1. Serial.ew getting hung up?
- Posted by evanmars Dec 19, 2014
I have the following whittled down version of code. Using wxEuphoria and Serial.ew. Basically a window, with a Dialog that opens when a button is clicked. Reading the serial port (USB, info from an Arduino) every second.
On the wxEuphoria side, when I show_modal(), the return is always 0. The Dialog is displayed just fine.
On the Serial.ew side, it seems that everything works fine. I can open the Dialog and (in my actual program) plot temperatures all day. The problem comes when I close the Dialog. The main window freezes and I can't even shut it down unless I go through Task Manager and End Process.
So, my first question is, what am I doing wrong with show_modal() that I never get a return value?
2nd, any ideas why the serial connection gets hung up?
--Test.exw-------------------- without warning include wxeu/wxeud.e include std/text.e include ArduinoSerialTemperature.ex export atom gw = 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- controls export constant -- the window MyFrame = create( wxFrame,{0,-1, " ", -1,-1, 400, 300} ), MainWindow = create( wxPanel, {MyFrame}), -- timer for polling temperatures timer_id = new_id(), timer = create( wxTimer, {MyFrame, timer_id}), graph_screen_btn = create( wxButton, {MainWindow, -1, "GRAPH", 50, 100, 100, 50}) include Test.ex ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- actions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure PollTemperatures(atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event) sequence all_temps = GetTemperature() --UpdateGraph() --would like to call this only when GraphWindow is open end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure onClick_GraphWindowButton(atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event) gw = show_modal(GraphWindow) --gw is always 0 delete_instance(GraphWindow) end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Event Handlers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set_event_handler(MyFrame, timer_id, wxEVT_TIMER, routine_id("PollTemperatures")) set_event_handler(graph_screen_btn, get_id(graph_screen_btn), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, routine_id( "onClick_GraphWindowButton" )) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ start_timer( timer, 1000, 0 ) -- hand control over to Windows wxMain( MyFrame ) --Test.ex----------------- include Test.exw include wxeu/wxeud.e export constant GraphWindow = create( wxDialog, {MainWindow,-1, "Temperatures Graph", 20,20,400,300}) constant Century = create( wxFont, {14,wxMODERN, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD, 0,"Century"}) sequence extent = get_client_size( GraphWindow ) atom pxmap = create( wxBitmap, {BM_IN_MEMORY, extent[1], extent[2]} ), mem_dc = create( wxMemoryDC, pxmap ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ export procedure UpdateGraph() atom client_dc draw_polygon( mem_dc, {0, 0, extent[1], 0, extent[1], extent[2], 0, extent[2]}, 0, 0, wxODDEVEN_RULE ) set_font( mem_dc, Century) set_text_color( mem_dc, {100,100,200} ) wx_puts( {GraphWindow, 5, extent[2] - 150, mem_dc}, sprintf("Return Value From show_modal() = %d",gw)) client_dc = create( wxClientDC, {GraphWindow} ) begin_drawing(client_dc) blit( client_dc, 0, 0, mem_dc, 0, 0, extent[1], extent[2], wxCOPY ) end_drawing(client_dc) delete_instance(client_dc ) end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --ArduinoSerialTemperature.ex--------------- include serial.ew include Test.exw include std/sequence.e atom hCom, t for COM = 1 to 15 do hCom = serial_open(COM) if hCom != -1 then exit end if end for ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public function GetTemperature() return serial_gets(hCom) end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Re: Serial.ew getting hung up?
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Dec 19, 2014
So, my first question is, what am I doing wrong with show_modal() that I never get a return value?
The correct way to return a value from show_modal() is to use end_modal() to close the dialog. It accepts a return value that is passed back though show_modal(). A return value of '0' is still valid - it just means the user closed your dialog manually (i.e. with the red X button in Windows). I find it best to pass the message_box() return values (wxOK, wxCANCEL, etc.) to end_modal() with my own corresponding buttons.
2nd, any ideas why the serial connection gets hung up?
Are you closing serial_close()? I don't see that anywhere. It seems like that a handle left open hang the app. You could add an event handler for wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW and then close the handle from there.
Also, here is an example of how to better handle creating and showing a dialog dynamically, and how to double-buffer your graph bitmap: http://openeuphoria.org/pastey/254.wc
3. Re: Serial.ew getting hung up?
- Posted by evanmars Dec 21, 2014
Excellent. Thanks for the help.