1. Euphoria on the MAC

What are the chances that Euphoria will ever show up in the MAC?  I am a
MAC fan.  I have a
simulator for DOS and Windows in my machine in which I can and do run
Euphoria, but that
can be a pain in the neck.  I would prefer to run in directly if I
could.  Access to the MAC
toolbox would be nice but is not necessary -- after all I running it now

Have a good day
George Farrell

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2. Re: Euphoria on the MAC

George Farrell wrote:

> Euphoria on the Mac

Pete Eberlein's done work on an open-source portable version of Euphoria.
He's had trouble compiling it on the Mac, but you might want to take a crack
at it anyway.

-- David Cuny

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3. Euphoria on the MAC

I downloaded PEU and attempted to compile it using Codewarrior on my
MAC.  Codewarrior is extremely picky and requires rigid adherance to the
rules.  Functions, for example, must be prototyped before they are
implemented.   I added all of the missing function prototypes, and
noticed that a few #includes were also missing.  It still doesn't
compile, but I have everything that the compiler complained about
commented out with a note as to what the complaint was.  I do not know
enough about C/C++ programming to know what to do about what the
compiler has indicated as being in error.   I have some 40 years of
experience as a programmer, mostly assembly language (on a dozen
machines or more) and FORTRAN, and a little Pascal.  C/C++ programming
is something that I picked up a smattering of a few years ago, but I
definitely do not have enough to did into PEU to change anything that I
saw there.  If anybody is interested, I  will email to them what I've

gfarrell at twcny.rr.com
Have a good day
George Farrell

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