1. Testing for NULL

#!/usr/bin/env eui 
sequence x 
-- The next executable line is an error as expected.   
-- But, how can I test/defend against this error in advance? 
-- ie 
-- if x = ??? then 
--   -- do something 
-- end if 
printf(1, "x is %s", {x}) -- How to test for this error? 
-- No problem here.  Works as I expected 
x = "some sequence" 
printf(1, "x is %s\n", {x}) 
-- I don't know how to express this in Euphoria either. 
-- What I hoped for was a way to set x to some value  
-- after valid assignment that would cause the error at the  
-- start of the code. 
x = 0 -- This causes a type error.  But how do you unset a variable? 
printf(1, "x is %s\n", {x}) 

This came up when I wanted to do this

public function fname(sequence self, sequence x = 0) 
    if x then 
        self[FNAME] = x 
    end if 
    return self[FNAME] 
end function 
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2. Re: Testing for NULL

The addition of testing EUPHORIA variables as being either not set or not is something that is relatively new. Some of us, like myself, say the user should have a set dummy value as values can be either atoms or sequences.

You can use object rather than sequence or use a custom type.

type sequence_or_0(object x) 
   return equal(x,0) or sequence(x) 
end type 
sequence_or_0 x = 0 -- no fatal error here. 

The variables should always be set to something. Here 0 means that there is no string yet.

public function fname(sequence_or_0 x) 
    if compare(x,0) then 
	self[FNAME] = x 
    end if 
    return self[FNAME] 
end function 

Values that might not be atoms (numbers) must not be used or you may get a fatal error. If you use x=0, then you will get a sequence of 0s and 1s depending on how the individual characters compare to 0. You can use compare(), and equal(). These always return atoms. Only atoms are valid, non-zero atoms are true, and 0 is is false.


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3. Re: Testing for NULL

xecronix said...
#!/usr/bin/env eui 
sequence x 
-- The next executable line is an error as expected.   
-- But, how can I test/defend against this error in advance? 
-- ie 
-- if x = ??? then 
--   -- do something 
-- end if 
printf(1, "x is %s", {x}) -- How to test for this error? 

Only works in 4.0.0 and above - use object.

#!/usr/bin/env eui 
sequence x 
-- The next executable line is an error as expected.   
-- But, how can I test/defend against this error in advance? 
-- ie 
if not object(x) then 
   -- do something 
end if 
printf(1, "x is %s", {x}) -- How to test for this error? 
xecronix said...
-- I don't know how to express this in Euphoria either. 
-- What I hoped for was a way to set x to some value  
-- after valid assignment that would cause the error at the  
-- start of the code. 
x = 0 -- This causes a type error.  But how do you unset a variable? 
printf(1, "x is %s\n", {x}) 

This isn't supported.

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4. Re: Testing for NULL

I could show you how to do this in Phix, using a grubby bit of inline assembly, which would need to be duplicated on a per variable basis. Oh, alright, you won't like it, but go on then:

object x 
procedure is_x_assigned() 
end procedure 
x = "hello" 
-- note: after this point the compiler starts optimising away the "not assigned" handling for x... hence the use of is_x_assigned() 
        mov edx,[x] 
        mov [x],h4 
        cmp edx,h4 
        jle @f 
            sub dword[ebx+edx*4-8],1 
        mov rdx,[x] 
        mov r15,h4 
        mov [x],r15 
        cmp rdx,r15 
        jle @f 
            sub qword[rbx+rdx*8-16],1 
            jne @f 
            call :%pDealloc 
-- output is: 0 1 0 

However, it is obviously far easier just to make x always assigned to, say, {is_valid,actual_value}.


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5. Re: Testing for NULL

SDPringle said...

Some of us, like myself, say the user should have a set dummy value as values can be either atoms or sequences.

When I read that I suddenly realised that a suitable dummy value could be 0.0 - ie:

    if not integer(d) and d=0 then -- it /is/ the special dummy value 

Of course you'd need some way to artificially create such a beast, and there are a couple of billion other "special values" that should not occur in normal code.


EDIT: Mind you, it could cause massive confusion and panic when things start being 0 and not 0 at the same time... And of course the d=0 as shown above would be optimized to false because the stupid compiler knows that d is not an integer, though you could use d=MYDUMMY instead. I'll get me coat.

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6. Re: Testing for NULL

xecronix said...
#!/usr/bin/env eui 
sequence x 
-- The next executable line is an error as expected.   
-- But, how can I test/defend against this error in advance? 
-- ie 
-- if x = ??? then 
--   -- do something 
-- end if 
printf(1, "x is %s", {x}) -- How to test for this error? 
-- No problem here.  Works as I expected 
x = "some sequence" 
printf(1, "x is %s\n", {x}) 
-- I don't know how to express this in Euphoria either. 
-- What I hoped for was a way to set x to some value  
-- after valid assignment that would cause the error at the  
-- start of the code. 
x = 0 -- This causes a type error.  But how do you unset a variable? 
printf(1, "x is %s\n", {x}) 

This came up when I wanted to do this

public function fname(sequence self, sequence x = 0) 
    if x then 
        self[FNAME] = x 
    end if 
    return self[FNAME] 
end function 

Hi, i'am not really sure about what you are like todo.

But what about this? (Windows code)

-- #!/usr/bin/env eui  
include std/console.e -- for anykey() 
object x = 0 
-- x="test" 
-- The next executable line is an error as expected.    
-- But, how can I test/defend against this error in advance?  
-- ie  
-- if x = ??? then  
--   -- do something  
-- end if  
if atom(x) then 
	printf(1, "x is %d\n", {x}) -- How to test for this error? 
	printf(1, "x is %s\n", {x}) -- How to test for this error? 
end if 
-- No problem here.  Works as I expected  
x = "some sequence"  
printf(1, "x is %s\n", {x})  
-- I don't know how to express this in Euphoria either.  
-- What I hoped for was a way to set x to some value   
-- after valid assignment that would cause the error at the   
-- start of the code.  
x = 0 -- This causes a type error.  But how do you unset a variable?  
-- printf(1, "x is %s\n", {x})  
if atom(x) then 
	printf(1, "x is %d\n", {x}) -- How to test for this error? 
	printf(1, "x is %s\n", {x}) -- How to test for this error? 
end if 
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7. Re: Testing for NULL

andi49 said...
x = 0 -- This causes a type error.  But how do you unset a variable?  

We ought to remove comments that are no longer valid after fixing problems. Leaving comments like this in can cause confusion. This line of code does not cause a type error like in the original post (by andi49).

x = 0  -- This no longer is an error because andi49 declared x as an "object". 

That is better. I like the idea of sequence_or_0 type. Because you want to allow a NULL like value and a valid string but not any arbitrary numbers. It should be rather a string_or_0 type which allows strings and 0 and nothing else.

type string_or_0(object x) -- going into the type function x may be anything. 
   if equal(0,x) then 
        return 1 -- 0 ok 
   elsif atom(x) then 
        return 0 -- any other number not ok. 
        for i = 1 to length(x) do 
            if not integer(x[i]) or 1 > x[i] or x[i] > #10FFFF then 
                 return 0 -- each member must be valid characters 
            end if 
        end for 
        return 1 
   end if 
end type 


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8. Re: Testing for NULL

I propose naming these new types with CamelCase, vis-a-vis the string type and String class in C#.

IMHO, this looks cleaner than adding "_or_0" to the type name.

It would also be helpful to have "is null or empty" functions for these new types.

include std/dll.e -- includes NULL 
include std/types.e -- includes string type 
-- returns 1 if x is NULL 
public function IsNull( object x ) 
    return equal( x, NULL ) 
end function 
-- returns 1 if length(x) = 0 
public function IsEmpty( object x ) 
    return sequence( x ) and length( x ) = 0 
end function 
-- returns 1 if a x is NULL or length(x) = 0 
public function IsNullOrEmpty( object x ) 
    return IsNull( x ) or IsEmpty( x ) 
end function 
-- a sequence type that allows NULL 
public type Sequence( object x ) 
    return sequence( x ) or equal( x, NULL ) 
end type 
-- a string type that allows NULL 
public type String( object x ) 
    return string( x ) or equal( x, NULL ) 
end type 


String myName = NULL  -- valid 
if IsNullOrEmpty( myName ) then 
    myName = "John Smith" -- valid 
end if 
myName = 3.14159      -- invalid 


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9. Re: Testing for NULL

ghaberek said...
public type String( object x ) 
    return string( x ) or equal( x, NULL ) 
end type 


I think there is value in having a distinct type that allow for the dummy value. Naming convention preferences aside I would call it StringOrNull but not String. I would make another type String that would NOT allow NULL.

public type String( object x ) 
    return string(x) 
end type 
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10. Re: Testing for NULL

SDPringle said...

I think there is value in having a distinct type that allow for the dummy value. Naming convention preferences aside I would call it StringOrNull but not String. I would make another type String that would NOT allow NULL.

Yeah, that's probably a better idea. C# allows for this with Nullable Types, so "string?" and "string" are two different things (nullable and non-nullable, respectively).

Too bad "?" isn't a valid type name character in Euphoria. getlost

public type String( object x ) 
    return string(x) 
end type 
public type StringOrNull( object x ) 
    return string(x) or equal(x, NULL) 
end type 


P.S. I'm not trying to compare Euphoria to C#, just using it as an example to show that such conventions are already established in other languages.

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