1. JSON?
- Posted by axtens_bruce in February
What's the process for getting someone's library code included in the main distro? Jean-Marc did a good JSON serialize/deserialize in his REST client. Is there a better one? Is everyone else using CJSON from the Archive?
2. Re: JSON?
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) in February
I plan to update and integrate my JSON library from Euphoria MVC into the release of Euphoria 4.2 (along with a few others, see Roadmap42).
It'll likely be more of an overhaul than an update. I intend to reuse the parsers but rework the library overall.
I think it will end up being closer to the SQLite JSON functions than what it is now.
I am open to input, feedback, criticism, and help from anyone who's got some to give.
3. Re: JSON?
- Posted by axtens_bruce in February
Thanks, Greg. I've used it in the run.ex at https://github.com/exercism/euphoria/tree/main/bin . What's there is, at time of writing, about to be replaced with the following. And seeing as I don't write Euphoria code often, please have a look over it and tell me how I can improve it.
include std/filesys.e include std/cmdline.e include std/io.e include std/sequence.e as seq include std/search.e as srch include std/regex.e as re include std/text.e include std/convert.e include json.e without trace integer false = 0 integer true = not false re:regex err_id = re:new("<([0-9]+)>::(.*)") function failures(sequence txt) sequence parts = seq:split(txt,", ") for i = 1 to length(parts) do if match("failed",parts[i]) then return parts[i] end if end for return "" end function function check_for_error(sequence lines, atom current) sequence message = "" object res = re:matches(err_id, lines[current]) if not atom(res) then message = res[1] atom err_number = to_integer(res[2]) if err_number = 74 then -- need to extract the next line of the data[i] message &= (" " & trim(lines[current+1])) end if return {true, message} else return {false, message} end if end function function check_for_failure(sequence lines, atom current) sequence message = "" integer result = match("100% success", lines[current]) if result then return {false, message} end if result = match("% success", lines[current]) if result then return {true, failures(lines[current])} else return {false, message} end if end function procedure process(sequence slug, sequence soln_folder, sequence outp_folder) sequence solution_dir = canonical_path(soln_folder) sequence output_dir = canonical_path(outp_folder) sequence results_file = join_path({output_dir, "/results.json"}) create_directory(output_dir) printf(1, "%s: testing...", {slug}) sequence cmd = build_commandline({"cp", join_path({solution_dir, ".meta", "example.ex"}),join_path({"/tmp", slug & ".ex"})}) system(cmd,2) cmd = build_commandline({"cp", join_path({solution_dir, "t_" & slug & ".e"}), "/tmp"}) system(cmd, 2) sequence outfile = join_path({"/tmp", "t_" & slug & ".out"}) cmd = build_commandline({"eutest", join_path({"/tmp", "t_" & slug & ".e"}), ">", outfile}) system(cmd,2) atom fh = open(outfile, "r") sequence data = read_lines(fh) close(fh) sequence status = "pass" sequence message = "" trace(1) for i = 1 to length(data) do sequence response = check_for_error(data, i) if response[1] then status = "error" message = response[2] exit end if response = check_for_failure(data, i) if response[1] then status = "fail" message = response[2] exit end if end for sequence JSON = {JSON_OBJECT, { {"version", {JSON_NUMBER, 1}}, {"status", {JSON_STRING, status}}, {"message", {JSON_STRING, message}} } } fh = open(results_file,"w") json_print(fh, JSON, false) close(fh) end procedure sequence cmdline = command_line() if (length(cmdline) < 5) then puts(1, "usage: eui ./bin/run.ex exercise-slug path/to/solution/folder/ path/to/output/directory/\n") else process(cmdline[3], cmdline[4], cmdline[5]) end if
Oh, and by the way, is there a way of telling when includes are no longer required?