1. dos32 , file redirection
- Posted by Beaumont Furniss <bfurniss at IHUG.CO.NZ> May 20, 2000
previous mention has been made of re-direction from within Euphoria, using a statement like this : system(" dir > list.txt",2) -- sends directory listing to file list.txt The other possibilities are : < takes the input needed for a command from a file rather than from the keyboard. >> adds output from a command to the end of a file without deleting the information already in the file. Also < > , two way redirection. Within agte2.* brief mention is made of redirection, then the input() output() statements are proposed as an alternate , and better way of accomplishing redirection. Seems to me that this topic is a bit more involved , can someone elucidate. P.S. I now have the ftp site for Arachne.