1. xpm resources
- Posted by irv Apr 29, 2015
One of the things that has been a bother is how to handle images when creating Gtk programs. Normally, images are loaded from files (jpg, png, gif, xpm, etc...) at run-time. This isn't so good if you're going to distribute a program. You have to make sure the images are available regardless of where the program is installed/moved.
The solution seems to be to convert images (xpm, in this case) to Euphoria includes, and include them when binding, compiling, etc. They then become part of the executable, and can't get lost. Similar to the resouce complier on Windows, perhaps.
I've posted a zip file containing the necessary xpm_resources at:
This is a quick and dirty first effort. Comments and suggestions for improvement appreciated.
Edit: note - the executable tests in this zip are all 64-bit. You can re-compile re-bind, or whatever if you're using 32-bits.
2. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by BRyan Apr 29, 2015
Could you use david's Resource Binder method or some modified version of it ?
Download here:
3. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by irv May 04, 2015
No doubt that would work, but it requires some extra steps each time the program is bound. It's easier just "include ..." the image(s) using Eu's normal include function. Also, it's unclear whether that will work with compiled-to-c programs. The docs only specify that you should bind your Eu program, then use bindres to append the 'resource'.
4. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by BRyan May 04, 2015
Here is another way to store xpm's in the executable
5. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by irv May 04, 2015
Thanks, those appear to be beyond my skill level. I've updated the little (100 line) Eu program which works fine to convert .xpm's to euphoria includes. See link earlier. For other images, I can easily convert them to xpm.
Now I'm wondering what, if any, other types of things might need to be handled in this manner?
Anyone familiar with Windows resources have a suggestion?
6. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by Spock May 04, 2015
No doubt that would work, but it requires some extra steps each time the program is bound. It's easier just "include ..." the image(s) ...
This is what I do with the graphics in my programs. I have an "image compiler" that converts the data into an include file. Thereafter I just include the file where it might be needed. The solution works but is a little clunky. What I'd really like to do is just:
include mypic.jpg
Duh, I just realized now that I can add this to my compiler..
8. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by Spock May 04, 2015
Care to share it?
It's Windows-centric, Orac-centric, and Dib32-centric. Some genius could reform it into something more gp (ie, for the typical Euphoria programmer) but as it stands now simply posting it would be kinda frustrating to a user.
This hints at one of the irksome features of this community: Apart from the "high-council" there are individuals who have done their own thing and exceeded the status quo in certain areas but at a cost of incompatibility.
I don't use the std Euphoria bitmap format (developed in the era of DOS), rather DibSections managed through a module - a bit like winlib32.ew manages its controls.
Alas, what we needed was someone with vision to avoid reinventing the wheel (like this one) .. but I digress.
9. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by Shian_Lee May 05, 2015
I think that 2 kinds of mechanisms are enough:
1. For programs that need small amount of data (few icons, etc).
2. For programs that need lots of data (200 icons, other stuff).
1. Small data can be stored in a regular Euphoria sequence (of course):
sequence icons = repeat({}, 15) icons[1] = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,46,128,255,0,0,...} icons[2] = {0,0,0,0,64,25,30,30,1,1,0,0,...} -- ...
2. Lots of data should be appended to a single data file:
-- (not debugged) integer fn_single, fn_source, byte, counter sequence files_list = {"icon1.gif", "icon2.xpm", "hello.txt", "logo.jpg",...} sequence files_start_end = repeat({0, -1}, length(files_list)) fn_single = open(program_name & "dat", "wb") counter = 0 for i = 1 to length(files_list) do fn_source = open(files_list[i], "rb") files_start_end[i][1] = counter + 1 while 1 do byte = getc(fn_source) if byte = -1 then exit else counter += 1 puts(fn_single, byte) end if end while files_start_end[i][2] = counter close(fn_source) end for close(fn_single)
Now, I know it may look stupid... but this is straightforward, easy, simple and common.
10. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by Shian_Lee May 05, 2015
I think that 2 kinds of mechanisms are enough:...
My points here Irv, are:
1. If the user is clever enough to move his MY-PROG.EXE file, then he/she is clever enough to move the MY-PROG.DAT file as well.
2. Using a binder program to append all data files into a single data file is simple.
In general, the binder should also write an include file, "resource.e" with two public paralleled constants/functions that return a search-able file list & their start-end seek positions.
Doing it using a simple Euphoria library is reasonable. While adding noncritical features to the Euphoria core is a big strategic mistake, which already been done in my opinion.
11. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by petelomax May 05, 2015
Care to share it?
It's Windows-centric, Orac-centric, and Dib32-centric. Some genius could reform it into something more gp (ie, for the typical Euphoria programmer) but as it stands now simply posting it would be kinda frustrating to a user.
This hints at one of the irksome features of this community: Apart from the "high-council" there are individuals who have done their own thing and exceeded the status quo in certain areas but at a cost of incompatibility.
I don't use the std Euphoria bitmap format (developed in the era of DOS), rather DibSections managed through a module - a bit like winlib32.ew manages its controls.
Alas, what we needed was someone with vision to avoid reinventing the wheel (like this one) .. but I digress.
In case anyone wants to see it, I wrote a createDIBfromXPM function several years ago
12. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by Spock May 05, 2015
I think that 2 kinds of mechanisms are enough:
1. For programs that need small amount of data (few icons, etc).
2. For programs that need lots of data (200 icons, other stuff).
I know .. this is straightforward, easy, simple and common.
Hi Shian,
In the interests of simplicity, why not just have one method that can do everything (in the case of static images), eg:
include mypic.jpg as splash -- creates one image include myicons.bmp as icons -- creates one image int Splash = splash:IMAGE seq MyIcons = ExtractIcons(icons:IMAGE, 20, 20) -- splits the image into 20 x 20 blocks and returns IDs or Handles
The good thing about this method is that it is simplest since you just plonk the graphics in some folder and you're done. There is no need to do any manual conversion. If you want to edit an image, just do it. The changes automatically get incorporated into the program. In my current system I have to run the conversion program each time I make adjustments to the icons bitmap - it's annoying.
Oh yeah. For the above idea to work someone has to write an Image2Include converter. And attach it to the compiler/interpreter. Also, the compilation time will increase.. a lot. But let's not get hung up on those details..
How long ago was the XPM format (concept) invented? It was useful in its day, but now? Do we really want to edit a program file to change a graphic? Better to edit the image file directly, surely.
13. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by Shian_Lee May 06, 2015
Oh yeah. For the above idea to work someone has to write an Image2Include converter. And attach it to the compiler/interpreter. Also, the compilation time will increase.. a lot. But let's not get hung up on those details..
How long ago was the XPM format (concept) invented? It was useful in its day, but now? Do we really want to edit a program file to change a graphic? Better to edit the image file directly, surely.
'include image' feature is useful and simple to use, as you said, but the last stable version 4.0.5 is from October 19th, 2012.
Currently the dev team should deal with the critical things: 64-bits support, try/catch/abort, optimizing makes magics, refactoring is a brilliant investment, and making Euphoria easy to install and use as a whole toolkit (+ IDE, GUI library, Setup program), and this is A LOT OR TOO MUCH WORK.
Binder for data is a simple, proven, easy to use, and a great solution when you have too many static data files. The Image2Include converter is simple to write and it works very well as expected. I've already wrote it many times in the past and deleted it when the work was done. Anyone with basic skills can bind data easily (or maybe I should write an easy to use one and add it to the archive).
As for Irv's subject - a binder for data is a solid solution for small amount of data as well as for huge amount of static data.
A small and powerful core + many well written Euphoria libraries, is more realistic, dynamic, and rapid way to improve Euphoria. If the core will get too big and complex - we might lose Euphoria for good.
14. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by irv May 06, 2015
I think that 2 kinds of mechanisms are enough:...
My points here Irv, are:
1. If the user is clever enough to move his MY-PROG.EXE file, then he/she is clever enough to move the MY-PROG.DAT file as well.
Tell that to one of my clients, who called one morning complaining (loudly) YOUR PROGRAM WON'T WORK!
After about an hour, I finally discovered that the night before, she had 'cleaned up some files'.
What files?
"Just a bunch of files ending with .DAT" she says, "I never used them, I couldn't even read them, so I erased them..."
Bye-bye several years of sales data...
Never over-estimate the intelligence of a computer user.
15. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by irv May 06, 2015
Oh yeah. For the above idea to work someone has to write an Image2Include converter. And attach it to the compiler/interpreter. Also, the compilation time will increase.. a lot. But let's not get hung up on those details..
How long ago was the XPM format (concept) invented? It was useful in its day, but now? Do we really want to edit a program file to change a graphic? Better to edit the image file directly, surely.
Erm.. point 1: I wrote the image to include converter already, less than 100 lines. Doesn't have to be attached to the compiler in any way. Nor does it affect compilation time. Eu already knows how to "include" a text file...
Point 2: XPM is the only graphics format I know of that is plain text. It's easy to convert to a Eu sequence using a plain text editor (WEE or Geany), and therefore easy to write a converter program. I will be happy to use jpg, gif or png images if you know a way to store binary data in a Eu include, and use it without having to write complex conversion functions.
16. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by Shian_Lee May 06, 2015
Programs are using static and dynamic data/runtime files, call it DAT, TXT, DLL, so, CFG, INI, XML, WAV, MP3, JPG, AVI, MP4, what ever. Static or dynamic data is technically the same. And you cannot live without it.
I usually teach my users how to backup to a USB-Key, Dropbox, or another way - this is part of the service I give. More then this: only God can help.
Trying to bind the DLL, AVI and INI file on top of the executable is an adventure - but what for?
If I had 10 or 100 JPG files which are part of my user interface, then I would simply bind them into MY-PROG.LIB (maybe LIB is more safe then annoying DAT?), and use them as any other critical database (what is more critical - the user interface design, or the actual user's database?).
But if you insist, then just open the JPG file in binary mode and load it into sequence(s), using jpg_image &= sprintf("%d,", getc(fn)).
17. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by irv May 06, 2015
But if you insist, then just open the JPG file in binary mode and load it into sequence(s), using jpg_image &= sprintf("%d,", getc(fn)).
How do I display that jpg image?
18. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by Shian_Lee May 06, 2015
But if you insist, then just open the JPG file in binary mode and load it into sequence(s), using jpg_image &= sprintf("%d,", getc(fn)).
How do I display that jpg image?
Search for "jpg"/"gif" in http://www.rapideuphoria.com/archive.htm.
Long time ago I used the gif library, and it worked perfectly! I think maybe it was: http://www.rapideuphoria.com/pcxgif.zip
This is another library for jpg (I've never used it): http://www.rapideuphoria.com/jpgdecom.zip
The rest is very simple, you store the sequence in include file and modify the code in the library to input from a string instead of file (look who's teaching who...).
But it works just fine with any type of file.
19. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by andi49 May 06, 2015
But if you insist, then just open the JPG file in binary mode and load it into sequence(s), using jpg_image &= sprintf("%d,", getc(fn)).
How do I display that jpg image?
Search for "jpg"/"gif" in http://www.rapideuphoria.com/archive.htm.
And? What do i find, some libs for using GDI on windows...
Long time ago I used the gif library, and it worked perfectly! I think maybe it was: http://www.rapideuphoria.com/pcxgif.zip
Oh, nice a GIF loader for MS-DOS...
---------------------- Information from the mail header ----------------------- --Sender: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA@MIAMIU.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU> --Poster: Michael Bolin <michaeltom@GEOCITIES.COM> --Subject: GIF loader bug fix --Sent: Sunday, September 28, 1997 2:21 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is another library for jpg (I've never used it): http://www.rapideuphoria.com/jpgdecom.zip
Oh, really great... Converts .jpg to .bmp and than you can load it on Windows (great idea...)
Could be done with Irfanview for nearly every Pictureformat.
i_view32 c:\test.bmp /c=c:\giftest.gif
The rest is very simple, you store the sequence in include file and modify the code in the library to input from a string instead of file (look who's teaching who...).
But it works just fine with any type of file.
Yes, The rest is very simple...
Have nice day.
20. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) May 06, 2015
But if you insist, then just open the JPG file in binary mode and load it into sequence(s), using jpg_image &= sprintf("%d,", getc(fn)).
How do I display that jpg image?
Search for "jpg"/"gif" in http://www.rapideuphoria.com/archive.htm.
And? What do i find, some libs for using GDI on windows...
Long time ago I used the gif library, and it worked perfectly! I think maybe it was: http://www.rapideuphoria.com/pcxgif.zip
Oh, nice a GIF loader for MS-DOS...
---------------------- Information from the mail header ----------------------- --Sender: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA@MIAMIU.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU> --Poster: Michael Bolin <michaeltom@GEOCITIES.COM> --Subject: GIF loader bug fix --Sent: Sunday, September 28, 1997 2:21 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is another library for jpg (I've never used it): http://www.rapideuphoria.com/jpgdecom.zip
Oh, really great... Converts .jpg to .bmp and than you can load it on Windows (great idea...)
Could be done with Irfanview for nearly every Pictureformat.
i_view32 c:\test.bmp /c=c:\giftest.gif
The rest is very simple, you store the sequence in include file and modify the code in the library to input from a string instead of file (look who's teaching who...).
But it works just fine with any type of file.
Yes, The rest is very simple...
Have nice day.
GTK supports loading jpgs rather straightforwardly it seems, and for a very long time as well ... https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-app-devel-list/2003-March/msg00113.html
21. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by Spock May 06, 2015
Oh yeah. For the above idea to work someone has to write an Image2Include converter. And attach it to the compiler/interpreter. Also, the compilation time will increase.. a lot. But let's not get hung up on those details..
How long ago was the XPM format (concept) invented? It was useful in its day, but now? Do we really want to edit a program file to change a graphic? Better to edit the image file directly, surely.
Erm.. point 1: I wrote the image to include converter already, less than 100 lines. Doesn't have to be attached to the compiler in any way. Nor does it affect compilation time. Eu already knows how to "include" a text file...
Point 2: XPM is the only graphics format I know of that is plain text. It's easy to convert to a Eu sequence using a plain text editor (WEE or Geany), and therefore easy to write a converter program. I will be happy to use jpg, gif or png images if you know a way to store binary data in a Eu include, and use it without having to write complex conversion functions.
Irv, when you say that wrote an "image to include converter already" this is really an "XPM to include" converter. That's not quite the same thing. Years ago I wrote an image to include converter, ie, it takes native image formats (whatever GDI+ can load) and produces an efficient text format output (Eu sequence), albeit as if the image were a bitmap. To make it more efficient I had been toying with the idea of some form of compression, although, simply saving an already compressed image file (eg, jpg) in text format and decompressing it might be another option.
Perhaps an even easier solution is to simply save the (textified) image data to disk and then load it (with an image lib) as per normal. Come to think of it, this idea could be used for basically any type of data. A kind of install approach. To avoid redundant resaving each time program could check if file exists in folder and save if not there.
I think I would want to attach such functionality to the compiler. That way I can edit/change the data files with impunity and have them automatically converted at compilation time.
Of course, if the target system only allows one file to be installed, we might have a problem.. unless some complex conversion functions are written. Someone only needs to do this once..
22. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by andi49 May 06, 2015
GTK supports loading jpgs rather straightforwardly it seems, and for a very long time as well ... https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-app-devel-list/2003-March/msg00113.html
For sure you are right. But what does this mean? or even the link you provide?
23. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by Shian_Lee May 06, 2015
Yes, The rest is very simple...
Have nice day.
Andreas, cheer up.
Irv knows GTK, and surely he can add 1 + 1, I'm not qualified to do it for him.
It's currently after midnight in Israel/Gaza. No artillery tonight and fresh air...
24. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by irv May 07, 2015
GTK supports loading jpgs rather straightforwardly it seems, and for a very long time as well ... https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-app-devel-list/2003-March/msg00113.html
Of course it does, as well as most other image formats also. I do that hundreds of times in the EuGTK demos.
If you read the fifth line of code in the provided link, you'll see "gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file" .
IOW, it's loading an image from a file. At run time. I was looking for an alternative to that.
25. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) May 07, 2015
If you read the fifth line of code in the provided link, you'll see "gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file" .
IOW, it's loading an image from a file. At run time. I was looking for an alternative to that.
But that's supported as well - https://developer.gnome.org/gdk-pixbuf/stable/gdk-pixbuf-Image-Data-in-Memory.html#gdk-pixbuf-new-from-inline
26. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by irv May 07, 2015
If you read the fifth line of code in the provided link, you'll see "gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file" .
IOW, it's loading an image from a file. At run time. I was looking for an alternative to that.
But that's supported as well - https://developer.gnome.org/gdk-pixbuf/stable/gdk-pixbuf-Image-Data-in-Memory.html#gdk-pixbuf-new-from-inline
Now we're getting somewhere. First I use gdk-pixbuf-csource to convert to c code, then I convert the c coded variable to a Eu variable? Or is there a way to stuff the c code into a memory block directly? Below is what I get when I convert the mongoose logo (the first part of about 1000 lines):
#ifdef __SUNPRO_C #pragma align 4 (my_pixbuf) #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ static const guint8 my_pixbuf[] __attribute__ ((__aligned__ (4))) = #else static const guint8 my_pixbuf[] = #endif { "" /* Pixbuf magic (0x47646b50) */ "GdkP" /* length: header (24) + pixel_data (20160) */ "\0\0N\330" /* pixdata_type (0x1010001) */ "\1\1\0\1" /* rowstride (240) */ "\0\0\0\360" /* width (80) */ "\0\0\0P" /* height (84) */ "\0\0\0T" /* pixel_data: */ "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\314\223L\314\223L\314\223L\314\223L\314\223L\377\377\377\377\377\377" etc...
27. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) May 07, 2015
D'oh. I thought it would be easier than this.
I think I was really thinking of gdk_pixbuf_loader_write() - see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14121166/gdk-pixbuf-load-image-from-memory (the example loads it from a file first, but note that a memory buffer is passed into pdk_pixbuf_loader_write() - so if you have an Eu variable with the contents of the JPG, file I/O is unnecessary).
Of course, you can still make this work, if you really want to...
Now we're getting somewhere. First I use gdk-pixbuf-csource to convert to c code, then I convert the c coded variable to a Eu variable?
Or is there a way to stuff the c code into a memory block directly?
You can do this too. One way is to add a simple C wrapper, and link it to a .so file. Basically, you add a function that returns a char* to my_pixbuf. Then you can pass that pointer to GDK.
Another way is to use a C program, that links to this C code, and then reads the contents of my_pixbuf (in memory), and writes it out to a file. Then you have a simple Euphoria app that reads that file back in, and does something like puts(1, "constant my_eu_pixbuf = " * sprint(contents_of_file)) - you'd then have to remember to use allocate_string() to allocate my_eu_pixbuf into memory and pass that pointer to GDK.
Below is what I get when I convert the mongoose logo (the first part of about 1000 lines):
#ifdef __SUNPRO_C #pragma align 4 (my_pixbuf) #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ static const guint8 my_pixbuf[] __attribute__ ((__aligned__ (4))) = #else static const guint8 my_pixbuf[] = #endif { "" /* Pixbuf magic (0x47646b50) */ "GdkP" /* length: header (24) + pixel_data (20160) */ "\0\0N\330" /* pixdata_type (0x1010001) */ "\1\1\0\1" /* rowstride (240) */ "\0\0\0\360" /* width (80) */ "\0\0\0P" /* height (84) */ "\0\0\0T" /* pixel_data: */ "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" "\314\223L\314\223L\314\223L\314\223L\314\223L\377\377\377\377\377\377" etc...
It shouldn't be too hard to write an Eu app to convert this C source directly into Eu source. The resulting Eu source would look something like this:
constant my_eu_pixbuf[] = /* Pixbuf magic (0x47646b50) */ "GdkP" & /* length: header (24) + pixel_data (20160) */ {0,0} & "N" & {330} & /* pixdata_type (0x1010001) */ {1,1,0,1}& /* rowstride (240) */ {0,0,0,360}& /* width (80) */ {0,0,0}&"P"& /* height (84) */ {0,0,0}&"T"& /* pixel_data: */ {377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377}& {377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377}& {377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377}& {377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377}& {377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377}& {377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377}& {377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377}& {377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377}& {377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377}& {314,223}&"L"&{314,223}&"L"&{314,223}&"L"&{314,223}&"L"&{314,233}"&"L"&{377,377,377,377,377,377}& etc...
28. Re: xpm resources
- Posted by irv May 07, 2015
OK, those are some things for me to experiment with.
Meanwhile: I notice that the mongoose logo is:
as a .png file, 5 k
as a .xpm file, 16 k
as a .bmp file, 20 k
converted to an eu inclued, also 16 k, of course, since there are only a few character swaps involved.
converted to a c-source, 80 k ! so, if converted to eu include, I would expect it to be pretty big, as well.
I think I am going to stick with the xpm approach, since I'm kind of allergic to C.