1. EFL Wrapper Update
- Posted by Icy_Viking 1 month ago
Hi all,
I recently started on working a wrapper for the EFL libraries. (Enlightenment Foundation libraries or EFL for short).
This is a huge library and will take awhile to finish, however I am happy with progress so far and besides a lot of functions, it doesn't seem overly difficult to wrap.
https://www.enlightenment.org/_legacy_embed/bg_example_01_c.html - Example wrapped (only wrapped functions needed to make simple example so far)
Yes, I realized I spelled elementary wrong as "elemantary.e"
public atom elm ifdef WINDOWS then elm = open_dll("libelementary-1.dll") end ifdef if elm = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to load elementary!\n") abort(1) end if public constant Elm_Event_Policy_Changed = define_c_struct({ C_UINT, --policy C_INT, --new_value C_INT --old_value }) public enum type Elm_Policy ELM_POLICY_QUIT = 0, ELM_POLICY_EXIT, ELM_POLICY_THROTTLE, ELM_POLICY_LAST end type public constant xelm_win_util_standard_add = define_c_func(elm,"+elm_win_util_standard_add",{C_STRING,C_STRING},C_POINTER) public function elm_win_util_standard_add(sequence name,sequence title) return c_func(xelm_win_util_standard_add,{name,title}) end function public function elm_policy_set(atom policy,atom val) return c_func(xelm_policy_set,{policy,val}) end function
public atom evas ifdef WINDOWS then evas = open_dll("libevas-1.dll") end ifdef if evas = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to open evas!\n") abort(1) end if public constant xevas_object_show = define_c_proc(evas,"+evas_object_show",{C_POINTER}) public procedure evas_object_show(atom obj) c_proc(xevas_object_show,{obj}) end procedure public constant xevas_object_resize = define_c_proc(evas,"+evas_object_resize",{C_POINTER,C_INT,C_INT}) public procedure evas_object_resize(atom obj,atom w,atom h) c_proc(xevas_object_resize,{obj,w,h}) end procedure
include std/ffi.e include evas.e include elemantary.e constant TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0 elm_init(NULL,NULL) elm_policy_set(ELM_POLICY_QUIT,ELM_POLICY_EXIT) atom win = elm_win_util_standard_add("Main","Hello World") elm_win_autodel_set(win,TRUE) evas_object_resize(win,320,320) evas_object_show(win) elm_run()
https://ibb.co/WnGVzqr - Simple image of window running to show proof