1. SDL_Mixer Wrapped
- Posted by Icy_Viking Nov 09, 2022
Hello all,
I have finished wrapping SDL_Mixer, the most recent version. For the SDL 2 Wrapper I wrote that use's Greg's FFI library.
You can get it from the above link. I plan to wrap the other libraries soon.
3. Re: SDL_Mixer Wrapped
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Nov 10, 2022
Hello all,
I have finished wrapping SDL_Mixer, the most recent version. For the SDL 2 Wrapper I wrote that use's Greg's FFI library.
You can get it from the above link. I plan to wrap the other libraries soon.
Tested and examples?
4. Re: SDL_Mixer Wrapped
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 10, 2022
Wold be great to see it there:
It would great, but I want to be clear with everyone: Euphoria is not in a good state right now and it hasn't been for years (going on a decade).
It's great that Andy's testing my proof-of-concept FFI wrapper but it's another thing altogether to start publishing those tests as actual working wrappers.
We need help. We need folks willing and capable of cleaning up documentation, adding to or updating the standard libraries, and correcting/testing/extending the build process.
So if we want to see a Euphoria LibSDL wrapper listed on the LibSDL website, the best place to start is in volunteering to help with releasing Euphoria 4.2.
5. Re: SDL_Mixer Wrapped
- Posted by Icy_Viking Nov 10, 2022
Hello all,
I have finished wrapping SDL_Mixer, the most recent version. For the SDL 2 Wrapper I wrote that use's Greg's FFI library.
You can get it from the above link. I plan to wrap the other libraries soon.
Tested and examples?
Tested, no errors. No examples yet. Hope to make some soon.
6. Re: SDL_Mixer Wrapped
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Nov 11, 2022
Wold be great to see it there:
It would great, but I want to be clear with everyone: Euphoria is not in a good state right now and it hasn't been for years (going on a decade).
It's great that Andy's testing my proof-of-concept FFI wrapper but it's another thing altogether to start publishing those tests as actual working wrappers.
We need help. We need folks willing and capable of cleaning up documentation, adding to or updating the standard libraries, and correcting/testing/extending the build process.
So if we want to see a Euphoria LibSDL wrapper listed on the LibSDL website, the best place to start is in volunteering to help with releasing Euphoria 4.2.
Use me, give me some tasks to perform, more than happy to help, but push me in the right direction. Don't mind being pushed either.