1. Shroud ???
- Posted by Bernie <xotron at PCOM.NET> Dec 08, 2000
- Last edited Dec 09, 2000
-- If I include machine.e in a file and wish to reference the crash_message function in my program after I have shroud the program I get a message that the crash_message has not been declared. I thought that any built-in function would be reconized even if it is shrouded. Is this a Bug in the crash message or shroud function ? Bernie
2. Re: Shroud ???
- Posted by Robert Craig <rds at RAPIDEUPHORIA.COM> Dec 09, 2000
Bernie Ryan writes: > If I include machine.e in a file and wish to reference the > crash_message function in my program after I have > shroud the program I get a message that the > crash_message has not been declared. > > I thought that any built-in function would be reconized > even if it is shrouded. crash_message() is just a routine in machine.e, like dozens of others. There is nothing special about it as far as shrouding is concerned. > Is this a Bug in the crash message > or shroud function ? Neither. Judging from your Linux graphics library, it appears that you are not trying to shroud a program, but just a single include file that calls crash_message() from machine.e. If you shroud a whole program like most people do, things will work fine. When you shroud an include file, that file plus any files that it includes (such as machine.e) will be pulled together into a single stand-alone shrouded file, where only the global symbols in the *main* include file will retain their "global" status. crash_message() is no longer declared as global, so it's not visible to those who include your file. Probably, the user of your include file should include his own copy of machine.e. To save space, if crash_message() is the only routine you need from machine.e, you could simply copy it into your file and not include machine.e. Regards, Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software http://www.RapidEuphoria.com
3. Re: Shroud ???
- Posted by Bernie <xotron at PCOM.NET> Dec 09, 2000
-- Rob Thanks for explaining that to me, I was assuming any included file used by a library would be passed on through a shrouded library. I sure hope that we get namespaces soon to overcome some of the problems I have encountered in writing some of my code. Thank You very much. Bernie