1. bigger alpha-numerics
- Posted by Beaumont Furniss <bfurniss at IHUG.CO.NZ> May 21, 2000
Just a little bit of software I'm playing with , might be of interest to someone. This simply produces larger letters , including digits , without loading a dedicated font from disk or memory. Useful , perhaps , in the higher resolution screen modes. Net-Tamer V 1.11 - Test Drive ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----| bfurniss at ihug.co.nz |---- ----| 21 may 2000 |---- -- General Character Enlargement. -- and -- High Resolution Charts [ graphs ] -- Progress Bar ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- include graphics.e include machine.e include get.e integer MODE--,u atom x1,x2,y1,y2,pi,SCALE_X,SCALE_Y,SPACE_X,SPACE_Y,radius object gm,s,t,av gm=255 t=repeat(repeat({},16),gm) av=repeat({},gm) s=repeat({},16) gm=0 pi=4*arctan(1) x1=1 x2=1 y1=1 y2=1 pi=4*arctan(1) radius=12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- use_vesa(1) MODE=259 MODE=261 ---------------------- if MODE=259 then SCALE_Y=1.5 SCALE_X=1.2 SCALE_Y=1.8 SCALE_X=1.4 SPACE_X=12 elsif MODE=261 then SCALE_Y=2 SCALE_X=2 SPACE_X=14 SPACE_Y=14 SCALE_Y=2 SCALE_X=2 SPACE_X=17 SPACE_Y=22 radius=.2 SCALE_Y=20 SCALE_X=20 SPACE_X=170 SPACE_Y=220 radius=8 end if ---------------------- gm=graphics_mode(MODE) text_color(15) bk_color(1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure bead(atom u1,atom v1,atom u2,atom v2,atom r) -- draw a string of beads. atom x,y x=0 y=0 for t=0 to 1 by 0.1 do x=u1+(u2-u1)*t y=v1+(v2-v1)*t ellipse(15,1,{x,y},{x+r,y+r}) pixel(15,{x,y}) end for end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function char_map(sequence a) -- character to sequence. sequence w w=repeat({},16) position(1,1) printf(1,"%s",{a}) for i=1 to 16 do w[i]=get_pixel({0,i-1,8}) end for return w end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure char_show(sequence a) -- show character sequence. for i=1 to 16 do pixel(a[i],{42,i-1}) end for end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure char_show2(integer h,integer j,sequence a) -- show character sequence. for i=1 to 16 do pixel(a[i],{42+h,j+i-1}) end for end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function f1(atom g) -- j --> x return x2+SCALE_X*g end function ---------------------------------------------------- function f2(atom g) -- i --> y return y2+SCALE_Y*g end function ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure char_line(sequence a,integer colour) -- connect lines between adjacent dots. atom x,y,b,c,d,e integer k,l,m,n sequence status sequence u,v b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 u=repeat(0,9) v=u status=repeat(0,9) for i=1 to 16 do for j=1 to 8 do for p=1 to 9 do status[p]=0 end for if a[i][j]!=0 then -- a: -- 1 status[1]=1 x=f1(j) y=f2(i) pixel(15,{x,y}) k=i-1 if k<1 then k=1 end if l=i+1 if l>16 then l=16 end if m=j-1 if m<1 then m=1 end if n=j+1 if n>8 then n=8 end if if a[k][j]!=0 then -- 2 u[2]=f1(j) v[2]=f2(k) status[2]=1 -- draw_line(15,{{x,y},{u[2],v[2]}}) bead(x,y,u[2],v[2],radius) end if if a[i][m]!=0 then -- 3 u[3]=f1(m) v[3]=f2(i) status[3]=1 bead(x,y,u[3],v[3],radius) -- draw_line(15,{{x,y},{u[3],v[3]}}) end if if a[l][j]!=0 then -- 4 u[4]=f1(j) v[4]=f2(l) status[4]=1 bead(x,y,u[4],v[4],radius) -- draw_line(15,{{x,y},{u[4],v[4]}}) end if if a[i][n]!=0 then -- 5 u[5]=f1(n) v[5]=f2(i) status[5]=1 bead(x,y,u[5],v[5],radius) -- draw_line(15,{{x,y},{u[5],v[5]}}) end if if a[k][m]!=0 then -- 6 u[6]=f1(m) v[6]=f2(k) status[6]=1 bead(x,y,u[6],v[6],radius) -- draw_line(15,{{x,y},{u[6],v[6]}}) end if if a[k][n]!=0 then -- 7 u[7]=f1(n) v[7]=f2(k) status[7]=1 bead(x,y,u[7],v[7],radius) -- draw_line(15,{{x,y},{u[7],v[7]}}) end if if a[l][m]!=0 then -- 8 u[8]=f1(m) v[8]=f2(l) status[8]=1 bead(x,y,u[8],v[8],radius) -- draw_line(15,{{x,y},{u[8],v[8]}}) end if if a[l][n]!=0 then -- 9 u[9]=f1(n) v[9]=f2(l) status[9]=1 bead(x,y,u[9],v[9],radius) -- draw_line(15,{{x,y},{u[9],v[9]}}) end if ------------------------------------------ -- if status[3]=1 and status[4]=1 then -- polygon(colour,1,{{x,y},{u[3],v[3]},{u[4],v[4]},{x,y}}) -- end if -- if status[4]=1 and status[5]=1 then -- polygon(colour,1,{{x,y},{u[4],v[4]},{u[5],v[5]},{x,y}}) -- end if -- if status[2]=1 and status[3]=1 then -- polygon(colour,1,{{x,y},{u[2],v[2]},{u[3],v[3]},{x,y}}) -- end if -- if status[2]=1 and status[5]=1 then -- polygon(colour,1,{{x,y},{u[2],v[2]},{u[5],v[5]},{x,y}}) -- end if ------------------------------------------ end if -- a' end for end for end procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure xchar_sized(sequence a,integer x1,integer y1,atom x_size,atom y_si ze) -- character bigger/smaller atom x,y,u,v,scale scale=.4 scale=.2 -- scale=.39 x=0 y=0 u=0 v=0 for i=1 to 16 do y=y1+y_size*(i-scale) v=y+y_size*scale*2 y=floor(y) v=floor(v) for j=1 to 8 do x=x1+x_size*(j-scale) u=x+x_size*scale*2 x=floor(x) u=floor(u) if a[i][j]!=0 then ellipse(12,0,{x,y},{u,v}) end if end for end for for i=1 to 16 do y=y1+y_size*(i-scale) v=y+y_size*scale*2 y=floor(y) v=floor(v) for j=1 to 8 do x=x1+x_size*(j-scale) u=x+x_size*scale*2 x=floor(x) u=floor(u) if a[i][j]!=0 then ellipse(a[i][j],1,{x,y},{u,v}) end if end for end for end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure char_sized(sequence a,integer x1,integer y1,atom x_size,atom y_siz e, integer chrome) -- character bigger/smaller atom x,y,u,v,scale scale=.4 -- scale=.39 x=0 y=0 u=0 v=0 for i=1 to 16 do y=y1+y_size*i v=y+1 y=floor(y) v=floor(v) for j=1 to 8 do x=x1+x_size*j u=x+1 x=floor(x) u=floor(u) if a[i][j]!=0 then -- pixel(15,{x-1,y}) -- pixel(15,{x,y-1}) -- pixel(15,{x+1,y}) pixel(chrome,{x,y+1}) -- pixel(chrome,{x,y+.5}) pixel(chrome,{x,y}) -- ellipse(a[i][j],1,{x,y},{u,v}) end if end for end for end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure generate() -- generate ASCII for av, -- and pixel map for s. for p=1 to length(av) do av[p]=sprintf("%s", p-1) t[p]= char_map(av[p]) end for end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure show3(sequence ag,atom x2,atom y2,integer steel) -- integer k k=0 if sequence(ag) then for i=1 to length(ag) do k=find(ag[i..i],av) -- char_sized(t[k],x2+10*i-10,y2,1,1.45) char_sized(t[k],x2+10*i-10,y2,1,1.6,steel) -- char_sized(t[k],x2+10*i-10,y2,1,1.42) end for end if end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure ascii() for j=1 to 5 do for i=1 to length(av)/5 do char_show2(i*12-24,j*18,t[i+(j-1)*length(av)/5]) end for end for end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- global procedure chart(sequence a,integer u1,integer v1,integer u_wide, integer u_high,integer gold) -- chart function. atom u,v u=0 v=0 s={} s="f(t)=x(t)+y(t)" s=a x1=u1-19 x2=u1+u_wide+19 y1=v1-20 y2=v1+u_high+20 x1=u1 x2=u1+u_wide y1=v1-2 y2=v1+u_high-80+2 x1=u1 x2=u1+u_wide y1=v1 y2=v1+u_high-80 show3(s,u1,v1+u_high-70,gold) x1=u1 x2=u1+u_wide y1=v1 y2=v1+u_high-80 --------------------- u=x1 v=y1 s=0.5*(1+sin(2*pi*(u-x1)/(x2-x1)))*(y2-y1)+y1 for x=x1 to x2 do gm=0.5*(1+sin(2*pi*(x-x1)/(x2-x1)))*(y2-y1)+y1 draw_line(15,{{x,gm},{u,s}}) -- pixel(15,{x,s}) u=x s=gm end for --------------------- end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure key_in() -- type characters using settable fonts. atom u1,v1,k,u u1=4 v1=40 k=0 u=0 s=-1 while k!=27 do s=get_key() if atom(s) then k=s end if if k=13 then v1=v1+SPACE_Y u1=4 elsif k!=-1 then s=sprintf("%s",s) -- show3(s,u1,v1) u=find(s,av) -- char_sized(t[u],u1,v1,SCALE_X,SCALE_Y,15) -- x2=u1 y2=v1 -- xchar_sized(t[u],u1,v1,SCALE_X,SCALE_Y) char_line(t[u],15) u1=u1+SPACE_X elsif k=27 then exit else end if end while end procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure m1() generate() x1=8 y1=80 s="f(t)=x(t)+y(t)" chart(s,80,100,200,300,10) s="x(t)=sin(t)" chart(s,200,20,340,360,15) end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure m2() generate() -- ascii() ------ x1=8 y1=80 -- s=sprintf("%s",s) -- s="Z" -- position(12,8) -- printf(1,"%s",s) -- u=find(s,av) ------ --x2=x1 y2=y1 --char_line(t[u],15) -- char_sized(t[u],u1,v1,SCALE_X,SCALE_Y) s="f(t)=x(t)+y(t)" chart(s,80,100,200,300,10) s="x(t)=sin(t)" -- chart(s,200,20,340,360,15) --key_in() end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- m1() use_vesa(0)