1. parrallel port null modem

has anyone created a routine to transfer data on the printer port?
windows d.c.c. only recognizes the serial ports on the old computer.
so i was thinking of a simple one way transfer out to the printer port and
a simple reading of the printer port on the newer computer.

thanks for your help

p.s. keep  up the good work, i have been downloading lots of source to learn
from.  my project still in progress.

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2. Re: parrallel port null modem


I have written a program to interface a PC with an Oric Atmos through the
parallel port.

The routines on the PC side may help you. ports.e and keys.e from Jacques
Deschesnes are needed.



Here they are:

= = = = = =

include ports.e
include keys.e
include get.e
include graphics.e
include sort.e

  global constant KEYB = 0, SCREEN = 1, ERR = 2

  -- adresse des registres du port imprimante
  atom DataAddress,        -- adresse du registre de donnees
       StatusAddress,        -- adresse du registre de statut
       ControlAddress        -- adresse du registre de controle

  atom OldData,        -- sauvegarde du registre de donnees
       OldReg2        -- sauvegarde du registre de controle

  sequence Liste
  atom Liste_courante
  global sequence TextAttr

procedure Delay(atom n)
  atom t0

  t0 = time()
  while (time() - t0) < n do
  end while
end procedure

--      Transforme deux octets en un mot de 16 bits

function ByteToWord(atom l, atom h)
  return h*#100+l
end function

--    Extrait l'octet de poids fort d'un mot de 16 bits

function Hi(atom x)
  return floor(x / #100)
end function

--   Extrait l'octet de poids faible d'un mot de 16 bits

function Lo(atom x)
  return remainder(x, #100)
end function

procedure Init(atom address)
  -- definit les addresses des registres du port
  -- et efface l'ecran
  DataAddress = address
  StatusAddress = address + 1
  ControlAddress = address + 2
  -- sauve les contenus des registres
  OldData = Input(DataAddress)
  OldReg2 = Input(ControlAddress)
  Output(#FD, ControlAddress)
end procedure

-- restaure les contenus des registres
procedure Restor()
  Output(OldData, DataAddress)
  Output(OldReg2, ControlAddress)
end procedure

-- genere l'impulsion de strobe
procedure Strobe()
  atom i

  i = Input(ControlAddress)
  Output(i and #1E, ControlAddress)        -- strobe a 0
  Output(i or 1, ControlAddress)        -- strobe a 1
end procedure

-- ecrit un octet sur le port imprimante
procedure PortOut(atom PortData)
  atom i

  Output(PortData, DataAddress)
end procedure

-- lit un quartet sur le port imprimante
function InPort()
  atom PortData

  PortData = Input(StatusAddress)
  return xor_bits(floor(or_bits(PortData, 7) / 8), #10)
end function

-- attend qu'une donnee soit presente et lit un octet sur le port imprimante
function ReadByte()
  atom PortDat, Data

  -- boucle
  PortDat = #10
  while  and_bits(PortDat, #10) = #10 do
    -- lit le premier quartet sur le port imprimante
    -- jusqu'a ce que la ligne Busy soit activee = donnee presente
    PortDat = InPort()
  end while
  -- Stocke le quartet de poids faible
  Data = and_bits(PortDat, #0F)
  -- Active D1 = selection poids fort / poids faible
  -- lit le second quartet sur le port imprimante
  PortDat = InPort()
  -- Stocke le quartet de poids fort
  PortDat = or_bits(Data, (and_bits(PortDat, #0F) * 16))
  -- RAZ D1, active D0 et D2 = RAZ tampon U1 et Ack vers Oric
  Delay(10)        -- fait durer le signal ack pour l'Oric
  -- RAZ D0 et D2 = retour a la normale
  return PortDat
end function

-- lit un mot de 16 bits sur le port imprimante
function ReadWord()
  atom PortDat, Result

  PortDat = ReadByte()
  Result = PortDat * 256
  PortDat = ReadByte()
  return Result + PortDat
end function

-- lit une chaine de caracteres sur le port imprimante
function ReadString()
  atom PortDat
  sequence Result

  Result = {}
  PortDat = 1
  while PortDat != 0 do
    PortDat = ReadByte()
    if PortDat != 0 then
      Result = append(Result, PortDat)
    end if
  end while
  return Result
end function

----- Original Message -----
From: Rudy Toews <rltoews at PANGEA.CA>
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 8:46 PM
Subject: parrallel port null modem

> hi
> has anyone created a routine to transfer data on the printer port?
> windows d.c.c. only recognizes the serial ports on the old computer.
> so i was thinking of a simple one way transfer out to the printer port and
> a simple reading of the printer port on the newer computer.
> thanks for your help
> rudy
> p.s. keep  up the good work, i have been downloading lots of source to
> from.  my project still in progress.

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3. Re: parrallel port null modem

<jean-marc.duro at WANADOO.FR> writes:
>I have written a program to interface a PC with an Oric >Atmos through
the parallel port.

What's an Oric Atmos?

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4. Re: parrallel port null modem

> has anyone created a routine to transfer data on the printer port?
> windows d.c.c. only recognizes the serial ports on the old computer.
> so i was thinking of a simple one way transfer out to the printer port and
> a simple reading of the printer port on the newer computer.

While developing my printer library, I tested it by ...

fn = open( "prn", "wb" )
if fn = -1 then
        puts(1, "Could not open printer port.\n" )
        -- Transmit
end if

This works under DOS and so under windows.
Under Linux you should probablely use \\dev\lp0

For file transfer this is OK, however you may wish to use a robust protocol to
ensure your
data isn't corrupted.

Mathew Hounsell

mat.hounsell at excite.com

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5. Re: parrallel port null modem

thankyou for your program. i will try it out.
other things i found on the web were how to make a cable or how to program
using visual basic. and one even said if the actual circuitry was with older
chips then forcing an output port to read data could blow the port.

i found one program yesterday called 'FAST PC LINKER III'. no source though.
searched using 'printer port' instead of 'null modem' or 'parrallel port'.


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6. Re: parrallel port null modem

Have you ever heard of LapLink?  Allows you to connect 2 PC's together
using Null Modem or Parallel port connections.  DOS based software.  If you
want I can make my copy available.

        Lucius L. Hilley III
        lhilley at cdc.net
| ICQ: 9638898 | AIM: LLHIII  |
| http://www.cdc.net/~lhilley |

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rudy Toews" <rltoews at PANGEA.CA>
To: "Removing Subscription" <EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU>; "Jean-Marc Duro"
<jean-marc.duro at WANADOO.FR>
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2000 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: parrallel port null modem

> thankyou for your program. i will try it out.
> other things i found on the web were how to make a cable or how to program
> using visual basic. and one even said if the actual circuitry was with
> chips then forcing an output port to read data could blow the port.
> i found one program yesterday called 'FAST PC LINKER III'. no source
> searched using 'printer port' instead of 'null modem' or 'parrallel port'.
> rudy

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7. Re: parrallel port null modem

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rudy Toews" <rltoews at PANGEA.CA>
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2000 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: parrallel port null modem

> thankyou for your program. i will try it out.
> other things i found on the web were how to make a cable or how to program
> using visual basic. and one even said if the actual circuitry was with
> chips then forcing an output port to read data could blow the port.
> i found one program yesterday called 'FAST PC LINKER III'. no source
> searched using 'printer port' instead of 'null modem' or 'parrallel port'.

Have you tried searching for: "parallel port" ?


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8. Re: parrallel port null modem

Try Norton Commander, or FM3

Best regards,                            ICQ Number: 3198249
 Caballero Rojo                          mailto:pampeano at rocketmail.com

Saturday, May 13, 2000, 1:43:31 PM, you wrote:

LLHI>     Have you ever heard of LapLink?  Allows you to connect 2 PC's together
LLHI> using Null Modem or Parallel port connections.  DOS based software.  If
LLHI> want I can make my copy available.

LLHI>         Lucius L. Hilley III
LLHI>         lhilley at cdc.net
LLHI> +--------------+--------------+
LLHI> | ICQ: 9638898 | AIM: LLHIII  |
LLHI> +--------------+--------------+
LLHI> | http://www.cdc.net/~lhilley |
LLHI> +-----------------------------+

LLHI> ----- Original Message -----

Do You Yahoo!?
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9. Re: parrallel port null modem

OOPs! parrallel (sic!) should have used parallel. thats what years of shiftwork does to you. i remembered the phrase 'pair of l's' but got caught anyway. thanks rudy

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10. Re: parrallel port null modem

----- Original Message -----
From: R. W. D. <filexfer3 at JUNO.COM>
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: parrallel port null modem

> <jean-marc.duro at WANADOO.FR> writes:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I have written a program to interface a PC with an Oric >Atmos through
> the parallel port.
> What's an Oric Atmos?


It is an old 6502 based 8 bit computer sold in Europe in 1984-1985,
mostly in UK and in France.

There is a newsgroup dedicated to it: comp.sys.oric.


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