1. Re: EUPHORIA Digest - 6 Jun 1998 to 7 Jun 1998 (#1998-21)

At 03:33 PM 6/8/98 +0700, you wrote:

>>But, Pete, who says you can't write nice structured code in c?
>>Look at the example below. I'm sure any good c programmer could tell
>>what it does.
>[program snipped]
>It converts its input to pig latin.

*** Bzzzzt! Wrong, according to the author.
    It is *written* in pig-latin, that's obvious, but it has
    another, completely different purpose.

>The program was taken from "IOCCC" right? (International Obfuscated C Code
Contest -- find that in the web.)

*** One out of two ain't bad. There's a lot of far weirder code
there. Some of it written intentionally.

>I use lock() in my C++ program at my PBeM Server.
>Isn't it a standard function? Or is it only available in BSD/OS's g++?
It's my experience that more languages do NOT support file/record
locking than DO. Kind of a moot point, since most of this type
of work is using ODBC/SQL and similiar database "engine" thingies,
which provide those functions.

That's why I don't think Euphoria should include it as a part of
the standard package. Just more bytes to haul around, and you
still have to add a database engine. Locking should be part of
the database add-on IMHOP


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