1. Phix and C varargs

Does Phix provide an easier way to handle calls like this:

GtkListStore * 
gtk_list_store_new (gint n_columns, 
Creates a new list store with n_columns columns each of the types passed in.

As an example, gtk_list_store_new (3, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING,
GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF); will create a new GtkListStore with three
columns, of type int, string and GdkPixbuf respectively.

I managed an awkward way to do this with Euphoria. Rather not do that again if not necessary.


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2. Re: Phix and C varargs

irv said...

GtkListStore *gtk_list_store_new (gint n_columns, ...); 
I managed an awkward way to do this with Euphoria. Rather not do that again if not necessary.

Why not just use gtk_list_store_newv(gint n_columns, GType *types); ?

For an example, pGUI uses IupHboxv rather than either of the others, and there's nothing tricky about the implementation of IupHbox() in pGUI.e.

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