1. Euphoria Windows Installer, Iteration II

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2. Re: Euphoria Windows Installer, Iteration II

> I suppose I could do that.  But consider this scenario:  a user is
> re-installing Euphoria, or installing a newer version.  Currently, they have
> "Open" on exw files associated with, say, ConText.  Now then, during the
> install, they want to use the icons.  Now suddenly, they find out that
> "Open" on exw files is now associated with EE.  This same nightmare could
> occur in more subtle ways, as well.  For instance, on my system, if I
> double-click an exw file, it runs.  I right-click, and Open is the second
> option down.  Do I assume it is this way on everyone's computer?  What if
> they double-click to open, but select run from the pop up?

> If enough people want file association, I could whip up a .reg file, or use
> the one with comes with Mr. White's icons.  I just want to be wary of any
> bad reactions to it.  (When a program I am installing fools with my
> associations, that absolutely chaps my hide.)

Can't it just ask the user if they want to change file associations?
Maybe even do something like Photoshop and let the user tick off each
file type to change (although that's not really needed IMHO)...

I think setting file associations and icons would be very very
useful, if possible it would also be cool to put alternate actions on
(so you can right click and select open rather than run)

Thomas Parslow (PatRat) ICQ #:26359483
Rat Software
Please leave quoted text in place when replying

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3. Re: Euphoria Windows Installer, Iteration II

>> Can you make the association optional? and is user selects
>> yes, also associate the icons.
>> Many Windows users don't know what is command line is, and
>> never used ms-dos prompt...
>> If it is hard to access registry, you can make reg file and
>> call "regedit /s filename.reg".

T> I suppose I could do that.  But consider this scenario:  a user is
T> re-installing Euphoria, or installing a newer version.  Currently, they have
T> "Open" on exw files associated with, say, ConText.  Now then, during the
T> install, they want to use the icons.  Now suddenly, they find out that
T> "Open" on exw files is now associated with EE.  This same nightmare could
T> occur in more subtle ways, as well.  For instance, on my system, if I
T> double-click an exw file, it runs.  I right-click, and Open is the second
T> option down.  Do I assume it is this way on everyone's computer?  What if
T> they double-click to open, but select run from the pop up?

T> If enough people want file association, I could whip up a .reg file, or use
T> the one with comes with Mr. White's icons.  I just want to be wary of any
T> bad reactions to it.  (When a program I am installing fools with my
T> associations, that absolutely chaps my hide.)

Just optional (maybe option button for open with EE or
run), or check if already associated.

>> >> 7. In my system, Fail to modify autoexec.bat file. I selected confirm
>> >> each action. "The installer was unable to find your autoexec file"
>> T> Okay ... first of all, did you set the DEBUG__AUTOEXEC flag?   If not,
>> make
>> T> sure you have the drive set correctly in the Modify autoexec form that
>> T> appears.  Also, you will find a file named eu_install.log either in the
>> new
>> T> euphoria folder (if install was successful) or in the root directory of
>> T> whatever drive you attempted to install Euphoria on (if install was
>> T> unsuccessful).  If you could send that file to me, I may know a little
>> T> better what is going on.
>> Now I set the DEBUG__AUTOEXEC and it runs fine. Thanks.

T> Great.  However, the original question remains:  why did it not see your
T> autoexec.bat file in the first place?  Please look into this, or send the
T> file entitled "eu_install.log."  This may be a bug, and potentially a very
T> buggy bug, and I'd like to get it ironed out.

I changed DEBUG__AUTOEXEC to "". I selected C:\ as my boot
drive and "confirm changes". after few questions, "The
installation program was unable to alter the autoexec.bat
file. No changes were made to this file. Please see the
file install.doc in Euphoria's doc for information on how
to make these changes manually." See the log at the end of
this email.

But I tried again and succeeded. (dont know why)

>> 10. Ask to create the destination dir *after selecting the
>> install dir*, not after the review.

T> Okay.  Why?  Not being snitty, just trying to see your point of view on
T> this.  The reason that the question is asked later on, after the review, is
T> because I try to modify the user's system as little as possible until the
T> user has committed themselves.  Otherwise, when they pressed cancel, I would
T> have to backtrack and undo everything.

Because it is common in windows installer programs, and if
you don't agree, at least give user chance to change install
dir after review.

>> 11. When I select install dir with long name, it should be
>> shortened to DOS 8.3 name in the autoexec.bat file.

T> ??  Okay, I will look into that.

I mean, if I installed to "c:\contoh 4" then the autoexec
path should be "C:\contoh~1" or "C:\contoh~2" etc depending
on the MSDOS name.

12. If I select cancel it will ask user "If you terminate
Euphoria 2.2 Installer at this time, Euphoria 2.2 may not
be properly installed. Do you wish to exit at this time
anyway?", if user select No, "A log file containing a
description of all actions performed by the installer has
been created, named c:\eu_install.log" and then continues.

Euphoria 2.2 Installer
Log of Euphoria Installation

Date:  Friday, 7 September 2001
Time:  16:50

Created temporary directory C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\eu_install
Decompressed data file
File euphoria.bmp written
File install.ico written
File page2.bmp written
File page3.bmp written
File page4.bmp written
File page5.bmp written
Extracted resources to temporary directory
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\"
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria"
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\ASCII.BAT written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\ASCII.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\BIN.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\CDGURU.BAT written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\ED.BAT written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\ED.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\EPRINT.BAT written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\EPRINT.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\EX.EXE written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\EXW.EXE written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\GURU.BAT written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\GURU.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\INSTALL.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\KEY.BAT written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\KEY.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\KEYWORDS.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\LINES.BAT written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\LINES.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\SEARCH.BAT written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\SEARCH.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\SYNCOLOR.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\WHERE.BAT written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\bin\WHERE.EX written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\ALLSORTS.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\ANIMAL.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\BUZZ.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\CSORT.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\DEMO.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\HASH.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\MYDATA.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\QUEENS.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\SANITY.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\TREE.EX written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\BENCH.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\DATABASE.BAS written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\DATABASE.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\FILESORT.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\SEQUENCE.BAS written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\SEQUENCE.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\SHELL.BAS written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\SHELL.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\SIEVE.BAS written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\SIEVE.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\SIEVE1.PRO written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\bench\SIEVE2.PRO written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\BITMAP.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\CALLMACH.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\DOS32.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\DOSINT.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\HARDINT.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\MOUSE.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\MSET.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\PICTURE written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\PLOT3D.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\POLYGON.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\SB.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\SELECT.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\STEREO.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\TTT.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\dos32\WIRE.EX written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\COMMANDS.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\DAMAGE.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\DISPLAY.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\EMOVE.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\ENEMY.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\LW.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\LW.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\LW.SUM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\PICTURES.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\PUTSXY.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\SCHED.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\SCREEN.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\SOUNDEFF.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\VARS.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\langwar\WEAPONS.E written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\win32"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\win32\DSEARCH.EXW written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\win32\EMAIL.EXW written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\win32\WIN32.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\win32\WINDOW.EXW written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\demo\win32\WINWIRE.EXW written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\BASIC.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\BIND.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\C.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\DATABASE.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\ED.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\INSTALL.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\LIBRARY.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\OVERVIEW.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\PERFORM.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\PLATFORM.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\REFMAN.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\RELNOTES.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\TROUBLE.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\WEB.DOC written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\doc\WHAT2DO.DOC written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\eds"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\eds\ADDONE.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\eds\CREATEDB.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\eds\STRESS.EX written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\BASIC.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\BIND.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\C.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\DATABASE.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\ED.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\INSTALL.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\LIBRARY.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\LIB_A_B.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\LIB_C_D.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\LIB_E_G.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\LIB_H_O.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\LIB_P_R.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\LIB_S_T.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\LIB_U_Z.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\OVERVIEW.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\PERFORM.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\PLATFORM.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\REFMAN.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\REFMAN_1.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\REFMAN_2.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\REFMAN_3.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\REGISTER.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\RELNOTES.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\TROUBLE.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\WEB.HTM written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\html\WHAT2DO.HTM written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\DATABASE.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\DLL.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\FILE.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\GET.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\GRAPHICS.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\IMAGE.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\MACHINE.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\MISC.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\MOUSE.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\MSGBOX.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\SAFE.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\SORT.E written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\include\WILDCARD.E written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\register"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\register\HOW2REG.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\register\REGISTER.DOC written
Created directory "c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial"
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\APPEND.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\CALC.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\CELCIUS.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\EXAMPLE.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\GETC.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\GETS.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\HELLO.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\LEARN.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\SEQCALC.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\SIMPLE.EX written
File c:\contoh 3\euphoria\tutorial\TUTORIAL.DOC written
Deleted file "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\eu_install\euphoria.edb"
Deleted file "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\eu_install\euphoria.bmp"
Deleted file "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\eu_install\install.ico"
Deleted file "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\eu_install\page2.bmp"
Deleted file "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\eu_install\page3.bmp"
Deleted file "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\eu_install\page4.bmp"
Deleted file "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\eu_install\page5.bmp"
Attempt to remove directory "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\eu_install" failed
Unable to clean up temporary files
User declined restart.
Failed to execute restart.

*** END OF LOG ***

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