1. More usefuls for Euphoria
- Posted by JEFF ZEITLIN <jeff.zeitlin at EXECNET.COM> Mar 09, 1997
(Continued from previous message) In stack.e, I've taken advantage of Euphoria's scope rules. A small amount of testing revealed that if stack.e was included in another program, even a bound/shrouded one, the variable stacks would be accessible only to the procedures in stack.e, and not to anything else - and if I defined another variable stacks elsewhere in the program, the stack procedures would happily ignore it, and use the one that I intended. Very nice, Robert. Also, Robert - Could your master's thesis be made available to interested Euphoria programmers? I'd like to (at least try) to understand your thought processes; I think that ultimately it will make me a better analyst/programmer. ========================================================================= Jeff Zeitlin jeff.zeitlin at execnet.com --- ~ OLXWin 1.00b ~ I hate this tagline. I really do. LOATHE!
2. More usefuls for Euphoria
- Posted by JEFF ZEITLIN <jeff.zeitlin at EXECNET.COM> Mar 09, 1997
... as promised ... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- associative lists -- an associative list is implemented as a sequence that contains sequences; -- each sequence is a key/value pair: {{key,value},{key,value},...}. -- keys and values may be any valid Euphoria object. include stddefs.e -- need errorexit function constant alist_key = 1 constant alist_value = 2 -- an associative list is either an empty sequence, or one where each element -- other than the first is a {key,value} pair. The first element is a -- sequence with one member, the default value -- the following types and procedures are supplied: -- the type assoc_list -- alist = alist_set(assoc_list alist, object key, object value) -- returns an association list with the indicated {key,value} pair. -- Adds a new pair if the key value isn't already in the list; changes -- the value of an existing pair if it is. If no default is set, sets -- the default to an empty sequence. -- obj = alist_reference(assoc_list alist, object key) -- returns the value stored in the association list pair with the -- supplied key. If the key is not in the list, returns the default -- value for the list. If no default has ever been set, the default is -- an empty sequence. -- alist = alist_default(assoc_list list, object default) -- sets the default value for alist_reference to return for non-existent -- keys. global type assoc_list(sequence s) if length(s) = 0 then -- empty list return 1 -- yes, it is - and therefore valid end if if length(s[1]) != 1 then -- default value properly stored? return 0 -- no, fail type check. end if if length(s) > 1 then for i = 2 to length(s) do if length(s[i]) != 2 then -- is it a {key, value}? return 0 -- no, it's not, so fail type-check end if end for end if return 1 -- yes, it's a valid alist. end type global function alist_default(assoc_list list, object defval) assoc_list newlist if length(list) = 0 then newlist = {{defval}} else newlist[1] = {defval} end if return newlist end function global function alist_set(assoc_list list, object key, object val) -- sets a {key,value} pair. -- changes an existing value, or adds a new pair for a nonexistent key -- stored in sorted order by key to improve retrieval time. -- Also sets the default value to null if the default is not already set. assoc_list newlist integer index integer len index = 1 newlist = list len = length(newlist) if len = 0 then newlist = {{{}}} -- equivalent to alist_default({},{}) elsif length(newlist[1]) = 2 then newlist = prepend(newlist,{{}}) end if while compare(list[index][alist_key], key) = -1 do index = index + 1 -- bypass all "lesser" keys end while if compare(list[index][alist_key],key) = 0 then newlist[index][alist_value] = val -- change val for existing key else -- add a new key newlist = append(newlist[1..index-1],{key,value}) & newlist[index..len] end if return newlist end function global function alist_reference(assoc_list list, object key) -- search the association list via a binary search. -- if we end up checking element 1 of the list, then the key value is -- not found, and we return the default value. integer index integer interval integer comp if length(list) = 0 then return {} end if interval = floor(length(list)/2) index = interval while interval > 0 do interval = floor(interval / 2) comp = compare(list[index][alist_key],key) if comp = 0 then -- found the key return list[index][alist_value] else index = index - (comp * interval) -- comp is -1 if the viewed key is less than the desired -- key, so we have to *increase* the index to look farther -- "down" the array. Subtracting a negative number is -- equivalent to adding. Comp is 1 if the viewed key is -- greater than the desired key. if index = 1 then -- the desired key is less than any key in list return list[1][1] -- the default value end if end if end while return list[1][1] -- we haven't ended up on index 1, but we still -- haven't found the key, and we can't search any more, -- so return the default. end function =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- stack.e -- by Jeff Zeitlin (jeff.zeitlin at execnet.com) -- implements a stack type for Euphoria with proper syntax. -- stack s -- declares the type stack, and checks to see if it is initialized -- stack s -- s = init() -- creates a new stack, returns a "handle" to be used to refer to this -- stack hereafter. -- push(stack s, object o) -- puts object o on the top of stack s -- object o -- o = pop(stack s) -- takes object off top of stack s, and returns it. -- boolean/integer b -- b = empty(stack s) -- returns TRUE (1) if there are no objects on stack s, FALSE (0) otherwise -- clear(stack s) -- makes existing stack s empty, discarding all information on it. -- private procedures and variables procedure errorexit(integer code, sequence message) printf(2,"%s",{message}) abort(code) end procedure sequence stacks stacks = {} -- public interface global type stack(integer s) return s <= length(stacks) end type global function init() stacks = append(stacks,{}) return length(stacks) end function global procedure push(stack s, object o) stack[s] = append(stack[s], o) end procedure global function empty(stack s) return length(stacks[s]) = 0 end function global function pop(stack s) object val if empty(s) then errorexit(1,"stack underflow error\n") end if val = stacks[s][length(stacks[s])] stacks[s] = stacks[s][1..length(stacks[s])-1] return val end function global procedure clear(stack s) stacks[s] = {} end procedure =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (Continued to next message) --- ~ OLXWin 1.00b ~ I hate this tagline. I really do. LOATHE!
3. More usefuls for Euphoria
- Posted by Robert Craig <robert_craig at COMPUSERVE.COM> Mar 09, 1997
- Last edited Mar 10, 1997
Thanks Jeff for all the fascinating code you've posted - I'll put it on the Web page. > Also, Robert - Could your master's thesis be made available to > interested Euphoria programmers? I'd like to (at least try) to > understand your thought processes; I think that ultimately it > will make me a better analyst/programmer. Believe it or not, there's no machine-readable copy of my thesis. There's a bound copy collecting dust on my book shelf, and the University of Toronto has a couple of bound copies somewhere. If you can find some information on the "FP" language by John Backus, you'll see where I got the idea for atoms and sequences. Euphoria has deviated a lot from FP however. For example, in FP a string is a kind of atom, whereas in Euphoria it's a sequence of characters. Also FP does *everything* via expressions. It has no statements. A program is one big complicated expression. I found FP programs to be very hard to read, but I liked the idea of atoms and sequences. As part of my thesis I implemented an interpreter for FP. It was very simple and elegant but extremely slow. Regards, Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software