1. Generating C code and compiling
- Posted by jessedavis Dec 05, 2019
Is it possible to generate an .exe file using EUC with euphoria 4.1 64 bit on windows 10?
Error message:
C:\Users\jed7\Documents\Software\Euphoria\play>euc -keep z.exw
Build directory: build-736580
Translating code, pass: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 generating
Compiling with GCC
Compiling 2% init-.c
init-.c:1:0: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in
- include "include/euphoria.h"
Couldn't compile file 'init-.c'
Status: 1 Command: gcc -DEWINDOWS -fomit-frame-pointer -c -w -fsigned-char -O2 -m64 -Ic:/Euphoria -ffast-math init-.c
It's a 2 line program:
printf(1,"this is a test\n",{}) ak("end it all!")
2. Re: Generating C code and compiling
- Posted by irv Dec 05, 2019
You may find the answer in that thread.
3. Re: Generating C code and compiling
- Posted by jessedavis Dec 06, 2019
You may find the answer in that thread.
I checked it out. The thrust seems to be the compiler. I will download it and try; however, gcc is unhappy with a header file which implies that it is not the correct header file. I looked at it. don't know enough to comment.
As a matter of curiosity why did you say that euGTK was to slow for Raspberry Pi? Assuming I can get euc working I should be able to generate native RPi files that would be fast. Do you have any thoughts on a euphoria like language and GUI that would also work for the RPi?
Thanks for you help.
4. Re: Generating C code and compiling
- Posted by irv Dec 06, 2019
As a matter of curiosity why did you say that euGTK was to slow for Raspberry Pi? Assuming I can get euc working I should be able to generate native RPi files that would be fast. Do you have any thoughts on a euphoria like language and GUI that would also work for the RPi?
Thanks for you help.
Actually, EuGTK may be fast enough, especially if you can get your client to pay the extra few bucks for the Pi 4 with 2 or 4 gigs memory. I'm still using the Pi 3 with 1 gig.