1. Re: Term Program

> Does anyone have some code for a terminal program I could look at.
>     Mike

Most of the progran examples that I have seen use the open
command. I have routines that init the modem and send data but I
don't have anything written that will trap the incoming character.
(This requires a interrupt handler routine and my knowledge of
assembly is almost nill). Here is what I have. I
have tested it on COM2 and COM4 with the standard IRQs but I haven't
tried it on anything with nonstandard IRQs. Maybe we could persaude the machine
lang. people to help with the interrupt handler? PS the routines need
ver 1.5 beta to work (using the and_bits and or_bits routines)

(You may need to get some of the include files off the web page)

--Serial.e version .3 alpha
--Released to public domain
--By James G. Harris 3/1997
--If it blows your computer or someones elses up, don't blame me
--because its free. Use at own risk!
--If used please credit me somewhere. Hopefully not in the fine print
-- :)

include ports.e    --Credit: Jacques Deschenes
include delay.e    --Credit: Jacques Deschanes
include round.e   --Credit: Lucius Hilley III

global integer COMPORT
--COMPORT must be set before calling routines

-- constants
global constant       S_1BIT = 0, --Stop bits
                S_2BIT = 4,

                W_5BIT = 0, --Word Length
                W_6BIT = 1,
                W_7BIT = 2,
                W_8BIT = 3,

                P_NONE=0, --Parity

global constant       COM1=#03F8,

global constant       IER = 1, -- control register offsets
                LCR = 3,
                MCR = 4,
                LSR = 5,
                MDMMSR = 6

global constant       ENABLE_READY = 1,
                MDMMOD = 11,
                MDMCD = 128,
                INTCTLR = #21

type bit_rate (integer i)
sequence valid_rates
valid_rates = {150,300,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200}
if find(i,valid_rates) then
  return i
end if
end type
global procedure init_ports(bit_rate bitrate, integer wordlen,
                     integer parity, integer stopbits)

--init ports
--example init_ports(38400, W_8BIT, P_NONE, S_1BIT)
--sets port defined by COMPORT to 38400, 8 bits, no parity and 1 stop

  integer brd, msb, lsb, setbyte
  atom byte
  brd = int_div(1843200, (16 * bitrate))
  msb = int_div(brd,256)
  lsb = and_bits(brd,255)
  byte = or_bits(Input((COMPORT+LCR)), 128)
  Output(byte, COMPORT+LCR)
  Output(msb, COMPORT+IER)
  Output(lsb, COMPORT)
  byte = and_bits(Input((COMPORT+LCR)),127)
  Output(byte, COMPORT+LCR)
  setbyte = wordlen+parity+stopbits
  Output(setbyte, (COMPORT+3))
end procedure

global procedure enable_ports()
--enable the ports for communication

integer a
a = Input(INTCTLR)
a = and_bits(a,239)
a = Input(COMPORT+LCR)
a = and_bits(a,127)
Output(or_bits(8,MDMMOD), COMPORT+MCR)
end procedure

global procedure sendchar(integer b)
--send an individual character to a port
--example sendchar('a')

  while and_bits(Input(COMPORT+LSR),32) != 32 do
  end while
end procedure

global procedure StringToPort(sequence s, integer b)
--Send a string to the port
--integer b determine the end of string action
--example StringToPort("ATZ",2)
--Sends ATZ and Carg return and linefeed

  integer a
  for i =  1 to length(s) do
    a = s[i]
  end for
    if b = 1 then
      sendchar(13) -- carg. return only
    elsif b = 2 then
      sendchar(13) -- carg. return + linefeed
    elsif b = 3 then
      sendchar(10) -- linefeed only
    end if
end procedure

global procedure disable_ports()
--call to disable the comport

  integer b
  b = Input(INTCTLR)
  b = or_bits(b,16)
  Output(b, INTCTLR)
  b = Input(COMPORT+LCR)
  b = and_bits(b,122)
end procedure
-- End Serial.e

Example usage program: sercom.ex
Init the modem and dial a number (I use this to test my pager)

include serial.e
-- Set up the ports for communication --
COMPORT = COM2 --Set to the right comport
init_ports(57600, W_8BIT, P_NONE, S_1BIT)

StringToPort("ATZ",2) -- Init modem string
delay(3) -- wait 3 seconds

StringToPort("ATDT5555555;",2) --dail pager number
delay(9) -- wait about 9 seconds on pager service to answer

StringToPort("ATDT5555555;",2)-- number to page
delay(3) -- wait 3 secs

StringToPort("+++",0) -- send escape code
delay(3) -- wait 3 sec
StringToPort("ATH0",2) -- hang up
delay(2) -- wait 2 sec
disable_ports() -- call to reset comports

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