1. Running Euphoria on replit.com - Micro Tutorial
- Posted by achury Jun 20, 2021
- Last edited Jun 21, 2021
This is a simple procedure to get Euphoria running on a replit linux virtual machine. Is a great didactic resource
1- Of course you need an account at replit.com
2- Create a new replit. Select language "bash script"
3- Create a file euinstall.sh with this content:
# Use this script to install Euphoria on your replit! wget "https://github.com/OpenEuphoria/euphoria/releases/download/4.1.0/euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-x64-57179171dbed.tar.gz" tar xvzf euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-x64-57179171dbed.tar.gz -C . rm *.tar.gz mv euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-x64 euphoria cd ./euhoria/bin chmod +x * cd ../.. ./euphoria/bin/eui
4- On the console (at rigth hand) turn executable and run your new script:
chmod +x euinstall.sh ./euinstall.sh
5- Euphoria is already installed. Sometimes I get an error in the last line of the script, appear to be because internal delay updating replit folders... But I did several tests and worked!
6- Create an Eu test program. I simply made main.ex with:
#!./euphoria/bin/eui puts(1,"Euphoria running here...\n")
7- Remember to made your euphoria program executable, on the console execute:
chmod +x main.ex
8- Now you can launch the program directly from the console using: ./main.ex
9- To launch your program by click on the play button, edit the main.sh file, may be as simple as:
10 - Remember we have not set environmental variables, you must to use full paths to call insterpreter and includes. May be you can include set PATH, EUDIR and EUINCLUDE on the main.sh script...
2. Re: Running Euphoria on replit.com - Micro Tutorial
- Posted by achury Jun 20, 2021
You can play there:
3. Re: Running Euphoria on replit.com - Micro Tutorial
- Posted by petelomax Jun 21, 2021
This is a simple procedure to get Euphoria running on a replit linux virtual machine. Is a great didactic resource
Oh wow, that is embarassingly simple!
I've made a Phix one: https://replit.com/@PeteLomax1/PhixInterpreter#main.sh
4. Re: Running Euphoria on replit.com - Micro Tutorial
- Posted by achury Jun 21, 2021
Would be great to have there syntax coloring for Euphoria code. Only will happen if many people use it.