1. Silent Crash

Hi All, I see this has been discussed in the past, but I'm looking for any
way around it..

    I am writing a (win32) program that will be running on an unattended PC
locked in a machine room, my program is interfacing with an external
commercial program. If it has a problem it cannot handle it closes itself
down and after a time a monitor program (which checks if it is running)
restarts it and (courtesy of Thomas Parslows 'Interprocess Communications')
presses the 'Start' button so my program can retry.. If (as happens
sometimes) the commercial program is hanging and needs a windose reboot then
my program forces that (using Wizmo) and with the monitor program in the
Start folder everything tries again..

    My potential problem is if my program crashes - since there seems to be
no way of getting a 'Silent' crash without the console msg as far as windose
(and my monitor program) is concerned the failed program is still running
(although 'not responding'). If this happens then unless someone actually
checks the PC (either physically or remotely using TightVNC) we will not
know it isn't running. I wonder if there is some way I can check for this
(my monitor prog could then send me email or force a reboot to recover).
    The ideal solutions would be a Crash_routine, but this is not available
(and has been discussed to death in the past), or even just an option to
turn off the console msg and allow the program to close completely. The only
way I can see at present would be to use Matts Modified Interpreter which
seems to have this crash_routine option, but I really wanted to give them an
exe file and it appears I cannot bind using this..

    Any ideas?


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2. Re: Silent Crash

On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 14:57:59 -0000, Pete Stoner
<pete.stoner at BTConnect.com> wrote:

>    My potential problem is if my program crashes - since there seems to be
>no way of getting a 'Silent' crash without the console msg as far as windose
>(and my monitor program) is concerned the failed program is still running
>(although 'not responding').

Hi Pete
The following should kill the debug window pretty sharpish (which
could be a bit annoying if you leave this running and try to do any
development blink. You can probably merge this with your monitor
program, rather than having to start/leave three programs running.


include win32lib.ew

constant Main = create(Window,"",0,0,0,0,0,0)

constant KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = #02
atom user32, xkeybd_event, initKB

procedure keybd(integer character)
-- simulate a key press (and release!).
-- character may be literal or a virtual key (eg VK_HOME)
	if not initKB then
		xkeybd_event = define_c_proc(user32,
	end if
end procedure

include window.ew	-- Thomas Parslow's window finding functions

procedure MainActTimerClose(integer self, integer event, sequence
object hWnd
	if self or length(params) then end if	-- suppress warnings
	if event=w32HActivate then
		setTimer(Main,1,40)	-- 25 times a second (less may be better?)
	elsif event=w32HTimer then
		if equal(window_GetCaption(hWnd),"EXW") then	-- debug
		end if
	elsif event=w32HClose then
	end if
end procedure

WinMain( Main, Normal )

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3. Re: Silent Crash

Thanks Pete, I made some minor modifications as I found I couldn't rely on the
window coming to the foreground..(and the timer was a bit faster than I needed!)
But it
works great now.. 
Hopefully(!?) this 'crash' routine will not be needed but I like to cover all
I may also add a time check so if the crash happens again too soon I'll force a

procedure onTimer_PMHCheck( integer self, integer event, sequence params)
atom ret
object hWnd, Caption
if self or length(params) then end if	-- suppress warnings
if event = w32HActivate then
    setTimer( Monitor_Win, Monitor_Timer, 10000 )

elsif event = w32HTimer then
    if not ipc_IsProcessRunning("CallGenerator") then
UpdateLog( "Call Generator program has Closed down... restarted by
        shellExecute("open", "Call Generator.exe", SW_SHOWNORMAL) 
        ipc_CallProc("CallGenerator","StartGenerator",{})	-- press start button

    elsif window_Exists("*\\Call Generator.exe") then
        window_PostCloseMessage(window_GetHwnd("*\\Call Generator.exe"))
UpdateLog("Call Generator program has crashed... closed down by
    end if
elsif event=w32HClose then
end if
end procedure
setHandler(Monitor_Win,{w32HActivate, w32HClose, 

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