1. OFF subject - MTS - and I mean OFF

As a subscriber to the digest form of the Euphoria mailing list, I am unable
to block MTS's posts.  This means unfortunately that I shall be soon be
unsubscribing to the list for a short while and will use the archived posts to
search for useful and relevant information about **euphoria programming**
Life is too short to read these kinds of useless comments.  I'm no prude -
what woman can be after giving birth twice!! but I don't need this kind of
visual pollution in my email. Thanks to all the programmers who have helped me
(unknowingly) through their contributions to the list. BFN.

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2. Re: OFF subject - MTS - and I mean OFF

Tracy Tees wrote:
> As a subscriber to the digest form of the Euphoria mailing list, I am unable
> to block MTS's posts.  This means unfortunately that I shall be soon be
> unsubscribing to the list for a short while and will use the archived posts to
> search for useful and relevant information about **euphoria programming**
> Life is too short to read these kinds of useless comments.  I'm no prude -
> what woman can be after giving birth twice!! but I don't need this kind of
> visual pollution in my email. Thanks to all the programmers who have helped me
> (unknowingly) through their contributions to the list. BFN.
> ---------------------------------
> Powered by http://www.telstra.com

Hi Tracy,
I thought about the problem and decided to do nothing but just delete
mails unread from certain senders.
Ignorance is the best behavior in this cases.
Have a nice day, Rolf

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3. Re: OFF subject - MTS - and I mean OFF

Hello, guys,

Just like Tracy, I have had enough, I am unsubscribing too. For the
next ten days I'll be down south in the mountains introducing my older
grandson to the fun in the snow. When I get back, I'll send you two or
three bundles I am presently working on, and it will be it. Unless, of
course, Robert comes to his senses and arranges a moderated list or
lists. He is the only one with suitable authority to force it.

I very much enjoyed the years with you, guys, except for the last
two weeks, which made me almost homophobic. jiri

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4. Re: OFF subject - MTS - and I mean OFF

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tracy Tees" <tracytees at TELSTRA.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 3:57 AM
Subject: OFF subject - MTS - and I mean OFF

Tracy Tees Wrote

>This means unfortunately that I shall be soon be
> unsubscribing to the list for a short while and will use the archived
posts to
> search for useful and relevant information about **euphoria programming**
> Life is too short to read these kinds of useless comments!! but I don't
need this kind of
> visual pollution in my email.
Mike Mordenti sent mts (notice the small letters) an apology in ref to below
>     (OOP)'S
>     All I wanted to do is block your Email since my daughters also
>read the EU mail and I don't accept that kind of language. I checked
>the Wrong box. Everything is corrected now. As a matter of fact I am
>getting very interested in what you have to say abt. EU.
>     Again sorry abt. the automatic returning of the Email.
>Michael Mordenti
>mmore at ptd.net

No problem man!
I am a nice guy!
That is why I am going to fuck your daughter with the dick I amputate from
between your legs instead of mine!
And, since you are so kind to mailflood me, I will mailflood YOUR mailing
address with about a few thousand posts, each with virus attachments.

Thank you, you son of a whore, and goodnight.

Mike The Spike


Thanks to all the programmers who have helped me
> (unknowingly) through their contributions to the list. BFN.
> ---------------------------------
> Powered by http://www.telstra.com

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5. Re: OFF subject - MTS - and I mean OFF

sigh... noone needs to leave
but if u do leave jiri, i know i'll miss your
sheer brilliance and your support...
remember, if u leave, we lose, and others win...
----- Original Message -----
From: jiri babor <jbabor at PARADISE.NET.NZ>
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: OFF subject - MTS - and I mean OFF

> Hello, guys,
> Just like Tracy, I have had enough, I am unsubscribing too. For the
> next ten days I'll be down south in the mountains introducing my older
> grandson to the fun in the snow. When I get back, I'll send you two or
> three bundles I am presently working on, and it will be it. Unless, of
> course, Robert comes to his senses and arranges a moderated list or
> lists. He is the only one with suitable authority to force it.
> I very much enjoyed the years with you, guys, except for the last
> two weeks, which made me almost homophobic. jiri

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