1. EuTurtle Wrapper
- Posted by Icy_Viking in August
Hi all,
I made a simple wrapper for turtle graphics in Euphoria. You'll need 64-bit euphoria to run it, but it works. Its pretty simple, but you can see the results via the output image, with the function turtle_save_bmp("output2.bmp"). Replace "output2.bmp" with whatever you wanna call the file. Its a pretty simple wrapper, but it works and it can be useful for teaching purposes.
I got the C library from here: https://w3.cs.jmu.edu/lam2mo/cs240_2015_08/turtle.html From there I compiled turtle.c and then built a DLL.
gcc -c turtle.c gcc -shared -o turtle.dll turtle.o
You can get it here: https://github.com/gAndy50/EuTurtle
include std/ffi.e include turtle.e turtle_init(300,300) turtle_forward(100) turtle_turn_left(120) turtle_forward(100) turtle_draw_turtle() turtle_save_bmp("output2.bmp")