1. Multi-language support in EuGTK

It's very easy to add user-modifiable labels, buttons, and images to your EuGTK programs.
This is done by modifying simple, plain text files, so you can bind or shroud your programs, while still allowing the users to make changes.
Controls which you want to be modifiable must be named, and this allows name.property=value
syntax to be used.

Multi-language support:

English lang file:

(Pastey's can't accept foreign characters. Examples of lang.* files in German, Spanish, Russian, Greek, Hindi are included with EuGTK download.)

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2. Re: Multi-language support in EuGTK

That's pretty cool! If I ever start messing around with GUI programming and learn another spoken language I might be able to use it. grin


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3. Re: Multi-language support in EuGTK

That's the point - you don't have to speak another language - you can write a program so that whoever uses it can modify to be in their own language, without them having to be a programmer or screwing up your code.

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