1. HELP with 'seek'

I'm having a problem in using the 'seek' function. Being new to
I'm sure that the problem is my own, but, after struggling with it for
I haven't been able to figure out why the 'gets' function seems not to
reading from the position (in the file) that the 'seek' pointed to .

I hope someone on the list can explain what I'm doing wrong.

The program and a test data file are below. (The entire program is
since I don't know where in the program the problem originates).

The program is intended to do the following:

1. Read all records in the test data file to verify (a) number of
    (b) number of bytes per record, which should be 99 (including the

2. From the end-of-file position, it is to back up 3 records, read and
    the last 3 records.

The problem begins at the comment -- Back up 3 Records --

After read the 10 records, the 'seek' seems to correctly position
correctly at the first byte
of record no. 7. However the 'gets' function  which follows the 'seek '
does not read the file
beginning at the byte positon pointed to by 'seek', but begins reading
at a position 7 bytes
before that point.

The number of bytes (too early) varies with the number of records in the
file (229 record
file causes the 'gets' to begin reading 219 bytes too far back in the

Any suggestions or solutions will be gratefully appreciated.
(Using Windows 98, the Complete Edition of Euphoria,  and the ED editor)



-- Program begins here ---
-- read last 3 records of a file
include get.e
include file.e

with trace





atom     z,sum,EOF,byteno

function getpath() 

   -- read a text file into a sequence
   --   drive = "c"
   --   puts(1, "\n Enter Drive Letter: ")
   --   drive = gets(0) -- get the drive letter in a sequence.
 --It has a linefeed attached that will need to be stripped.

   --   puts(1, "\n Enter Directory Name: ")     -- start new line for
better readability
   --   directry = gets(0)                        -- get the directry
name in a sequence
   --   puts(1,"\n")

   --   puts(1, "\n Enter File Name: ")       -- start new line for
better readability
   --   file = gets(0)                       -- get the file name in a
   --   puts(1,"\n")

   --   fullpath = drive[1..length(drive)-1] & ":\\"

    -- strip the \n and concatenate  the ":\\" to the end of the drive
   --   directry = directry[1..length(directry)-1] & "\\"

   --   fullpath =  fullpath &directry &file[1..length(file)-1]
   -- concatenate the file & dir name to the drive letter and ":\\"
     --        FOR TESTING ONLY          ---
     fullpath = "C:\\learn\\testdata.txt" --
   return fullpath

end function 

x        = repeat (0,99)
RecLen   = 0 -- should be 99; 98 bytes of data, one byte line feed
marker probably '\n'
RecNo    = 0
true     = 1
false    = 0
len      = 0
AvgClose = 0
Array    = {}
Loops    = 0
Characteristics = {}

fullpath = getpath()

DataFile = open(fullpath,"r")                   -- open for reading
if DataFile = -1 then
   puts(1, "Couldn't Open specified textfile \n")
end if

-- how many records are in the file?

while true do
   Record = gets(DataFile)
   if atom(Record) then    exit   end if    -- eof

   Date1 = Record[2..11]
   puts(1,"\n Date is ") puts(1,Date1)

   -- verify that all record lengths are what's expected
   Loops += 1
   if Loops < 2000 then      -- tot. recs is lots less--- eof will occur
      if sequence(Record) then
  RecLen = length(Record)
  if RecLen != 99 then
     printf(1,"Unexpected Record Length is %5d\n ...Should Be
  end if
       end if
   end if

   RecNo += 1
end while  -- at eof


TotRecs     = RecNo
TotBytes    = TotRecs*RecLen

 -- back up 3 records  --
Back3       = TotBytes - (3*RecLen)
StartAt     = seek(DataFile,Back3)

if StartAt != 0 then   puts(1, "seek didn't work\n")    abort(1)  end if

byteno = where(DataFile)
? byteno                 -- s/b 693

RecNo = 0
while true do
   Record = gets(DataFile)  -- error --  does not read from correct

   if atom(Record) then
      exit   -- if Record = -1, at end of file
   end if

   RecNo      += 1

   Date1       = Record[2..11]
   Open1       = Record[15..25]
   High1       = Record[29..39]
   Low1        = Record[43..53]
   Close1      = Record[57..67]
   Volume1     = Record[71..81]
   OpenInt1    = Record[85..97]     -- final quote mark in 98, line feed
in 99

   Open1Val    = value(Open1)
   High1Val    = value(High1)
   Low1Val     = value(Low1)
   Close1Val   = value(Close1)
   Volume1Val  = value(Volume1)
   OpenInt1Val = value(OpenInt1)

   Day1Range   = High1Val[2] - Low1Val[2]

   if Open1Val[2] > Close1Val[2] then
  Body1 = "black"
      UpperShadow1 = High1Val[2]  - Open1Val[2]
      LowerShadow1 = Close1Val[2] - Low1Val[2]
      Open1Val[2] < Close1Val[2] then
      Body1 = "white"
      UpperShadow1 = High1Val[2] - Close1Val[2]
      LowerShadow1 = Open1Val[2] - Low1Val[2]
      Open1Val[2] = Close1Val[2] then
      Body1 = "Doji"
      UpperShadow1 = High1Val[2]  - Open1Val[2]
      LowerShadow1 = Close1Val[2] - Low1Val[2]
   end if

   printf(1,"Daily Range  = %9.5f\n", Day1Range)
   printf(1,"Upper Shadow = %9.5f\n", UpperShadow1)
   printf(1,"Lower Shadow = %9.5f\n", LowerShadow1)
   printf(1,"Record No. %5f\n",RecNo)

   -- put the record into an array (7x3) (7 fields, 3 days)

   Array = append(Array,Date1)
   Array = append(Array,Open1Val[2])
   Array = append(Array,High1Val[2])
   Array = append(Array,Low1Val[2])
   Array = append(Array,Close1Val[2])
   Array = append(Array,Volume1Val[2])
   Array = append(Array,OpenInt1Val[2])

end while

for i = 1 to FieldNo*7 by 1 do          -- 7 fields per record
   if i = 1 or i = 8 or i = 15 then     -- fields containing Date
      printf(1,"\n%s", {Array[i]})
      printf(1,"%11.5f", Array[i])    -- field width 11, 5 dec places
   end if
end for

--  now let's average the closes
for i = 5 to FieldNo*7 by 7 do         -- 'cuz 7 fields per rec, close
is field 5
    TotClose = TotClose + Array[i]
end for

AvgClose = AvgClose / RecNo
printf(1,"\n%11.5f", AvgClose)        -- field width 11, 5 dec places
close (DataFile)

-- ascii data file follows:
"07/31/2000"," 1437.00000"," 1449.00000"," 1429.80000","
1438.90000","      70442","       375470"
"08/01/2000"," 1442.00000"," 1454.50000"," 1439.00000","
1447.50000","      62190","       376523"
"08/02/2000"," 1447.00000"," 1461.00000"," 1443.10000","
1452.50000","      58432","       374653"
"08/03/2000"," 1437.00000"," 1465.00000"," 1433.00000","
1461.50000","      58007","       376075"
"08/04/2000"," 1467.50000"," 1473.50000"," 1461.00000","
1471.70000","      65827","       379646"
"08/07/2000"," 1474.00000"," 1490.50000"," 1470.50000","
1486.20000","      53438","       378166"
"08/08/2000"," 1482.00000"," 1494.00000"," 1481.50000","
1491.70000","      41723","       377278"
"08/09/2000"," 1497.00000"," 1498.00000"," 1480.00000","
1481.00000","      47953","       374466"
"08/10/2000"," 1482.00000"," 1483.00000"," 1468.00000","
1474.30000","      51867","       375371"
"08/11/2000"," 1470.00000"," 1484.50000"," 1461.00000","
1478.50000","      42623","       376597"

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2. Re: HELP with 'seek'

Jim writes:
> I'm having a problem in using the 'seek' function...
> ...DataFile = open(fullpath,"r") -- open for reading

When you use seek(), you have to keep track of
byte offsets within a file very carefully.
Opening a file as "r" (read in text mode) is going to
cause you no end of trouble. It would be better to
open the file as "rb" (read in binary mode) and realize
that each line of text (each record)
normally ends with two characters: \r\n.

I believe seek() looks at all the characters in the file,
whereas gets() will only "see" \n, not \r\n as is actually
stored in the file.

The division of I/O on DOS/Windows into "text" vs.
"binary" modes was completely unnecessary, and
has caused confusion for many years. I guess it
was a quick kludge to make some IBM printer
work better, back in the early 80's.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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3. Re: HELP with 'seek'

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Jim writes:
> > I'm having a problem in using the 'seek' function...
> > ...DataFile = open(fullpath,"r") -- open for reading
> When you use seek(), you have to keep track of
> byte offsets within a file very carefully.
> Opening a file as "r" (read in text mode) is going to
> cause you no end of trouble. It would be better to
> open the file as "rb" (read in binary mode) and realize
> that each line of text (each record)
> normally ends with two characters: \r\n.
> I believe seek() looks at all the characters in the file,
> whereas gets() will only "see" \n, not \r\n as is actually
> stored in the file.
> The division of I/O on DOS/Windows into "text" vs.
> "binary" modes was completely unnecessary, and
> has caused confusion for many years. I guess it
> was a quick kludge to make some IBM printer
> work better, back in the early 80's.

In addition, it may be easier to use get() to read these lines in.  This will
allow for format variations and eliminate the need to cast strings into values.
Depending upon how many lines are in the actual data you're working with,
it would probably be much easier to just load them all into a sequence, and
work with them there.
See code below.
Beyond that, I note that (1) the sample data only contains 86 characters plus a
line feed (except for the last line)  no 99 that your code is looking for.
Maybe your e-mail client (or mine) clipped the lines?


include get.e

constant DATE = 1, OPEN1 = 2, HIGH1 = 3, LOW1 = 4,
         CLOSE1 = 5, VOLUME1 = 6, OPENINT1 = 7

object data, line
atom fn

function readline()
object line, item
line = {}
for i = DATE to OPENINT1 do
 item = get(fn)
 if item[1] = GET_SUCCESS then
    line = append(line,item[2])
 else return -1
 end if
end for
return line
end function

fn = open("testdata.txt","r")
data = {}
while 1 do
   line = readline()
   if atom(line) then exit
   else data = append(data,line)
   end if
end while

printf(1,"%d records read\n",length(data))

for i = 1 to length(data) do
 printf(1,"Date: %s\n",{data[i][DATE]})
end for

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4. Re: HELP with 'seek'


Thanks for the help. I wasn't aware of the 'seek' function looking at any
character beyon the '\n'. I'll do as you
suggest re:open(fn,"rb").

Sorry my e-mail composer messed up the indentation and wrapping of the program
lines so badly. It's almost unreadable.



Robert Craig wrote:

> Jim writes:
> > I'm having a problem in using the 'seek' function...
> > ...DataFile = open(fullpath,"r") -- open for reading
> When you use seek(), you have to keep track of
> byte offsets within a file very carefully.
> Opening a file as "r" (read in text mode) is going to
> cause you no end of trouble. It would be better to
> open the file as "rb" (read in binary mode) and realize
> that each line of text (each record)
> normally ends with two characters: \r\n.
> I believe seek() looks at all the characters in the file,
> whereas gets() will only "see" \n, not \r\n as is actually
> stored in the file.
> The division of I/O on DOS/Windows into "text" vs.
> "binary" modes was completely unnecessary, and
> has caused confusion for many years. I guess it
> was a quick kludge to make some IBM printer
> work better, back in the early 80's.
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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5. Re: HELP with 'seek'

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, I sent the backup version of the file.
Let's try again with the _current_ one :)

-- Am I reading your code correctly, you're only using the last three records?
-- fI so, the following should work

without warning
include get.e

constant DATE = 1, OPEN1 = 2, HIGH1 = 3, LOW1 = 4,
         CLOSE1 = 5, VOLUME1 = 6, OPENINT1 = 7

atom DayRange1, UpperShadow1, LowerShadow1

object data, line
atom fn

function readline()
object line, item
line = {}
for i = DATE to OPENINT1 do
 item = get(fn)
 if item[1] = GET_SUCCESS then
    line = append(line,item[2])
 else return -1
 end if
end for
return line
end function

fn = open("testdata.txt","r")
data = {}
while 1 do
   line = readline()
   if atom(line) then exit
   else data = append(data,line)
   end if
end while

printf(1,"%d records read\n",length(data))

for i = 1 to length(data) do
 printf(1,"Date: %s\n",{data[i][DATE]})
 for j = OPEN1 to OPENINT1 do
    data[i][j] = value(data[i][j])
    data[i][j] = data[i][j][2]
 end for
end for

-- discard all but last 3 records;
data = data[length(data)-3..length(data)]

puts(1,"Last 3 days\n")
puts(1,"Date        Open     High    Low     Close   Volume  OpenInt\n")
for i = 1 to length(data) do
 printf(1,"%s %4.5f %4.5f %4.5f %8d %8d \n",data[i])
end for

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6. Re: HELP with 'seek'


Thanks for the information. Your solution solved the problem, and taught me some
things I didn't know.

Thanks for being a willing teacher.


Robert Craig wrote:

> Jim writes:
> > I'm having a problem in using the 'seek' function...
> > ...DataFile = open(fullpath,"r") -- open for reading
> When you use seek(), you have to keep track of
> byte offsets within a file very carefully.
> Opening a file as "r" (read in text mode) is going to
> cause you no end of trouble. It would be better to
> open the file as "rb" (read in binary mode) and realize
> that each line of text (each record)
> normally ends with two characters: \r\n.
> I believe seek() looks at all the characters in the file,
> whereas gets() will only "see" \n, not \r\n as is actually
> stored in the file.
> The division of I/O on DOS/Windows into "text" vs.
> "binary" modes was completely unnecessary, and
> has caused confusion for many years. I guess it
> was a quick kludge to make some IBM printer
> work better, back in the early 80's.
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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7. Re: HELP with 'seek'

On reading files using r, rb seek(), get(), gets() , where() etc.:

I dont know if this helps but, i was working on a project some time
ago that required repeated comparisons of data stored in a file in the form
of text (the file written using printf() statements).  The problem was,
because you never knew where you were going to have to go next in the
file and the file was very large, you couldnt take the time to read
through the whole file time after time just to get one or two items
randomly placed in the file. Since it was all text lines gets() seemed
like a good candidate method for reading back the data without having to
program a get() interface to allow random accessing of  variable
length 'records'.

  The solution came out somewhat simple:


  1.  open the file in "r" mode
  2.  while reading all the records through once do:
          do a where() followed by a gets() and
          log all the addresses returned by where() in a sequence.
          If you want you can save the first two letters in the same
          sequence to function as a hash alpha lookup. This would yield
          sub seq's such as: {100,"ab"},{123,"ac"},...
  3. now that you have the address for every text group its simply a
     matter of using seek() followed by gets() to get to the data.


  if your data is mixed (not all text) then you simply use an
  alternating series of gets() for text fields and get() for other
  fields.  You only need to log 'where()' addresses once for the
  first field of each 'record'.
  Ultimately, also record the next record address within the file and
  you've got a linked list on the next run. Record the previous address
  also and you can query up and down the list as well.


  if your data is doubly mixed (not all records are the same type)
  then simply make the first field the format type identifier.


  if your file is so large its not practical to read through
  the whole file at startup, you can start a separate file to record
  where()'s whenever a record IS found during the normal application
  run. Each time the app runs more and more records are located
  making the time to locate data less and less each time.  Of course
  when something is added to the file the location is stored at the
  same time.

  ive also had great success with using home made delimiters chosen
  such that an occurance of the delimiter char(s) never or seldom
  occur naturally in the target data, or only in known locations.
  Filenames are a good example as quite a few characters are not

  Hope this helps some, if not perhaps in another project.

  Good luck,
              --Al Getz

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8. Re: HELP with 'seek'


Again, Thanks. Lots of interesting stuff for me to study here. I like
your assignment of field numbers as constants. Make following the code
a lot clearer.


Jim Duffy

Irv Mullins wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, I sent the backup version of the file.
> Let's try again with the _current_ one :)
> -- Am I reading your code correctly, you're only using the last three records?
> -- fI so, the following should work
> without warning
> include get.e
> constant DATE = 1, OPEN1 = 2, HIGH1 = 3, LOW1 = 4,
>          CLOSE1 = 5, VOLUME1 = 6, OPENINT1 = 7
> atom DayRange1, UpperShadow1, LowerShadow1
> object data, line
> atom fn
> function readline()
> object line, item
> line = {}
> for i = DATE to OPENINT1 do
>  item = get(fn)
>  if item[1] = GET_SUCCESS then
>     line = append(line,item[2])
>  else return -1
>  end if
> end for
> return line
> end function
> fn = open("testdata.txt","r")
> data = {}
> while 1 do
>    line = readline()
>    if atom(line) then exit
>    else data = append(data,line)
>    end if
> end while
> close(fn)
> printf(1,"%d records read\n",length(data))
> for i = 1 to length(data) do
>  printf(1,"Date: %s\n",{data[i][DATE]})
>  for j = OPEN1 to OPENINT1 do
>     data[i][j] = value(data[i][j])
>     data[i][j] = data[i][j][2]
>  end for
> end for
> -- discard all but last 3 records;
> data = data[length(data)-3..length(data)]
> clear_screen()
> puts(1,"Last 3 days\n")
> puts(1,"Date        Open     High    Low     Close   Volume  OpenInt\n")
> for i = 1 to length(data) do
>  printf(1,"%s %4.5f %4.5f %4.5f %8d %8d \n",data[i])
> end for

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9. Re: HELP with 'seek'


> Hope this helps some, if not perhaps in another project.Good luck,
>             --Al Getz

Yes, it helped a lot, although I not finished studying your concepts. Your
response has been something of a mini-course on data access, for me.

Thanks for taking some much time to explain your thinking.
I will be a while studying it and implementing your ideas.

> if your file is so large its not practical to read through
 > the whole file at startup,

Yeah, some of the files I'll be processing are pretty large, 17,000 records
of 100 bytes each (1.7million bytes). Your solution 'D' sounds unique...
and one of the first I'll implment.

Thanks for all the help.


Jim Duffy
Al Getz wrote:

> On reading files using r, rb seek(), get(), gets() , where() etc.:
> I dont know if this helps but, i was working on a project some time
> ago that required repeated comparisons of data stored in a file in the form
> of text (the file written using printf() statements).  The problem was,
> because you never knew where you were going to have to go next in the
> file and the file was very large, you couldnt take the time to read
> through the whole file time after time just to get one or two items
> randomly placed in the file. Since it was all text lines gets() seemed
> like a good candidate method for reading back the data without having to
> program a get() interface to allow random accessing of  variable
> length 'records'.
>   The solution came out somewhat simple:
>   [A]
>   1.  open the file in "r" mode
>   2.  while reading all the records through once do:
>           do a where() followed by a gets() and
>           log all the addresses returned by where() in a sequence.
>           If you want you can save the first two letters in the same
>           sequence to function as a hash alpha lookup. This would yield
>           sub seq's such as: {100,"ab"},{123,"ac"},...
>   3. now that you have the address for every text group its simply a
>      matter of using seek() followed by gets() to get to the data.
>   [B]
>   if your data is mixed (not all text) then you simply use an
>   alternating series of gets() for text fields and get() for other
>   fields.  You only need to log 'where()' addresses once for the
>   first field of each 'record'.
>   Ultimately, also record the next record address within the file and
>   you've got a linked list on the next run. Record the previous address
>   also and you can query up and down the list as well.
>   [C]
>   if your data is doubly mixed (not all records are the same type)
>   then simply make the first field the format type identifier.
>   [D]
>   if your file is so large its not practical to read through
>   the whole file at startup, you can start a separate file to record
>   where()'s whenever a record IS found during the normal application
>   run. Each time the app runs more and more records are located
>   making the time to locate data less and less each time.  Of course
>   when something is added to the file the location is stored at the
>   same time.
>   [E]
>   ive also had great success with using home made delimiters chosen
>   such that an occurance of the delimiter char(s) never or seldom
>   occur naturally in the target data, or only in known locations.
>   Filenames are a good example as quite a few characters are not
>   allowed.
>    Hope this helps some, if not perhaps in another project.Good luck,
>               --Al Getz

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10. Re: HELP with 'seek'

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Irv,
> Again, Thanks. Lots of interesting stuff for me to study here. I like
> your assignment of field numbers as constants. Make following the code
> a lot clearer.

I'm wondering how large is your data set? The technique of reading back to pick
up the last three records would be necessary for HUGE data files, but more
work than necessary for smaller sets (of, let's say, 10 - 20,000 lines).
Better and faster to just read them into a sequence, and use the portion you
want,  especially since you eventually want the data in an array anyway.

If you really are reading huge data sets, maybe a better way would be to
find the end of the file, then read backwards until you count 3 linefeeds, then
read forward from there.


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11. Re: HELP with 'seek'

Or use EDS...

> If you really are reading huge data sets, maybe a better way would be to
> find the end of the file, then read backwards until you count 3
> linefeeds, then read forward from there.

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12. Re: HELP with 'seek'

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Jim wrote:

> > Al wrote:
> > if your file is so large its not practical to read through
>  > the whole file at startup,
> Yeah, some of the files I'll be processing are pretty large, 17,000 records
> of 100 bytes each (1.7million bytes). Your solution 'D' sounds unique...
> and one of the first I'll implment.
A couple of questions come to mind:
Are these files always comma delimited, quoted strings? Do you have a choice?
Secondly, are the files one-time use-and-discard, or are they more of a
cumulative thing, which would make the use of EDS (suggested by ck leaster)
a "good thing"?


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13. Re: HELP with 'seek'


Thanks  for the latest info. I'm new to Euphoria, and in study mode. What I'm
currently doing is experimental, just to
see how things work, like how many records can I read into a buffer, then how
large an array can I make from the fields
within those records, etc.

In the process, I'm learning a lot about Euphoria, thanks to you, Rob Craig and
other who've offer insights and

There are simpler ways of doing things, and you've pointed out many, which I
appreciate and am implementing, for study

One day, I'll be ready to get back to commercial development, using Euphoria.

Thanks again for your kind help.


Jim Duffy

Irv Mullins wrote:

> I'm wondering how large is your data set? The technique of reading back to
> pick
> up the last three records would be necessary for HUGE data files, but more
> work than necessary for smaller sets (of, let's say, 10 - 20,000 lines).
> Better and faster to just read them into a sequence, and use the portion you
> want,  especially since you eventually want the data in an array anyway.
> If you really are reading huge data sets, maybe a better way would be to
> find the end of the file, then read backwards until you count 3 linefeeds,
> then
> read forward from there.
> Regards,
> Irv

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