1. Donations
- Posted by SDPringle Aug 15, 2015
Hello there,
For those of you who don't know me, I am one of the devs for EUPHORIA. There are many problems with the administration of the project:
One problem is the "Donate Button" goes to one of the site admins and the developers never see how much goes in and how the money is spent. A part from the free ski trips we devs get every year we really don't get anything at all.
2. Re: Donations
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) Aug 16, 2015
Hello there,
For those of you who don't know me, I am one of the devs for EUPHORIA. There are many problems with the administration of the project:
One problem is the "Donate Button" goes to one of the site admins and the developers never see how much goes in and how the money is spent. A part from the free ski trips we devs get every year we really don't get anything at all.
This is not an ACTUAL problem but a POTENTIAL problem. As an admin yourself, have you not thought to ask the other admins about this information? All donations go towards funding the server/domain that hosts this site. No donations go to any of the admins, we all do it for free, thank you very much for asking.
We also own the domain name openeuphoria.com which has been entirely funded out of my own pocket - I have never received even a cent from any donations. I also fund the offsite backup site which is totally independent from openeuphoria.org site.
3. Re: Donations
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Aug 17, 2015
For those of you who don't know me, I am one of the devs for EUPHORIA. There are many problems with the administration of the project:
One problem is
If you see more than one problem, then you should spell them out. Otherwise, you're making an absurd proposition: "I see a lot of problems here, but I'm going to keep them secret and force you to guess by reading my mind!"
I noticed that you wrote this after making a post asking for donations for yourself (a tiny amount to fund a new power supply so you can get back to working on Euphoria). If there is something else you are trying to say, then I think you should clearly spell it out for us.
the "Donate Button" goes to one of the site admins and the developers never see how much goes in and how the money is spent.
Euphoric manages it.
While it's true that he doesn't provide reports like a summary of how much was donated in a month and how much was spent, that's probably because before now no one has ever asked.
As Derek points out, 100% of the money spent goes into paying for this site. It's not used for anything else. I was also under the impression that Derek and euphoric paid for much of this site out of their own pockets.
we really don't get anything at all.
Neither do the site admins.
4. Re: Donations
- Posted by fizzpopsoft Aug 17, 2015
Potentially the "books" could be made public, but that then leaves the door open for more detailed/personal arguments.
How about making the "books" open to admins only, and on request to anyone who has made a non-trivial donation?
A reasonable balance I hope. A (non-euphoria) donations request policy can be added to the code of conduct...
5. Re: Donations
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Aug 17, 2015
the "Donate Button" goes to one of the site admins and the developers never see how much goes in and how the money is spent.
Euphoric manages it.
That's being generous. I spend it all on hookers and blow. Then I have to replenish the funds out of my own pocket. YOU'RE WELCOME!
But, seriously, this page provides a list of all those who have contributed financially.
As Derek points out, 100% of the money spent goes into paying for this site. It's not used for anything else.
This is true. Every penny we get goes toward hosting the site. I'm hoping after we reach $10,000, we can host a Euphoria conference somewhere, centrally located. On a tropical isle. We just need $9,900 more! FUNDRAISE, PEOPLE!
we really don't get anything at all.
Neither do the site admins.
Nobody benefits financially from any donations (well, the community does, in that it gets a web site). It is all spent on site hosting. I am not against parceling out some to other Euphoria-related dev costs, but that's a decision that would have to be made by the admins, the devs, and the community.
6. Re: Donations
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Aug 17, 2015
Potentially the "books" could be made public, but that then leaves the door open for more detailed/personal arguments.
How about making the "books" open to admins only, and on request to anyone who has made a non-trivial donation?
A reasonable balance I hope. A (non-euphoria) donations request policy can be added to the code of conduct...
IMHO, there's absolutely no reason for the books to be private. I can show donations received and expenditures. My only issue is, I would have to default to keeping donators anonymous, unless they explicitly give permission otherwise. Other than that, like I said, I have no problem disclosing all line items. It's just a matter of time and space. I guess there could be a wiki page for it.