1. Phix pointer arrays, string pointer arrays
- Posted by irv Feb 09, 2021
Batteries not included.
Neither are the two types above.
If we have to build our own, some examples would be appreciated.
2. Re: Phix pointer arrays, string pointer arrays
- Posted by petelomax Feb 09, 2021
demo/pGUI/pGUI.e has iup_ptr_array(), iup_peek_string_pointer_array() and iup_poke_string_pointer_array().
Several examples of use can be found in the same file.
It is not difficult, and in fact trivial in most cases.
However, things like COMDLG_FILTERSPEC() and create_com_object() in builtins\pComN.ew have such wildly different requirements that I've always felt it would be far easier for each lib to maintain it's own needs, compared to just reading the docs for a single standard but flexible enough builtin that needs to have at the very least 80 option permutations to even begin to be generally useful, let alone getting down to actually using it, imo anyway.