1. Re: EUPHORIA Digest - 19 Jun 1998 to 20 Jun 1998 (#1998-34)

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Andy Kurnia <akur at DELOS.COM>
Aan: EUPHORIA at cwisserver1.mcs.muohio.edu
<EUPHORIA at cwisserver1.mcs.muohio.edu>
Datum: zondag 21 juni 1998 12:07
Onderwerp: Re: EUPHORIA Digest - 19 Jun 1998 to 20 Jun 1998 (#1998-34)
>Yes, I am still complaining about the very low 300 statements limit for a
>poor guy like me. Registered users (including Ralf) please keep your mailer
>from replying. I don't want to start a flame war. smile

I'm not registered blink
Not a financial problem, but my parents won't allow me to but stuff through
the net.
So I could write those large libraries with a unregistered version.
1) Just put tracing on
2) Let a type function turn tracing on instead of return FALSE and make your
program crash like with an '300 statements limit'

I _do_ feel a bit guilthy about the fact I didn't register.
But if I ever make money with any Euphoria program, i'll find a way to
And off course I push Euphoria down every programmers throat that hasn't
heard of it in newsgroups, colleges, teachers, etc. So I maybe a introduced
a few new people to Euphoria blink


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