1. help with normal windows font....

{{{ part1_75.82c5088.26c57fdd_boundary

There is a small program i put together [with some help] attached to this email... I promise its not a virus =) Its just a simple program... if you'd rather just see the code, then it is at the end of this email...

now... on to what i need help with... Does anyone know how to make the text fade out, to something else? Like what i have with my prog... It says "Aetheor raent Presents" i would like it to fade to another peice of text, or a picture...


CODE----------------- [note: The file attached to this email is this code, as mworlds.exw]
include win32lib.ew include morfiteu.ew

include mrft_api.ew without warning

constant win = create(Window, "Microcosm Worlds", 0, Default, Default, 400,400,0), file = create(Menu, "&File", win,0,0,0,0,0), newgame = create(MenuItem, "&Restart", file,0,0,0,0,0), loadgame = create(MenuItem, "&Load", file,0,0,0,0,0), topscore = create(MenuItem, "&Top Monsters", file,0,0,0,0,0), MenuSep1 = create( MenuItem, "-", file, 0,0,0,0,0 ), quit = create(MenuItem, "&Exit",file,0,0,0,0,0), options = create(Menu, "&Options", win,0,0,0,0,0), osound = create(MenuItem, "turn Sound &on", options,0,0,0,0,0), fsound = create(MenuItem, "turn Sound o&ff", options,0,0,0,0,0), MenuSep2 = create(MenuItem, "-", options,0,0,0,0,0), cinter = create(MenuItem, "Connect to Server", options,0,0,0,0,0), dinter = create(MenuItem, "Disconnect from Server", options,0,0,0,0,0), ainter = create(MenuItem, "Act as Server", options,0,0,0,0,0), help = create(Menu, "&Help", win,0,0,0,0,0), MenuAbout = create( MenuItem, "&About", help, 0,0,0,0,0 ), ExtraAbout = create(MenuItem, "Made with...", help,0,0,0,0,0), Guide = create(MenuItem, "&Guide", help,0,0,0,0,0), Keys = create(MenuItem, "&Keys", help,0,0,0,0,0)

setCheck( osound, 1 )

File Menu procedure onMenu_newgame() integer result result = message_box( "This function will be avalible in the next version ", text "Restarting Microcosm Worlds...", title MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_TASKMODAL ) icon end procedure onClick[ newgame ] = routine_id( "onMenu_newgame" ) procedure onMenu_loadgame() integer result result = message_box( "This function won't be avalible until saving is implimented ", text "Loading Saved Data for Microcosm Worlds",

title MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_TASKMODAL ) icon end procedure onClick[ loadgame ] = routine_id( "onMenu_loadgame" ) procedure onMenu_topscore() integer result result = message_box( "Top 1: Gual\n Trainer: Herdun\nTop 2: Flower\n Trainer: Lita\nTop 3: Thunder\n Trainer: Samual\nTop 5: U-terga\n Trainer: Guy ", text "About FinalStar II", title MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_TASKMODAL ) icon end procedure onClick[ topscore ] = routine_id( "onMenu_topscore" ) Option Menu procedure onMenu_cinter() integer result result = message_box( "The internet function won't be avalible for awhile, sorry ", text "Connecting to Server... 0%", title MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_TASKMODAL ) icon end procedure onClick[ cinter ] = routine_id( "onMenu_cinter" ) procedure onMenu_dinter() integer result result = message_box( "Disconnecting is not needed, as you are not connected to a server ", text "Disconnected", title MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_TASKMODAL ) icon end procedure onClick[ dinter ] = routine_id( "onMenu_dinter" ) procedure onMenu_ainter() integer result result = message_box( "This function is not yet avalible ",

text "Act as a Microcosm Server", title MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_TASKMODAL ) icon end procedure onClick[ ainter ] = routine_id( "onMenu_ainter" ) Help menu procedure onMenu_MenuAbout() integer result result = message_box( "Microcosm Worlds is a production of Aetheorraent\nCopyRight 1999/2000/2001\nAll Right Reserved\nOffical Site:\nhttp://evilzz.net/aetheorraent ", text "About Microcosm Worlds", title MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_TASKMODAL ) icon end procedure onClick[ MenuAbout ] = routine_id( "onMenu_MenuAbout" ) procedure onMenu_ExtraAbout() integer result result = message_box( "Microcosm Worlds used David Cuny's Win32Lib,\nMorfit for Euphoria,\nAnd several other programs/libaries ", text "About Microcosm Worlds", title MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_TASKMODAL ) icon end procedure onClick[ ExtraAbout ] = routine_id( "onMenu_ExtraAbout" ) procedure onMenu_Guide() integer result result = message_box( "This function is not yet avalible ",

text "Guide", title MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_TASKMODAL ) icon end procedure onClick[ Guide ] = routine_id( "onMenu_Guide" ) procedure onMenu_Keys() integer result result = message_box( "F = Talk/Search\nD = Cancel/Run\nS = Special\nA


Start/Pause\nSpace = Select ", text "Game Keys", title MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_TASKMODAL ) icon end procedure onClick[ Keys ] = routine_id( "onMenu_Keys" )

End of Menu Session

global procedure onPaint_win( integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2 ) setPosition( win, 95, 150 ) setTextColor(win,Green) setFont( win, "Arial", 14, 1) wPuts( win, "Aetheorraent Presents" ) end procedure

onPaint[win] = routine_id( "onPaint_win" )

setWindowBackColor(win, BLACK) procedure Close() closeWindow(win) end procedure onClick[quit] = routine_id("Close") ---------------------------------------------ÄZ‘

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