1. Download at euphoria home page
- Posted by David Mosley <ampenter at SISNA.COM> Mar 10, 1997
I have been trying to download a program at the RDS site it starts to download then stops about 1/2 way through the download can anyone help me is anyone else having trumble doing this David Mosley
2. Re: Download at euphoria home page
- Posted by "Cuny, David" <ATB.DCUNY at HW1.CAHWNET.GOV> Mar 10, 1997
I've sent the same complaint to Robert. I thought it was my browser, but I've tried both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. I just *can't* download some of the files. -- David Cuny
3. Re: Download at euphoria home page
- Posted by Robert Craig <robert_craig at COMPUSERVE.COM> Mar 10, 1997
I'm aware that CompuServe's server has been terribly slow recently. All I can say for now is: 1. Try again an hour later. I find it's pretty good after 1am Eastern time.2. I'll try to put the larger files on my America Online Web space. It seems to be more reliable. 3. Really large or important files I'll put on both CompuServe *and* AOL 4. If it tells you that the file does not exist, let me know. Since CompuServe is losing subscribers (I wonder why?) the situation might get better eventually, unless they go completely out of business. I don't want to consider moving to another service provider yet. Regards, Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software