1. Re: Short circuit question

On 18 Nov 2003 11:33:24 +0100, Christian Cuvier
<Christian.CUVIER at agriculture.gouv.fr> wrote:

>		a and (b or c)=(a and b) or (a or c)
Oh no it isn't.
>	For me, this is another confusing aspect of Eu 
Obviously you are confused enough already without adding and/or
precedence to the equation. blink

If I had a say in it, I would make mixed and/or constructs generate an
"ambiguous" error and force the programmer to add parenthesis.

I just don't see the point of writing constructs that you need to go
and look in a manual to decipher (or even write in the first place!)
when a few brackets will quickly and easily make it explict and

Line breaks and indents are also good visual clues, eg:

	if a
	and (   b
		or c)
	and d then


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