDir = current_dir()

sequence errorStr,
         masterFileList --contains all the files, in
                        --{ name, checkedflag } form

--if a listed file doesn't exist, it adds it, and displays at the end
procedure makeError(sequence file)
    if not length(errorStr) then
        errorStr = "Some files listed by one of your files are either\n" &
                   "missing, or named incorrectly. See below:\n\n\n"
    end if
    errorStr &= file & "\n"
end procedure

--similar to find, but you specify a subscript of a 2d seq.
function indexFind(object a, atom ind, sequence seq)
    for t = 1 to length(seq) do
        if not compare(a,seq[t][ind]) then
            return t
        end if
    end for
    return 0
end function

--removes excess spaces and \n marks
function clean(sequence line)
    atom s s = 1
    while line[1] = ' ' do
        line = line[2..length(line)]        end while
    while s <= length(line) and not find(line[s], " \n\r") do
        s += 1                              end while
    line = line[1..s - 1]
    return line
end function

--given a file... will return the location of the file, or
-- -1 if it doesn't exist.
function chkFile(sequence file)
    if sequence(dir(file)) then
        return file
    elsif sequence(dir(includesDir&file)) then
        return includesDir&file
    elsif sequence(dir(binDir&file)) then
        return binDir&file
    end if
    return -1
end function

--in: a file name
--out: all the files that it needs to run, or a -1 (file not found)
--at the moment only looks for 'include' and takes the string after it.
function getDependencies(sequence file)
    atom fn,t
    object line, list, f
    f = chkFile(file)
    if atom(f) then
        return -1
    end if
    fn = open(f,"r")
    if fn = -1 then
        return -1
    end if
    line = gets(fn)
    list = {}
    while sequence(line) do
        t = match("include", line)
        if t and (not match("--",line) or t < match("--", line)) then
            list &= {clean(line[t+8..length(line)])}
        end if
        line = gets(fn)
    end while
    return list
end function

--given a sequence of files, it adds any not already present to the list
function update(sequence list, sequence files)
    for a = 1 to length(files) do
        if not indexFind(files[a],1, list) then
            list &= {{ files[a], 0}}
        end if
    end for
    return list
end function

if length(params) < 4 then
    puts(1,"More parameters needed.\nUsage: builder [filename] [directory to 
put it in]")
end if
masterFileList = {{params[3],0}}
errorStr = {}
object temp
atom ind
ind = indexFind(0,2,masterFileList) --while there are 0's, some files 
puts(1,"Scanning for dependencies.....\n") --been checked.
while ind do  --while not finished
    temp = getDependencies( masterFileList[ind][1] )
    masterFileList[ind][2] = 1 --when a file is checked, this goes high
    if sequence(temp) then --if there are any dependencies
       masterFileList = update( masterFileList, temp)
    end if
    ind = indexFind(0,2,masterFileList) --get next unfinished one
end while

for a = 1 to length(masterFileList) do
puts(1,masterFileList[a][1] &"\n") --lists files
end for

---------------------Now transfer all to a folder of your choice.----
puts(1,"Building folder and transferring files......\n")
sequence targetDir
if match(":\\", params[4]) then --absolute
    targetDir = params[4]
    targetDir = thisDir & "\\" & params[4]
end if
puts(1,"Path: " & targetDir & "\n")
system("mkdir " & targetDir, 2) --create directory
for a = 1 to length(masterFileList) do
    system("copy " & chkFile(masterFileList[a][1]) & " " & targetDir, 2)
    puts(1,"\n") --copy to directory
end for
puts(1, "Transferring executable...\n")
if match(".exw", params[3]) or match(".ew", params[3]) then
    temp = "exw.exe"
elsif match(".exu", params[3]) then
    temp = "exu.exe"
    temp = "ex.exe"
end if
system("copy " & binDir & temp & " " & targetDir, 2)
if length(errorStr) then
    puts(1,errorStr & "\nCheck that these files are in the right place.")
end if
puts(1,"Building BAT file...")
sequence name
name = params[3]
ind = match(".e", name)
name = name[1..ind] & "bat"
ind = open(name, "w")
puts(ind, temp & " " & name)


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