1. graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by eeel Sep 10, 2015
Hello there,
can anybody please suggest ideas as to why graphics mode 261 works ok only once
after a hibernation (or a restart) but subsequent runs of the program only display
a blank screen of the expected background colour (changes of which are displayed
correctly but no text or pixels)
My programs that use g-mode 261 always have a reset to g-mode(-1) at the end
(which i am led to believe is a good habit to get into).
The use_vesa(1) routine seemed to make no difference to this phenomenon.
In case it is relevant i am using...
- an IBM thinkpad
- Windows XP Professional (5.1 build 2600)
- Intel Pentium M at 1.60GHz
- 1526MB RAM
- DirectX 9.0c
- Mobile Intel 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express Chipset with Internal DAC type
- 128MB memory
- native resolution 1024x768
It is so thrilling to see the sharp graphics available in native resolution
and i would prefer not to have to resort to g-mode 18
(the highest resolution that seems to work repeatedly)
Big thanks in advance for any thoughts about this you are able to share with me
(~: eeel the eel :~)
2. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Sep 11, 2015
Hi eeel
The problem with this is that this is a DOS mode, and there is no longer a lot of interest in DOS graphics programming. There is dos_rescue which may be of interest to you, but DOS modes are no longer officially supported in the current eu.
Look at the other graphics libraries, particularly SDL and opengl for pixel control and graphics - allegro is getting a bit long in the tooth now,
3. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by eeel Sep 14, 2015
Hi eeel
The problem with this is that this is a DOS mode, and there is no longer a lot of interest in DOS graphics programming. There is dos_rescue which may be of interest to you, but DOS modes are no longer officially supported in the current eu.
Look at the other graphics libraries, particularly SDL and opengl for pixel control and graphics - allegro is getting a bit long in the tooth now,
thank you chris for the speedy reply
i am just gettin back into attempting very simple euphoria 2-D graphics programming and i am used to using just a few simple euphoria 3.1 routines like GRAPHICS_MODE, ALL_PALETTE, PIXEL and DISPLAY_IMAGE some of which needed me to 'INCLUDE' the graphics.e and image.e libraries at the beginning of my program and all of which were documented in the reference manual which i found very useful to consult
i checked out your suggestions and unfortunately felt confused & overwhelmed by the amount & the content of the files
maybe i was naively expecting nothing more than a small number of .e (or .ew if i'm to 'give up' on DOS32) files (similar to graphics.e and image.e with maybe documentation on the routines syntax) to put in the INCLUDE folder, to be used in the same way
i would be very interested to find out if something as basic as this is exists that will easily allow me to (for example) have a fullscreen 1024x768 graphics mode on to which i can plot a single pixel at any coordinate in one of 16 (or even 256) colors in WIN32
sorry i don't understand much about machine code or different graphics 'cards'
i originally learnt 'high-level' programming on the zx spectrum & commodore64 (simon's basic) and so when i first heard about euphoria for programming on a PC i was hoping it would just as easy to 'PLOT' pixels onscreen
i guess my poor old brain is stuck in the eighties
still - any suggestions about very basic graphics programming on windowsXP will be most welcome
thanks again chris and to anyone else with any ideas for me to consider
4. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by petelomax Sep 14, 2015
attempting very simple euphoria 2-D graphics programming ... felt confused & overwhelmed by the amount & the content of the files
i would be very interested to find out if something as basic as this is exists that will easily allow me to (for example) have a fullscreen 1024x768 graphics mode on to which i can plot a single pixel at any coordinate in one of 16 (or even 256) colors in WIN32
still - any suggestions about very basic graphics programming on windowsXP will be most welcome
Have a look at http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Animate_a_pendulum#Phix. You may need to grab a few files from https://bitbucket.org/petelomax/phix/src and/or http://phix.is-great.org/download.php to get it to work, though I have not tried it on OpenEuphoria. Let me know what you think.
5. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by eeel Sep 15, 2015
Have a look at http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Animate_a_pendulum#Phix. You may need to grab a few files from https://bitbucket.org/petelomax/phix/src and/or http://phix.is-great.org/download.php to get it to work, though I have not tried it on OpenEuphoria. Let me know what you think.
thank you pete
would it be fair to say that using phix will be simpler for basic pixel manipulation (in my case on windowsXP at native resolution 1024x768) than euphoria?
does anyone know if phix has the equivalent of the 'reference manual' which lists all the built-in routines & syntax?
is phix a completely separate program to euphoria and thus should be installed in a completely separate folder?
p s
with regards to there being 'no longer a lot of interest in DOS graphics programming' i must say that the only reason i am used to using euphoria in DOS32 mode rather than WIN32 mode is because the reference manual stated that graphics commands (routines?) like PIXEL, DRAW_LINE & GRAPHICS_MODE could only be used in DOS32 mode and i could not find any similar graphics commands to use in WIN32 mode which baffled me at the time (and still does - if & when it crosses my mind) but i simply decided to choose the mode that seemed to allow me to easily achieve what i wanted to do - which was simple pixel manipulation at fullscreen native resolution
6. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Sep 15, 2015
with regards to there being 'no longer a lot of interest in DOS graphics programming' i must say that the only reason i am used to using euphoria in DOS32 mode rather than WIN32 mode is because the reference manual stated that graphics commands (routines?) like PIXEL, DRAW_LINE & GRAPHICS_MODE could only be used in DOS32 mode and i could not find any similar graphics commands to use in WIN32 mode which baffled me at the time (and still does - if & when it crosses my mind) but i simply decided to choose the mode that seemed to allow me to easily achieve what i wanted to do - which was simple pixel manipulation at fullscreen native resolution
The dos_rescue library really does sound like what you're looking for. With that, you can still use the "classic" DOS32 pixel graphics routines in Windows.
Otherwise, you can try Win32Lib, wxEuphoria, or ARWEN as Pete demonstrated. They all have a lot of pixel graphics routines.
Could you give us an example of what you're trying to do? We could try to replicate it here.
7. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by BRyan Sep 15, 2015
Did you try USE_VESA() Its in the library doc in euphoria 3.11
8. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by petelomax Sep 15, 2015
- Last edited Sep 16, 2015
thank you pete
my pleasure
would it be fair to say that using phix will be simpler for basic pixel manipulation (in my case on windowsXP at native resolution 1024x768) than euphoria?
I wouldn't claim that outright, but maybe. It would be fair to expect teething troubles. Personally, I most certainly find Phix/arwen easier than OpenEuphoria/win32lib, anyway.
does anyone know if phix has the equivalent of the 'reference manual' which lists all the built-in routines & syntax?
There's a phix.chm that gets installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix\docs\phix which I hope you'll like.
is phix a completely separate program to euphoria and thus should be installed in a completely separate folder?
Yes, definitely. Once you've done that you should find a fair few demos that from the sound of things might interest you - arwen32dibdemo/demo_cube, arwendemo/ball, boids3d, demo_lines, demo_title, GraphR, mandel, scroller, animate_pendulum, draw_cuboid, and tinEWGdemo/poly (there's also a much simpler and probably less interesting arwendemo/Poly).
9. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by eeel Sep 16, 2015
than you greg
i will research what to do with the dos rescue package and hope that i understand the instructions
10. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by eeel Sep 16, 2015
thanks again pete for all the information you have shared
like i said to greg
i will do my best to research everything you have suggested and hope it all fits in my head somewhere - haha
11. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by andi49 Sep 18, 2015
than you greg
i will research what to do with the dos rescue package and hope that i understand the instructions
From my point of view, using Dos Graphics (even with Eu3.11) is not the way to go. Maybe you have fun playing arund with this.
include tinewg.exw WindowType=NoBorderWin -- we need a window without borders atom X=ScreenWidth() -- getting screen size X atom Y=ScreenHeight() -- see above and Y Window("test",-1,-1,X,Y) -- create the window (full screen centered) procedure paint() sequence coords coords=GetClientRect(WinHwnd) -- get the size of your working area {xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax} SetCanvas(WinHwnd) -- Choose WinHwnd (the Main Window) to paint on SetPenColor(CL_BLACK) -- Set Pen color and Brush Color (border and fillcolor) DrawRectangle(0,0,coords[3],coords[4],True) -- fill it with black SetPenColor(CL_BLUE) -- Set border and fill color to blue SetPenSize(5) -- a five pixel Pen Size DrawLine(0,0,coords[3],coords[4]) -- Draw a line from upper left to lower right DrawLine(coords[3],0,0,coords[4]) -- again from upper right to lower left SetPenSize(3) -- new pensize just for fun SetPenCol(CL_WHITE) -- now pen is white gives a white border around SetBrushCol(MakeRGB(0,255,0)) -- shows you can use any RGB Color not only the CL_XXX DrawRectangle(100,100,150,150,True) -- see above SetBrushCol(CL_RED) -- again DrawCircle(floor(X/2),floor(Y/2),200,True) -- funny circle in the middle end procedure SetHandler(WinHwnd,Paint,routine_id("paint")) -- repaint if needed procedure endapp() CloseApp() end procedure SetHandler(WinHwnd,Click,routine_id("endapp")) -- Close the App on a Mouse Click SetHandler(WinHwnd,Key,routine_id("endapp")) -- Also close on Keyboard paint() WinMain()
12. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by eeel Oct 05, 2015
- Last edited Oct 08, 2015
thank you andreas
to use the commands (routines) in your example - would i need to be running euphoria 3, euphoria 4, or phix?
13. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by andi49 Oct 05, 2015
thank you andreas
to use the commands (routines) in your exmaple - would i need to be running euphoria 3, euphoria 4, or phix?
tinewg works with Eu4.0,4.1(32bit) and maybe Phix (i never tested it myself) not with Eu3.1.
From other postings i have seen you are working with Eu3.1.
Maybe you download can EuWinGui and give it a try. EuWinGui comes with really good Doc's and easy to understand Demoprograms.
You can download it on Rapideuphoria http://www.rapideuphoria.com/euwingui.zip
If you come from dos programing, EuWinGui can give you a good start to learn programing under a GUI.
tinewg is my version for a simple GUI wrapper based on (the concept, not the code) EuWinGui
You can downlaod tinewg here https://bitbucket.org/andiwagner/tinewg
14. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by eeel Oct 08, 2015
thank you very much andreas
i hope check out your suggestions & get back to you
my poor brain still has problems with the word 'wrapper' in this context despite reading up about it on various websites
(likewise the word 'container' in relation to video file formats)
15. Re: graphics mode 261 query
- Posted by achury Oct 08, 2015
Laptops have exotic graphics mode, your program will not be compatible with different computers.
DOS graphics are great on "standar" desktop with CRT screen, using VGA or SVGA graphics, this way your program wil be portable on different machines.