1. EuTigr Released!
- Posted by Icy_Viking in July
Hi all,
I've finished my wrapper of the TIGR library for Euphoria. Note you'll need to use the 64-bit version of Euphoria to run it.
Grab it from here: https://github.com/gAndy50/EuTigr
include tigr.e procedure main() atom screen = tigrWindow(100,100,"Hello World - Use arrow keys to change background color",TIGR_AUTO) sequence colors = {0,0,0} while not tigrClosed(screen) and not tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_ESCAPE) do if tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_LEFT) then colors = {255,0,0} elsif tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_RIGHT) then colors = {0,255,0} elsif tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_UP) then colors = {0,0,255} elsif tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_DOWN) then colors = {0,0,0} end if tigrClear(screen,colors) tigrUpdate(screen) end while tigrFree(screen) end procedure
2. Re: EuTigr Released!
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) in July
Note you'll need to use the 64-bit version of Euphoria to run it.
We can fix that with a few changes to our Makefile.
CFLAGS += -Os -s LDFLAGS += -shared TARGET = $(LIBPRE)tigr$(LIBEXT) ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) CFLAGS += -DTIGR_SHARED LDLIBS += -lopengl32 -lgdi32 LIBEXT := .dll else CFLAGS += -fPIC LIBPRE := lib UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) LDLIBS += -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa LIBEXT := .dylib else LDLIBS += -lGLU -lGL -lX11 LIBEXT := .so endif endif $(TARGET): tigr.c gcc $(CFLAGS) -DTIGR_BUILDSHARED $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LDLIBS)
Now you can do this to create a separate 32-bit DLL:
mingw32-make CFLAGS=-m32 TARGET=tigr32.dll
And even a separate 64-bit DLL if you want:
mingw32-make CFLAGS=-m64 TARGET=tigr64.dll
Note: This only works on Windows with TDM-GCC-64 since it supports both architectures.
include tigr.e procedure main() atom screen = tigrWindow(100,100,"Hello World - Use arrow keys to change background color",TIGR_AUTO) sequence colors = {0,0,0} while not tigrClosed(screen) and not tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_ESCAPE) do if tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_LEFT) then colors = {255,0,0} elsif tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_RIGHT) then colors = {0,255,0} elsif tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_UP) then colors = {0,0,255} elsif tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_DOWN) then colors = {0,0,0} end if tigrClear(screen,colors) tigrUpdate(screen) end while tigrFree(screen) end procedure
3. Re: EuTigr Released!
- Posted by Icy_Viking in July
Note you'll need to use the 64-bit version of Euphoria to run it.
We can fix that with a few changes to our Makefile.
CFLAGS += -Os -s LDFLAGS += -shared TARGET = $(LIBPRE)tigr$(LIBEXT) ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) CFLAGS += -DTIGR_SHARED LDLIBS += -lopengl32 -lgdi32 LIBEXT := .dll else CFLAGS += -fPIC LIBPRE := lib UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) LDLIBS += -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa LIBEXT := .dylib else LDLIBS += -lGLU -lGL -lX11 LIBEXT := .so endif endif $(TARGET): tigr.c gcc $(CFLAGS) -DTIGR_BUILDSHARED $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LDLIBS)
Now you can do this to create a separate 32-bit DLL:
mingw32-make CFLAGS=-m32 TARGET=tigr32.dll
And even a separate 64-bit DLL if you want:
mingw32-make CFLAGS=-m64 TARGET=tigr64.dll
Note: This only works on Windows with TDM-GCC-64 since it supports both architectures.
include tigr.e procedure main() atom screen = tigrWindow(100,100,"Hello World - Use arrow keys to change background color",TIGR_AUTO) sequence colors = {0,0,0} while not tigrClosed(screen) and not tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_ESCAPE) do if tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_LEFT) then colors = {255,0,0} elsif tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_RIGHT) then colors = {0,255,0} elsif tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_UP) then colors = {0,0,255} elsif tigrKeyDown(screen,TK_DOWN) then colors = {0,0,0} end if tigrClear(screen,colors) tigrUpdate(screen) end while tigrFree(screen) end procedure
Thanks Greg. I made the indents so the code would be eaiser to read.