1. euphoria database

receiving this error when writing data (kss-head-1.jpg) to a table (name is photographs):

...\include\std\eds.e:2119 in function db_insert()

subscript value 10 is out of bounds, reading from a sequence of length 9

db_compress() works ok...

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2. Re: euphoria database

I wrote a small test program:

Testing with "mongoose.jpg" which is a 1K file.

include std/console.e 
include std/eds.e 
include std/io.e 
display( "*** jpg file to use a data" ) 
	object mongoose = read_file( "mongoose.jpg" ) 
	? length(mongoose) 
display( "*** create new database or open exising database" ) 
	db_create( "foo" ) 
	db_open( "foo" ) 
display( "*** create new table or open exising database" ) 
	db_create_table( "jpgs" ) 
	db_select_table( "jpgs" ) 
	display( db_table_list() ) 
	display( db_table_size() ) 
display( "*** insert record into table" ) 
	db_insert( "one", mongoose ) 
display( "*** get jpg from database and save as new file" ) 
	integer keynum = db_find_key( "one" ) 
	object jpg = db_record_data( keynum ) 
	write_file( "new_mongoose.jpg", jpg) 

This demo works for me. I end up with a copy of the original jpg.

A small test program showing what you are doing is now required.


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3. Re: euphoria database

buzzo said...

receiving this error when writing data (kss-head-1.jpg) to a table (name is photographs):

...\include\std\eds.e:2119 in function db_insert()

subscript value 10 is out of bounds, reading from a sequence of length 9

db_compress() works ok...

This is not enough information to work out your problem.

What version of Eu are you using?

Can you create a tiny program to demonstrates the problem?

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