1. How To Display Non-Modal Dialog with Win32Lib

So, I'm having to update a program that uses the old Win32Lib, and I've forgotten (if I even really ever knew) how to display a non-modal dialog.

I want to use it as a progress window while the code processes in the background.

Can anybody help out an old, forgetful man?!

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2. Re: How To Display Non-Modal Dialog with Win32Lib

euphoric said...

So, I'm having to update a program that uses the old Win32Lib, and I've forgotten (if I even really ever knew) how to display a non-modal dialog.

I want to use it as a progress window while the code processes in the background.

Can anybody help out an old, forgetful man?!

Isn't it just a child window of the main window [non-modal by default unlike, say, Message Box]? Updates could be by using a timer to indicate the periodic iterations until the code is done. Eu might be single threaded but the os isn't. But your code processing will need to doEvents() at some point in the loop to release the WM_TIMER messages.

BTW, I have no interest in what Eu 'tasks' do.


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3. Re: How To Display Non-Modal Dialog with Win32Lib

Spock said...
euphoric said...

So, I'm having to update a program that uses the old Win32Lib, and I've forgotten (if I even really ever knew) how to display a non-modal dialog.

I want to use it as a progress window while the code processes in the background.

Can anybody help out an old, forgetful man?!

Isn't it just a child window of the main window [non-modal by default unlike, say, Message Box]?

I'll look into that... Thank you!

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