1. RayGUI Example
- Posted by Icy_Viking Jan 09, 2024
- Last edited Jan 10, 2024
Hi all,
Well after some snags here and there, I've finally been able to wrap RayGUI for Euphoria. However I can't get this example to work correctly. You should be able to drag the gui window inside the main raylib window, but it doesn't move at all.
EuRayGUI Repo: https://github.com/gAndy50/EuRayGUI
Trying to make a euphoria version of this: https://github.com/raysan5/raygui/blob/master/examples/portable_window/portable_window.c
Oh yeah, thanks again Greg!
EDIT: 1/10/24 Alright, still can't figure out why none of the values are changing even though I basically made a euphoria version of portable_window.c
include std/ffi.e include raylib.e include raygui.e constant WIDTH = 800 constant HEIGHT = 600 constant TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0 SetConfigFlags(FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED) InitWindow(WIDTH,HEIGHT,"RayGUI Example") sequence mousePos = {0.0,0.0} sequence windowPos = {500,200} sequence panOffset = mousePos atom dragWindow = FALSE SetWindowPosition(windowPos[1],windowPos[2]) atom exitWindow = FALSE SetTargetFPS(60) while exitWindow = FALSE and not WindowShouldClose() do GuiEnable() mousePos = GetMousePosition() if IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) and dragWindow = FALSE then if CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePos,{0,0,WIDTH,20}) then dragWindow = TRUE panOffset = mousePos end if end if if dragWindow = TRUE then windowPos[1] += (mousePos[1] - panOffset[1]) windowPos[2] += (mousePos[2] - panOffset[2]) SetWindowPosition(windowPos[1],windowPos[2]) if IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) then dragWindow = FALSE end if end if BeginDrawing() ClearBackground(RAYWHITE) exitWindow = GuiWindowBox({0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT},"GUI Win") DrawText(TextFormat("Mouse: [%f, %f]",mousePos[1]+mousePos[2]),10,40,10,DARKGRAY) DrawText(TextFormat("Win: [%f, %f]",windowPos[1]+windowPos[2]),10,60,10,DARKGRAY) EndDrawing() GuiDisable() end while CloseWindow()