1. A squeak from the Peanut Gallery

Hello All!

I am glad to see that win32lib has turned into a
community project, as it will no doubt greatly
accelerate the advancement and power of the
library.  This is no slam toward Mr. Cuny; I am
sure he has many more pressing matters than
win32lib!  smile

I would love to help out with the project.
Unfortunately, my current work, my lack of solid
Internet access, and my sheer lack of programming
knowledge in the Windows arena, would make me a
rather unproductive member of the team.

Travis Beaty
Claude, Texas
I would like to make a motion as far as the
project goals are concerned, though.  It may be a
good idea to have a goal as follows.  "We will
attempt to maintain the simplicity of use which
Mr. Cuny has thusfar delivered to it, in keeping
with the simple nature of the Euphoria
language."  Or something like that ... I'm not
the best orator in the world.  Basically, work on
the idea that the end user will have less
programming experience than you.

This I ask for those out there like me who are
fifteen years behind the "C" crowd.  I'm
currently learning C++, so I understand a tad-bit
of the Windows code, but not near enough to
access any dll's.  I'm sure that there are many
out there like me, perhaps quite a few.  Hence
the original appeal of win32lib.ew -- I could
just read the documentation and pop open a
window, without having to worry about getting my
hand stuck in the gears.

I'll be looking forward to reading about
progress.  Good luck and happy hunting!

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2. Re: A squeak from the Peanut Gallery

On 8 Aug 2000, at 11:01, Travis Beaty wrote:


> Travis Beaty
> Claude, Texas
> I would like to make a motion as far as the
> project goals are concerned, though.  It may be a
> good idea to have a goal as follows.  "We will
> attempt to maintain the simplicity of use which
> Mr. Cuny has thusfar delivered to it, in keeping
> with the simple nature of the Euphoria
> language."  Or something like that ... I'm not
> the best orator in the world.  Basically, work on
> the idea that the end user will have less
> programming experience than you.
> This I ask for those out there like me who are
> fifteen years behind the "C" crowd.  I'm
> currently learning C++, so I understand a tad-bit
> of the Windows code, but not near enough to
> access any dll's.  I'm sure that there are many
> out there like me, perhaps quite a few.  Hence
> the original appeal of win32lib.ew -- I could
> just read the documentation and pop open a
> window, without having to worry about getting my
> hand stuck in the gears.

I second this motion with all my energy. If i am writing MyProgram that needs a
window, then i want a basic window to pop up, i don't wish to write a lot of
code, i wanna keep writing MyProgram. Simple software switches to add a command
input line, or change the color, or such would be nice too.


window -- returns a random window name, opens plain window that i can print to
window <name-Mailbox> -- opens a window named Mailbox
window <scroll-horiz> -- opens a default window that scrolls
window <scroll-horiz buffer-500lines> -- same, with the scrollback limit set to
500 lines
window <color-black> -- opens a black window
window <color-rgb-FE0203> -- opens a rusty colored window smile
window <isopen-name-Mailbox#1> -- is that Mailbox#1 window open?
window <name-Mailbox#1><color-green> <inputbox-<color-white><length-200><height-
2lines>><colortext-red><print-center-"You have no Mail"> -- does what it says it
to the Mailbox#1 window smile

In other words, have win32lib (or a frontend to it) make a default that i can
override with
plain commands, like this, from working code:

    window -ak @ [ $+ [ %sockname ] ]

"window" is the command,
"a" is activate it
"k" is hide the special @ in the title so i don't see it
%sockname is the var holding the name i gave the winsock connection when i did

 /sockopen Newsspider [ $+ [ %Newsspider.num ] ] %Newsspider.ip  80

So i get a connection and a window named Newsspider1, displaying the contents of
http://abcnews.go.com/wire/world/ on their port 80:

 British cathedral signs up for Harry Potter film <Date> Aug. 7, 5:41 p.m.
etc, etc, etc,, but *heavily* filtered to show only the headline and url, and i
click on the
url to open IE, which is also proxied and heavily filtered. smile

wants to deal in details only as necessary.

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3. Re: A squeak from the Peanut Gallery

Hi Travis,
thanks for this. You *have* just contributed to the project.
All successful projects have a vision that is shared by its team, and you
have added words to our vision. A part of the documentation for this
project will be a "charter" document - I'm currently working on the
draft - which will, among other things, describe the team's vision. Can I
paraphrase you in the charter ...

"We will attempt to maintain the simplicity of use, in keeping with the
essential nature of the Euphoria language."

Derek Parnell
dparnell at bigpond.net.au
Melbourne, Australia
----- Original Message -----
From: Travis Beaty <atora at xoommail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 9 2000 04:01
Subject: A squeak from the Peanut Gallery

| Hello All!
| I am glad to see that win32lib has turned into a
| community project, as it will no doubt greatly
| accelerate the advancement and power of the
| library.  This is no slam toward Mr. Cuny; I am
| sure he has many more pressing matters than
| win32lib!  smile
| I would love to help out with the project.
| Unfortunately, my current work, my lack of solid
| Internet access, and my sheer lack of programming
| knowledge in the Windows arena, would make me a
| rather unproductive member of the team.
| Travis Beaty
| Claude, Texas
| I would like to make a motion as far as the
| project goals are concerned, though.  It may be a
| good idea to have a goal as follows.  "We will
| attempt to maintain the simplicity of use which
| Mr. Cuny has thusfar delivered to it, in keeping
| with the simple nature of the Euphoria
| language."  Or something like that ... I'm not
| the best orator in the world.  Basically, work on
| the idea that the end user will have less
| programming experience than you.
| This I ask for those out there like me who are
| fifteen years behind the "C" crowd.  I'm
| currently learning C++, so I understand a tad-bit
| of the Windows code, but not near enough to
| access any dll's.  I'm sure that there are many
| out there like me, perhaps quite a few.  Hence
| the original appeal of win32lib.ew -- I could
| just read the documentation and pop open a
| window, without having to worry about getting my
| hand stuck in the gears.
| I'll be looking forward to reading about
| progress.  Good luck and happy hunting!
| ______________________________________________________
| Get your free web-based email at http://www.xoom.com
| Birthday? Anniversary? Send FREE animated greeting
| cards for any occasion at http://greetings.xoom.com

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