1. Re: EUPHORIA Digest - 18 Jun 1998 to 19 Jun 1998 (#1998-33)

At 12:00 AM 6/20/98 -0400, Automatic digest processor wrote:
>Date:    Sat, 20 Jun 1998 08:08:01 +1000
>From:    "Graeme." <hmi at POWERUP.COM.AU>
>Subject: Re: Mouse_Zipped
>I believe this is due to the listserv. I use
>Eudora lite. It happily decodes anything posted
>to me privatly , but anything from the list appears
>in the body of the message.

UUEncoded files can appear anywhere, and is decoded by Eudora Pro (Light
does not recognize uue).

base64'ed files must appear at the end of message, in a different part of
the message. The messages are divided according to MIME specification,
content-boundaries must be used to divide them, and that means strange
extra headers. If not, they will not be decoded automatically. (The
filename is not given in base64; it's in the content header.)

>Date:    Sat, 20 Jun 1998 08:17:15 +1000
>From:    "Graeme." <hmi at POWERUP.COM.AU>
>Subject: Re: File I/O Difficulty

Then you don't need file_length, just getc until -1.

I prefer gets because it's called (the number of lines + 1) times, instead
of (the number of bytes + 1) times.

Rob Craig:
- can we have the following two functions built-in (so that they execute
- can we have left-to-right processing of && and ||? (still, 'and' and 'or'
  will examine all operands)
- can we have ?: operator (or immediate if), like
    a = b ? c : d
  instead of
    if b then
        a = c       -- note: d not calculated
        a = d       -- note: c not calculated
    end if

include file.e

-- in file.e: type file_number(integer x) return x >= 0 end type

-- getsc: get some chars
global function getsc(file_number fn, file_number len)  -- yes, len can be 0
    sequence t
    t = {}
    for i = 1 to len do
        t = t & getc(fn)
    end for
    while length(t) do
        if t[length(t)] != -1 then
        end if
        t = t[1..length(t) - 1]
    end while
    return t
end function

global function filesize(file_number fn)
    integer i, s, t
    t = where(fn)
    i = seek(fn, -1)
    s = where(fn)
    i = seek(fn, t)     -- return to previous position
    return s
end function

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