1. Enlightement Library Wrapping Hurdles
- Posted by Icy_Viking Nov 28, 2021
Hi all,
I recently came across the Enlightenment Project/Library.
It has a widget toolkit set named Elementary. On top of that, the entire project is written in C, so it wouldn't be super hard to wrap. However the project is very Linuxy based. I did find some Precompiled Windows binaries here: http://win-builds.org/doku.php/1.5.0_packages#elementary_1112-2_-_toolkit_set
However when I tried doing a simple test to make sure I could wrap, I got error after error saying it needed this or that DLL. I think it would be neat to have, but if its a big head-ache to get everything up and going, I'll probably skip it for now.
2. Re: Enlightement Library Wrapping Hurdles
- Posted by jmduro Nov 29, 2021
Looks like it requires MSYS2 according to this page: https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/windows/
3. Re: Enlightement Library Wrapping Hurdles
- Posted by Icy_Viking Nov 29, 2021
Looks like it requires MSYS2 according to this page: https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/windows/
Yes I tried that. It was working for the most part. However it had trouble downloading certain libraries and was causing my CPU to spike. I might try again later. It would probably help if I had faster internet.