1. MiniGUI Viable?


Would a MiniGUI wrapper be viable for a GUI for Euphoria? It is cross-platform. Even though its for embedded systems, it does run under Linux and even win32.


If its not viable. Then perhaps another solution can be discussed. Or even expanding upon win32lib even if win32lib is windows only.

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2. Re: MiniGUI Viable?

Icy_Viking said...

Would a MiniGUI wrapper be viable for a GUI for Euphoria? It is cross-platform. Even though its for embedded systems, it does run under Linux and even win32.


If its not viable. Then perhaps another solution can be discussed. Or even expanding upon win32lib even if win32lib is windows only.

This seems more like more of an immediate mode GUI (like Nuklear or Dear ImGUI) than a traditional desktop toolkit.

I still think the "best" path forward right now is IUP but as pointed out in another thread, it hasn't been getting a lot of attention from its developers recently, so who knows where it's going.


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3. Re: MiniGUI Viable?

Icy_Viking said...

Or even expanding upon win32lib even if win32lib is windows only.

Right now, wxEuphoria and EuGTK are the best GUI options for Euphoria.

It does not seem there will ever be anything better. If there ever is anything better, it will be updates/upgrades to wxEuphoria or EuGTK.

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4. Re: MiniGUI Viable?

ghaberek said...
Icy_Viking said...

Would a MiniGUI wrapper be viable for a GUI for Euphoria? It is cross-platform. Even though its for embedded systems, it does run under Linux and even win32.


If its not viable. Then perhaps another solution can be discussed. Or even expanding upon win32lib even if win32lib is windows only.

This seems more like more of an immediate mode GUI (like Nuklear or Dear ImGUI) than a traditional desktop toolkit.

I still think the "best" path forward right now is IUP but as pointed out in another thread, it hasn't been getting a lot of attention from its developers recently, so who knows where it's going.


I could wrap the latest version of IUP which appears to be 3.3.0, although it hasn't seen a update since 2020. To its credit, IUP is open source, so it is possible to expand upon it.

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5. Re: MiniGUI Viable?

Icy_Viking said...

I could wrap the latest version of IUP which appears to be 3.3.0, although it hasn't seen a update since 2020. To its credit, IUP is open source, so it is possible to expand upon it.

I've been working on semi-automated wrapper which I've been trying to roll into a fully-automated wrapper for some time. I've also been trying to get IUP built from source so we can take advantage of any recent but unpublished changes.


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6. Re: MiniGUI Viable?

ghaberek said...
Icy_Viking said...

I could wrap the latest version of IUP which appears to be 3.3.0, although it hasn't seen a update since 2020. To its credit, IUP is open source, so it is possible to expand upon it.

I've been working on semi-automated wrapper which I've been trying to roll into a fully-automated wrapper for some time. I've also been trying to get IUP built from source so we can take advantage of any recent but unpublished changes.


As I've mentioned before, while long-time fixed in the sources, there is a bug in the 3.30 binaries which renders them useless, which is why Phix still ships with 3.29

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7. Re: MiniGUI Viable?

petelomax said...
ghaberek said...
Icy_Viking said...

I could wrap the latest version of IUP which appears to be 3.3.0, although it hasn't seen a update since 2020. To its credit, IUP is open source, so it is possible to expand upon it.

I've been working on semi-automated wrapper which I've been trying to roll into a fully-automated wrapper for some time. I've also been trying to get IUP built from source so we can take advantage of any recent but unpublished changes.


As I've mentioned before, while long-time fixed in the sources, there is a bug in the 3.30 binaries which renders them useless, which is why Phix still ships with 3.29

I wish I knew of the 3.30 bug in the binaries. I would have built it from source instead. Oh well.

Here is my current wrapper which uses 3.30. I need a bit of help with the callbacks, but everything else seems to work.


EDIT: I've made it so the wrapper is running off of IUP 3.29 due to the bug in 3.30

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8. Re: MiniGUI Viable?

petelomax said...

As I've mentioned before, while long-time fixed in the sources, there is a bug in the 3.30 binaries which renders them useless, which is why Phix still ships with 3.29

Forgive my ignorance here, but I've no idea what bug you're talking about. I've been tinkering with IUP 3.30 and I've found it far from useless. Seems to work fine on 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux.

So far I've got the freely-licensed bits of IUP/CD/IM building on Linux. (There are some non-free parts which I'm not interested in dealing with.) Still need to work out the Windows builds as I'm not sure if I can cross build with MinGW or not.


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9. Re: MiniGUI Viable?

ghaberek said...
petelomax said...

As I've mentioned before, while long-time fixed in the sources, there is a bug in the 3.30 binaries which renders them useless, which is why Phix still ships with 3.29

Forgive my ignorance here, but I've no idea what bug you're talking about. I've been tinkering with IUP 3.30 and I've found it far from useless. Seems to work fine on 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux.

So far I've got the freely-licensed bits of IUP/CD/IM building on Linux. (There are some non-free parts which I'm not interested in dealing with.) Still need to work out the Windows builds as I'm not sure if I can cross build with MinGW or not.


If you've built from sources, you're fine. As per https://openeuphoria.org/forum/m/135209.wc (took me a while to find that) whether or not shift is pressed the '+/=' key sends K_ANY '+'.

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