1. My Tutorial Is Up!

The first part of my tutorial is up. It is geared toward Newbies (Because I
am one too). We will be learning how to make games in Window's. Starting
out with very simple ones working up to harder ones. After we get some real
simple games under our belts. We will make a Tetris clone, and then a Break
Out clone, and then we will try our hands at a scrolling game like Mario
Brothers. If you are new and want to come learn and possibly help me learn
then come on over. http://www.geocities.com/roachd_76

For all you experienced people. IF you could just check it out every once
in a while and make sure I am not making any huge mistakes. I don't want to
teach people bad habbits or the wrong thing. Thanks


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2. Re: My Tutorial Is Up!

David Roach wrote:

> The first part of my tutorial is up.

I only got a couple seconds to look at the site; it looks good, but a few

1. "Cuny", not "Cunny". It rhymes with "loonie", not "money."

2. Magic parameters in create. The parameters are:

   create( class, caption, parent, x, y, width, height, flags )

In "My First Program", you specify parent = 0. That means that the window
has no parent; it's the primary window. x=Default and y=Default means you
don't care where Windows places the window.

Rather than have seperate createWindow/createButton/createMenu routines, I
have a single create routine. In some cases, certain parameters don't make
sense, like x, y, width and height in menus. Because create *always* takes 8
parameters, for things like menus, you just pass zeros in those fields,
because the values are ignored anyway.

I hope this clarifies things a bit.

Good luck with the tutorial!

-- David Cuny

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3. Re: My Tutorial Is Up!

Well done David
Maybe I'll learn to use Windoze now

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4. Re: My Tutorial Is Up!

Thanks Dave,
That actually explain's things a bit. Sorry about mispelling your name. I'll
fis that in a minute. I'll also go back and explain what you just explained
to me. I'm sure people will want to know that too.

Thanks again


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