1. NQAR2 Attention MIC
- Posted by "Bernard W. Ryan" <xotron at bluefrognet.net> Nov 08, 2003
Mic: MakeLib.ex had another problem the first character of each entry was clipped off. Change in the while read_line(fn) do .... From: symbols = append(symbols,{currLine[2..i1-1],s[2]}) To: symbols = append(symbols,{currLine[1..i1-1],s[2]}) --======================================================= If you go to the following mingw32 web site : Note this is one long URL. http://programming.ccp14.ac.uk/ftp-mirror/programming /mingw32/home/janjaap/mingw32/platform-SDK/def/ You will find a complete list of all the definition files for win32. The following program code will convert any of these definition files into your library files. The files have some bad entries in them but the program will skip them and notify you of the bad entries. Then you can edit def file and rerun the program. Note that the entries in these def files are already sorted. I hacked your code to make the following program. I used the command_line so it can be used in a batch mode. After you download the definition files do a DIR with redirection to create a list for a batch file then you can do them all in one swoop. --===== CODE FOR DEF2LIB.EX FOLLOWS ============================-- sequence LIBRARY, cmdline object line cmdline = command_line() if length(cmdline) = 3 then LIBRARY = cmdline[3] else puts(1, "\n Enter the name of the def file to parse: ") LIBRARY = gets(0) LIBRARY = LIBRARY[1..length(LIBRARY)-1] puts(1,"\n") end if for i = length(LIBRARY) to 1 by -1 do if equal(LIBRARY[i],'.') then LIBRARY = LIBRARY[1..i-1] exit end if end for constant fd = open(LIBRARY&".def","r"), ft = open(LIBRARY&".@@@","wb") while 1 do line = gets(fd) if atom(line) then close(fd) close(ft) exit end if if find(';',line) or match("EXPORT",line) then -- skip elsif match("LIBRARY ",line) then puts(ft,line[9..length(line)-2]&".DLL"A) else puts(ft,"_"&line[1..length(line)]) end if end while include file.e include machine.e include get.e include misc.e integer fn,i1,i2,i3,of sequence currLine,s,symbols function read_line(integer infile) integer read,ch currLine = {} read = 0 while 1 do ch = getc(infile) if ch = -1 then exit elsif ch = #0A then ch = getc(infile) exit elsif ch != #0D then currLine &= ch read += 1 end if end while return read end function fn = open(LIBRARY&".@@@","rb") of = open(LIBRARY&".lib","wb") if read_line(fn) then end if puts(of,currLine&0) i1 = where(fn) if and_bits(i1,7) then i2 = 8-and_bits(i1,7) for i=0 to i2 do puts(of,0) end for end if symbols = {} while read_line(fn) do i1 = find('@',currLine) s = value(currLine[i1+1..length(currLine)]) if s[1] or not i1 then puts(1,"\n Ignoring this bad entry : \""&currLine&"\" in "& LIBRARY&".def file\n ") else symbols = append(symbols,{currLine[1..i1-1],s[2]}) end if end while close(fn) puts(of,int_to_bytes(length(symbols))) puts(of,int_to_bytes(1)) i2 = where(of) i3 = 0 for i=1 to length(symbols) do puts(of,int_to_bytes(i2+(length(symbols)*7)+i3)) i3 += length(symbols[i][1])+1 end for for i=1 to length(symbols) do puts(of,{0,0}) end for for i=1 to length(symbols) do puts(of,symbols[i][2]) end for for i=1 to length(symbols) do puts(of,symbols[i][1]&0) end for i1 = where(of) if and_bits(i1,15) then i2 = 16-and_bits(i1,15) for i=1 to i2 do puts(of,0) end for end if close(of) system("del " &LIBRARY&".@@@",2) --===== CODE FOR DEF2LIB.EX ENDS ===============================-- Bernie
2. Re: NQAR2 Attention MIC
- Posted by "mic _" <stabmaster_ at hotmail.com> Nov 08, 2003
>MakeLib.ex had another problem the first character >of each entry was clipped off. >Change in the while read_line(fn) do .... > >From: >symbols = append(symbols,{currLine[2..i1-1],s[2]}) > >To: > symbols = append(symbols,{currLine[1..i1-1],s[2]}) If you're talking about the underscores, it's supposed to remove them.
3. Re: NQAR2 Attention MIC
- Posted by "Bernard W. Ryan" <xotron at bluefrognet.net> Nov 08, 2003
>MakeLib.ex had another problem the first character >of each entry was clipped off. >Change in the while read_line(fn) do .... >From: >symbols = append(symbols,{currLine[2..i1-1],s[2]}) >To: >symbols = append(symbols,{currLine[1..i1-1],s[2]}) >If you're talking about the underscores, it's supposed to remove them. MIC: No it was removing the first 2 characters in the currLine. The underscore and the first character; instead of just the underscore. Bernie