1. libcurl - help needed

Forked from Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL

I wrote a libcurl 7.50 wrapper for Eu3, mostly from C source code with some routines borrowed form Ray's eulibcurl02. Source code is here: http://jean-marc.duro.pagesperso-orange.fr/libcurl_v0.0.3.zip

I can access https sites but there are some functionnalities I can't get to work:

  • cookies (there is no error but the list of cookies remains empty)
  • recover HTML body (as with Ray's curl_easy_perform_ex)

Help needed


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2. Re: libcurl - help needed

jmduro said...

Forked from Re: HTTPS with OpenSSL

I wrote a libcurl 7.50 wrapper for Eu3, mostly from C source code with some routines borrowed form Ray's eulibcurl02. Source code is here: http://jean-marc.duro.pagesperso-orange.fr/libcurl_v0.0.3.zip

I can access https sites but there are some functionnalities I can't get to work:

  • cookies (there is no error but the list of cookies remains empty)
  • recover HTML body (as with Ray's curl_easy_perform_ex)

Help needed


I wrapped some of the easy interface a few years ago and haven't used it much recently *uses memstruct now*. I don't think I ever output the cookies, but last time I did use it on a site that needed cookies, I used both CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE amd CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR set to the same file name.

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3. Re: libcurl - help needed

Additional libraries needed are available here: http://jean-marc.duro.pagesperso-orange.fr/myLibs3_v1.5.22_2016-10-20.zip


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4. Re: libcurl - help needed

ne1uno said...

I wrapped some of the easy interface a few years ago and haven't used it much recently *uses memstruct now*. I don't think I ever output the cookies, but last time I did use it on a site that needed cookies, I used both CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE amd CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR set to the same file name.

I tried this, but the cookies file remains empty even with sites sending cookies (verified):

# Netscape HTTP Cookie File 
# https://curl.haxx.se/docs/http-cookies.html 
# This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk. 


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5. Re: libcurl - help needed

jmduro said...

I can access https sites but there are some functionnalities I can't get to work:

  • cookies (there is no error but the list of cookies remains empty)
  • recover HTML body (as with Ray's curl_easy_perform_ex)

To recover the HTML body from the call to curl_easy_perform(), you need to establish a write function via curl_easy_setopt() that collects the data.

This example is untested, but it's how I've done this in C code that uses cURL.

include std/eumem.e 
include std/machine.e 
function curl_write_callback( atom ptr, atom size, atom nmemb, atom userdata ) 
    atom realsize = size * nmemb 
    sequence data = peek({ ptr, realsize }) 
    eumem:ram_space[userdata] = append( eumem:ram_space[userdata], data ) 
    return realsize 
end function 
public function curl_easy_perform_ex( atom handle ) 
    atom write_cb = call_back( routine_id("curl_write_callback") ) 
    curl_easy_setopt( handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_cb ) 
    atom userdata = eumem:malloc( "" ) 
    curl_easy_setopt( handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, userdata ) 
    atom result = curl_easy_perform( handle ) 
    sequence content = eumem:ram_space[userdata] 
    eumem:free( userdata ) 
    return {result,content} 
end function 


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6. Re: libcurl - help needed

That is what I did. Here is the Eu 3.1 code:

global sequence curl_easy_buffer 
function curl_write_callback(atom bufferp, integer size, integer nmemb, atom userp) 
   userp = userp -- stop warning 
   curl_easy_buffer = curl_easy_buffer & peek({bufferp, size * nmemb}) 
   return size * nmemb 
end function 
global function curl_easy_perform_ex(atom curl) 
   integer ret 
   atom hsp 
   hsp = allocate_string("") 
   -- set callback function to receive data 
   ret = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, 
   void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, hsp) 
   -- get file 
   curl_easy_buffer = {} 
   ret = curl_easy_perform(curl) 
   if ret != CURLE_OK then 
      return ret 
      return curl_easy_buffer 
   end if 
end function 

This code crashes on curl_easy_perform(curl).


Nota: now I can read slist structures as used with cookies, but the cookies file remains empty.

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7. Re: libcurl - help needed

Hi Greg,

I ported your code to Eu 3

include machine.e  
sequence ram_space 
integer ram_free_list, free_rid 
ram_space = {} 
ram_free_list = 0 
function malloc(object mem_struct_p) 
  integer temp_ 
  if atom(mem_struct_p) then 
    mem_struct_p = repeat(0, mem_struct_p) 
  end if 
  if ram_free_list = 0 then 
    ram_space = append(ram_space, mem_struct_p) 
    return length(ram_space) 
  end if 
  temp_ = ram_free_list 
  ram_free_list = ram_space[temp_] 
  ram_space[temp_] = mem_struct_p 
  return temp_ 
end function 
procedure free(atom mem_p) 
  if mem_p < 1 then return end if 
  if mem_p > length(ram_space) then return end if 
  ram_space[mem_p] = ram_free_list 
  ram_free_list = floor(mem_p) 
end procedure 
free_rid = routine_id("free") 
function curl_write_callback( atom ptr, atom size, atom nmemb, atom userdata )  
  atom realsize 
  sequence data 
  realsize = size * nmemb  
  data = peek({ ptr, realsize })  
  ram_space[userdata] = append( ram_space[userdata], data )  
  return realsize  
end function  
global function curl_easy_perform_ex( atom handle )  
  atom write_cb, userdata, result 
  sequence content 
  write_cb = call_back( routine_id("curl_write_callback") )  
  void = curl_easy_setopt( handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_cb )  
  userdata = malloc( "" )  
  void = curl_easy_setopt( handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, userdata )  
  result = curl_easy_perform( handle )  
  content = ram_space[userdata]  
  free( userdata )  
  return {result,content}  
end function  

I got the same crash. Then I tried to replace

write_cb = call_back( routine_id("curl_write_callback") )


write_cb = call_back( { '+', routine_id("curl_write_callback")} )

and it doesn't crash anymore!



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8. Re: libcurl - help needed

jmduro said...

I got the same crash. Then I tried to replace

write_cb = call_back( routine_id("curl_write_callback") )


write_cb = call_back( { '+', routine_id("curl_write_callback")} )

and it doesn't crash anymore!

Oh yes, I suppose cURL is using CDECL on Windows so you'll need the '+' in there.


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9. Re: libcurl - help needed

Back, when I was using Ray's libcurl on a daily basis, this is the code I used regarding cookies. It worked as expected.

else -- Direct 
	void = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP) 
	void = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, "") 
	void = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "C:\\EUPHORIA\\greys\\Direct_cookies") 
	void = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "C:\\EUPHORIA\\greys\\Direct_cookies") 
	void = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Opera/9.21 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)") 
end if 
void = curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0) 
-- CURLOPT_CAINFO and CURLOPT_CAPATH would be used to point to certificates, 
-- but the line above says not to verify the SSL certificate 

I'll be re-writing that code for re-use in the next couple of months, I'll report back.

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10. Re: libcurl - help needed

Thanks Greg and Craig,

With your help, I have improved the library. It is still not complete but it can now read HTML data, cookies and certificates. Source is available here: http://jean-marc.duro.pagesperso-orange.fr/libcurl_v0.0.5.zip

On my TODO list, there is:

  • set cookies
  • manage csrf tokens
  • manage forms
  • and maybe more

I'm also trying to standardize my own Eu3 libraries to mimic Eu4 std library.



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11. Re: libcurl - help needed

The last example I ported from C does write the HTML page to a file but crashes on curl_easy_perform.

C:\Data\Euphoria\v3\Personnel\libcurl\examples\../curl.e:2417 in function curl_easy_perform()  
A machine-level exception occurred during execution of this statement  
    curl = 35925736 
... called from C:\Data\Euphoria\v3\Personnel\libcurl\examples\url2file.exw:82  

I can't understand why it crashes. Output file page.out is well written and complete.

Here is the code. Whole library is on RDS Site and here: http://jean-marc.duro.pagesperso-orange.fr/libcurl_v0.0.7.zip

-- <DESC> 
-- Download a given URL into a local file named page.out. 
-- </DESC> 
include file.e 
include get.e 
include ../curl.e 
include myLibs/myDebug.e 
include myLibs/myFile.e 
function curl_write_callback( atom ptr, atom size, atom nmemb, atom stream )  
  atom realsize 
  sequence data 
  realsize = size * nmemb  
  data = peek({ ptr, realsize })  
  puts(stream, data) 
  return realsize 
end function  
  sequence cmd, lNames 
  atom curl, write_cb 
  sequence res 
  integer pagefile 
  cmd = command_line() 
  lNames = splitFilename(cmd[2]) 
  void = chdir(lNames[1]) 
  InitialDir = current_dir() 
  f_debug = open(InitialDir & SLASH & "debug.log", "w") 
  void = curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL) 
  -- init the curl session 
  curl = curl_easy_init() 
  if curl then 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP) 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, "") 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, "example.com") 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "http://example.com") 
    -- Switch on full protocol/debug output while testing 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1) 
    -- disable progress meter, set to 0L to enable and disable debug output 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1) 
    write_cb = call_back( routine_id("curl_write_callback") )  
    -- send all data to this function  
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_cb )  
    -- open the file 
    pagefile = open(InitialDir & SLASH & "page.out", "wb") 
    if  (pagefile) then 
      -- write the page body to this file handle 
      void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, pagefile) 
      -- get it! 
      res = curl_easy_perform(curl) 
      -- Check for errors 
      if (res[1] != CURLE_OK) then 
        printf(2, "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n", 
        analyzeObject(split(res[2][1], "\n", 0), "data", 1, 0) 
        puts(1, "curl_easy_perform() succeeded\n") 
      end if 
      -- close the header file 
    end if 
    -- cleanup curl stuff 
  end if 
  puts(1, "Press any key to continue.\n") 
  void = wait_key() 


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12. Re: libcurl - help needed

I'm surprised it works at all because you missed the CDECL '+' in your call to call_back() again.


write_cb = call_back( routine_id("curl_write_callback") )

should be:

write_cb = call_back({ '+', routine_id("curl_write_callback") })


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13. Re: libcurl - help needed

ghaberek said...

I'm surprised it works at all because you missed the CDECL '+' in your call to call_back() again.

Thank you Greg,

Not only mice fall in the same trap many times, aging frenchies do also! To avoid having the same problem many times more, I will use following routine in Eu3 version of std/machine.e (updated):

-- return a CDECL call_back handle for a routine 
global function cdecl_callback(integer rtn) 
  return call_back({ '+', rtn }) 
end function 

Here is the updated code which works.

-- <DESC> 
-- Download a given URL into a local file named page.out. 
-- </DESC> 
include file.e 
include get.e 
include ../curl.e 
include myLibs/myDebug.e 
include myLibs/myFile.e 
function curl_write_callback( atom ptr, atom size, atom nmemb, atom stream )  
  atom realsize 
  sequence data 
  realsize = size * nmemb  
  data = peek({ ptr, realsize })  
  puts(stream, data) 
  return realsize 
end function  
  sequence cmd, lNames 
  atom curl, write_cb 
  integer res 
  integer pagefile 
  cmd = command_line() 
  lNames = splitFilename(cmd[2]) 
  void = chdir(lNames[1]) 
  InitialDir = current_dir() 
  f_debug = open(InitialDir & SLASH & "debug.log", "w") 
  void = curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL) 
  -- init the curl session 
  curl = curl_easy_init() 
  if curl then 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP) 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, "http://proxy.rd.francetelecom.fr:8080") 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, "example.com") 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "http://example.com") 
    -- Switch on full protocol/debug output while testing 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1) 
    -- disable progress meter, set to 0L to enable and disable debug output 
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1) 
    write_cb = cdecl_callback(routine_id("curl_write_callback")) 
    -- send all data to this function  
    void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_cb )  
    -- open the file 
    pagefile = open(InitialDir & SLASH & "page.out", "wb") 
    if  (pagefile) then 
      -- write the page body to this file handle 
      void = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, pagefile) 
      -- get it! 
      res = curl_easy_perform(curl) 
      -- Check for errors 
      if (res != CURLE_OK) then 
        printf(2, "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n", 
        puts(1, "curl_easy_perform() succeeded\n") 
      end if 
      -- close the header file 
    end if 
    -- cleanup curl stuff 
  end if 
  puts(1, "Press any key to continue.\n") 
  void = wait_key() 

I hope libcurl will be chosen as a replacement of std/socket.e as it covers a broader range of functionalities. Static libraries are also available.



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14. Re: libcurl - help needed

I made some minor changes to curl.e and std/machine.e to get the library working under Linux with Eu3.

All examples work except certinfo.exw which crashes on curl_slist_free_all(). Certificates are shown in debug.log.

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15. Re: libcurl - help needed

jmduro said...

I hope libcurl will be chosen as a replacement of std/socket.e as it covers a broader range of functionalities. Static libraries are also available.

I couldn't agree more. One issue with bringing cURL into Euphoria via static library is exposing all of the C functions from the backend. I had proposed this idea to Jim a while ago:

Re: Euphoria JSON parser

jimcbrown said...
ghaberek said...

Right, for wrapping Mini-XML, I was thinking I could put all of the function addresses into a table and just peek them all from memory, get the pointer to that table with one machine_func() call, and then wrap the functions with define_c_func()/proc() as if I were wrapping a shared library. That would save me from having to burn through ~70 machine_func() constants in the backend.

That's a really clever idea!

I would imagine that exposing cURL would work the same way.


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16. Re: libcurl - help needed

jmduro said...

I hope libcurl will be chosen as a replacement of std/socket.e as it covers a broader range of functionalities. Static libraries are also available.

socket.e is a thin wrapper for OS/libc provided socket functionality.

I don't think this is likely to go away anytime soon. But I do think that there is room for both libcurl and socket.e in Eu

ghaberek said...

I couldn't agree more. One issue with bringing cURL into Euphoria via static library is exposing all of the C functions from the backend. I had proposed this idea to Jim a while ago:

Re: Euphoria JSON parser

jimcbrown said...
ghaberek said...

Right, for wrapping Mini-XML, I was thinking I could put all of the function addresses into a table and just peek them all from memory, get the pointer to that table with one machine_func() call, and then wrap the functions with define_c_func()/proc() as if I were wrapping a shared library. That would save me from having to burn through ~70 machine_func() constants in the backend.

That's a really clever idea!

I would imagine that exposing cURL would work the same way.


Agreed. We should probably put this on the roadmap. If someone sends us a reasonable patch for this, I'll guarantee that it'll be committed in some form and put into the next release.

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17. Re: libcurl - help needed

Googledrive files for downloading...

"curl.e" ( edited include file )


"curl.zip" ( pdf documentation for include file curl.e )


I made some cosmetic changes to curl.e so that I can generate documentation that matches the style used for oE.

If you like the output, we can work to refine the documentation.

( warning: not tested so the curl.e file may be damaged.)


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18. Re: libcurl - help needed

I will check the changes to adopt the style allowing to generate documentation.

It may be a little early to pulish documentation because it is still a beta release. I'm improving it every day and it misses a real complete example. There are only small chunks of code today.

For example, yesterday I noticed that CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER could not be managed as other (char *)-based options. It has to be managed apart:

  elsif option = CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER then  -- char * 
    code = c_func(xcurl_easy_setopt, {curl, option, param}) 

I also considered there was no reason to keep curl_easy_setopt as a function. I added this at the end of the procedure:

  if (code != CURLE_OK) then 
    o = findID(SETOPT_OPTIONS, option, 1) 
    if atom(o) then 
      warnError(sprintf("Unknown option '%d'", {option}), 1) 
      warnError(sprintf("Failed to set option '%s'", {o[2]}), 1) 
    end if 
  end if 

Last, I intend to use the same method I used in my Low Level Windows Library to declare functions and structures and automate controls.

I think that documentation has to wait for code to be stable enough to ensure people will not use it but for testing.



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19. Re: libcurl - help needed

I get the idea for the syntax to adopt, but something sounds bizarre:

curl_version function has curl_easy_escape documentation!


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20. Re: libcurl - help needed

jmduro said...

I get the idea for the syntax to adopt, but something sounds bizarre:

curl_version function has curl_easy_escape documentation!


Only bizarre because I don't know exactly what you are documenting. The "easy" keyword sounded like it should be the target routine!

I created a reference tutorial on setting a standard format for creating documentation http://openeuphoria.org/wiki/view/sample.e.wc

The old way was to format using Creole markup and that was what the docs looked like.

My current thinking is to add more tags (maybe just a heading like Returns;) and use as little formatting as possible. Then, the idea is to write a utility that reads a tag and then formats text into the final docs.

For example, constants and routines appear as you write them, but a simple utility sorts them into alphabetical order. For example: an extra tag could be used to group related routines together and the docs re-arrange themselves into a new order.

We can use your curl.e for testing out new ideas.


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21. Re: libcurl - help needed

Added another page http://openeuphoria.org/wiki/view/standard%20doc.wc showing how a standard documented routine can be parsed into a new "look."

The idea is that more information can be parsed out of the signature and less typing is needed when creating documentation.


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22. Re: libcurl - help needed

_tom said...

I created a reference tutorial on setting a standard format for creating documentation http://openeuphoria.org/wiki/view/sample.e.wc

I get an Internal Server Error on the doc_Sample_html link on that page

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23. Re: libcurl - help needed

petelomax said...
_tom said...

I created a reference tutorial on setting a standard format for creating documentation http://openeuphoria.org/wiki/view/sample.e.wc

I get an Internal Server Error on the doc_Sample_html link on that page


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24. Re: libcurl - help needed

jmduro said...
  • cookies (there is no error but the list of cookies remains empty)

Hi Jean-Marc,

I'm not sure from the rest of the thread if you still have this problem.

Generally, there are three reasons why this might happen.

  1. Incorrect permissions on the directory/file, so it can't be written to.
  2. (Especially if your program is running as a CGI) the lack of absolute address instead of relative. LibcURL might be writing a cookie file, but not to where you expect to find it.
  3. This is the real deal - if your program does not end with a clean (no errors) curl_easy_cleanup(), no cookies will be written. You might have iteratively accessed thousands of urls, but not a single cookie will be written to disk until curl_easy_cleanup() is executed. This can happen when testing, for example, when you might just execute a short code snippet, and leave curl_easy_cleanup() out. There is however a new option, CURLOPT_COOKIELIST, "FLUSH", which was added in version 7.17.1, which will force cookies to be written. I have 7.15.5 on my CentOS Linux 5.11 server, and 7.43.0 on my MacBook OS X 10.11.6. So I had to ensure that it worked without 'FLUSH', which I've now done.

I've recently turned my thoughts to libcURL again, as I'm re-writing some old programs to work with Euphoria 4.x. I'm using:

Ray Smith's eulibcurl
modified by Julio C. Galaret Viera for *nix
modified by me in 2007 to allow for proxy (CURLPROXY_HTTP etc).
modified by me in 2009 to allow the CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER function to work, in particular for the use of SOAP functions that require "Content-Type: text/xml" and "SOAPaction: login"
modified by me yesterday to work on Euphoria 4.0, on *nix and OS X

So far I've tested cookies, SSL, GET, PROXY. Yet to test will be SOCKS, POST.

I have not considered documentation at all, and my test script (which I'm happy to send you) is a maze - but it serves my purpose. I've not been trying to make a distribution version, just make it work for my purpose.

Cordialement, Craig

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25. Re: libcurl - help needed

CraigWelch said...

I'm not sure from the rest of the thread if you still have this problem.

Thank you Greg,

I don't have the problem anymore. I can read cookies yet.



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26. Re: libcurl - help needed

Now I have tested a working example: a connection to an HTTPS server with login and authentication with a CSRF token.

I comment the code and brand new library before I upload the source.


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27. Re: libcurl - help needed

The libcurl wrapper has been uploaded: http://www.RapidEuphoria.com/uploads/libcurl2.zip

I will port it to EU4 later if someone needs it.


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28. Re: libcurl - help needed

jmduro said...

The libcurl wrapper has been uploaded: http://www.RapidEuphoria.com/uploads/libcurl2.zip

I will port it to EU4 later if someone needs it.


Irrespective of the need expressed or unexpressed of Libcurl for EU4, it would be a good idea to port it to EU4. My reasoning is that there are very few developers supporting/debugging problems in EU4 and a stable Libcurl wrapper replacing the current network related functions would be very welcome and useful

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29. Re: libcurl - help needed

jmduro said...

The libcurl wrapper has been uploaded: http://www.RapidEuphoria.com/uploads/libcurl2.zip

I will port it to EU4 later if someone needs it.


Has this been ported to EU4 yet?

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30. Re: libcurl - help needed

euphoric said...
jmduro said...

The libcurl wrapper has been uploaded: http://www.RapidEuphoria.com/uploads/libcurl2.zip

I will port it to EU4 later if someone needs it.


Has this been ported to EU4 yet?

Sorry, I missed your question. An EU4 version is provided in the EU4 Standard Library (lib/_curl_.e). It relies on some other libraries of the package.



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