1. 300 Statement Limit

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Hi everyone

This is going to sound like a dumb question but can anyone define for me =
what the 300 statement limit is in the unregistered version of Euphoria? =
I have had some mail from people who want to try Morfit with Euphoria =
but aren't sure if the unregistered version will do it. I have had a =
registered version all the time so I didn't give that a thought.

I have tried to "dumb down" my copy of Eu by renaming my registered =
ex.exe and exw.exe and replacing them with the PD versions. Should that =
do it? If it should then a test seems to show that everything still =

1. Does the 300 statement limit mean 300 lines, 300 functions/procedures =
or something else?
2. Does the limit apply to included files? If it does, is it a 300 limit =
for each include (and the users own code), or 300 limit on all combined? =

Many thanks

Mark Brown
mabrown at senet.com.au

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<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Hi everyone</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>This is going to sound like a dumb question but can =
define for me what the 300 statement limit is in the unregistered =
version of=20
Euphoria? I have had some mail from people who want to try Morfit with =
but aren't sure if the unregistered version will do it. I have had a =
version all the time so I didn't give that a thought.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>I have tried to "dumb down" my copy of Eu by =
renaming my=20
registered ex.exe and exw.exe and replacing them with the&nbsp;PD =
Should that do it? If it should&nbsp;then a test seems to show that =
still works.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>1. Does the 300 statement limit mean 300 lines, 300=20
functions/procedures or something else?</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>2. Does the limit apply to included files? If it =
does, is it a=20
300 limit for each include (and the users own code), or 300 limit on all =

combined?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Many thanks</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Mark Brown</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2><A=20


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2. Re: 300 Statement Limit

Mark Brown writes:
> This is going to sound like a dumb question but can anyone
> define for me what the 300 statement limit is in the unregistered
> version of Euphoria? I have had some mail from people
> who want to try Morfit with Euphoria but aren't sure if the
> unregistered version will do it.

The PD edition can run any program that the Complete Edition
can run. It's just that beyond 300, you won't get a run-time ex.err
dump or on-screen traceback when you have a run-time error.

I'm willing to "stamp" Morfit or any other significant
include files that multiple people are interested in using.
That way, the include file(s) count as 0 statements.
People should request this, otherwise I will be lazy
and not bother.

A statement is any non-blank, non-comment line, assuming
"normal" formatting, with one statement per line.
euphoria\bin\lines.ex will give you an estimate
within +/- 10% of the statement count calculated
by the interpreter.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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3. Re: 300 Statement Limit

How about making EDS "STAMPED".


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4. Re: 300 Statement Limit

Prasanta Chakraborty writes:
> How about making EDS "STAMPED".

I'll do it for the next release (in a few days).

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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5. Re: 300 Statement Limit


>A statement is any non-blank, non-comment line, assuming
>"normal" formatting, with one statement per line.
>euphoria\bin\lines.ex will give you an estimate
>within +/- 10% of the statement count calculated
>by the interpreter.

This does seem rather vague. I don't know if we really need
to be more specific considdereing that if you have the PD
version and you go over 300 statements it will let you know.
But, someone might want to know before then. Or as a Registered
user and library author, someone might want to know if their
library should or should not be stamed. Here are some
assumptions that I would make when calculating a rough estimate.
I hope Robert will correct me if I'm wrong on something.
I'm also assuming that this isn't supposed to be secret or anthing.

a = b                         -- 1 statement
a = b + 1                     -- 1 statement
a = a + b                     -- 1 statement
a = (b * c) + (d + e)         -- 1 statement
a = (b = c) and (d = e)       -- 1 statement
a = my_func (arg1, arg2)      -- 1 statement
a = func1 (func2 ())          -- 2 statements ?
a = my_func (b + 1, c * d)    -- 1 statement
my_proc (arg)                 -- 1 statement
if a then                     -- 1 statement
end if                        -- 1 statement
if wait_key () then end if    -- 2 statements
if a * b then                 -- 1 statement
if a and b then               -- 1 statement
if a or b then                -- 1 statement
else                          -- 1 statement
else a = b                    -- 2 statements
atom a                        -- 1 statement
atom a a = 0                  -- 2 statements
constant a = 0                -- 1 statement
constant a = 0, b = 1         -- 2 statements
while a do                    -- 1 statement
while a and/or b do           -- 1 statement
for a = b to d do             -- 1 statement
while a do this() end while   -- 3 statements
end while                     -- 1 statement
end for                       -- 1 statement
include "this.e"              -- 1 statement

anyone that wants to add to this list or correct, please do.


Lewis Townsend
keroltarr at hotmail.com
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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6. Re: 300 Statement Limit

Well, it probably isn't very important but I don't undertand a statement
like you.
I thought an if/else/endif loop makes only one branching, so for me else=end
if=0 statement.
for me, a statement is algorythmic, not syntactic. so if this.e contains 10
include this.e adds 10, not 1 or 11to the count. And the procedures or
I don't know. If you consider them like macros, you should add their
statements count each time sad

Riwal Raude
rauder at thmulti.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lewis Townsend [SMTP:keroltarr at HOTMAIL.COM]
> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 7:49 PM
> Subject:      Re: 300 Statement Limit
> Hello,
> >A statement is any non-blank, non-comment line, assuming
> >"normal" formatting, with one statement per line.
> >euphoria\bin\lines.ex will give you an estimate
> >within +/- 10% of the statement count calculated
> >by the interpreter.
> This does seem rather vague. I don't know if we really need
> to be more specific considdereing that if you have the PD
> version and you go over 300 statements it will let you know.
> But, someone might want to know before then. Or as a Registered
> user and library author, someone might want to know if their
> library should or should not be stamed. Here are some
> assumptions that I would make when calculating a rough estimate.
> I hope Robert will correct me if I'm wrong on something.
> I'm also assuming that this isn't supposed to be secret or anthing.
> a = b                         -- 1 statement
> a = b + 1                     -- 1 statement
> a = a + b                     -- 1 statement
> a = (b * c) + (d + e)         -- 1 statement
> a = (b = c) and (d = e)       -- 1 statement
> a = my_func (arg1, arg2)      -- 1 statement
> a = func1 (func2 ())          -- 2 statements ?
> a = my_func (b + 1, c * d)    -- 1 statement
> my_proc (arg)                 -- 1 statement
> if a then                     -- 1 statement
> end if                        -- 1 statement
> if wait_key () then end if    -- 2 statements
> if a * b then                 -- 1 statement
> if a and b then               -- 1 statement
> if a or b then                -- 1 statement
> else                          -- 1 statement
> else a = b                    -- 2 statements
> atom a                        -- 1 statement
> atom a a = 0                  -- 2 statements
> constant a = 0                -- 1 statement
> constant a = 0, b = 1         -- 2 statements
> while a do                    -- 1 statement
> while a and/or b do           -- 1 statement
> for a = b to d do             -- 1 statement
> while a do this() end while   -- 3 statements
> end while                     -- 1 statement
> end for                       -- 1 statement
> include "this.e"              -- 1 statement
> anyone that wants to add to this list or correct, please do.
> later,
> Lewis Townsend
> keroltarr at hotmail.com
> http://geocities.com/keroltarr/
> ______________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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7. Re: 300 Statement Limit


>Well, it probably isn't very important but I don't undertand a statement
>like you.
>I thought an if/else/endif loop makes only one branching, so for me
>if=0 statement.

Hmm, I don't know, I figured each part would be a statement
because each requires an expression except "end if".

>for me, a statement is algorythmic, not syntactic. so if this.e contains 10
>include this.e adds 10, not 1 or 11to the count. And the procedures or

Oops, I didn't mean that including a file only adds one statement.
I meant that the include statement adds a statement in and of
itself besides the statements that are IN the file. Like I said,
this is only an assumption, I really don't know if it is correct
or not.

>I don't know. If you consider them like macros, you should add their
>statements count each time sad

Yikes, I wonder if this will happen when ROB gets the
name-space fixed.

Lewis Townsend
keroltarr at hotmail.com
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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