1. [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?

Does anyone know how to trap a click event on the label of a "simple" combo?
This is a combo with a label replacing the top edit box.  Problem seems to
be that because it has a label, and labels don't respond to events, I can't
get a hook into it; yet clicking on the label does open the combo box list,
so *something* is able to sense and respond to a click.

Dan Moyer

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2. Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?

Hi Dan,
> Does anyone know how to trap a click event on the label of a
> "simple" combo?

No, win32lib doesn't capture this. I'll research it this weekend.

> This is a combo with a label replacing the top edit box.

I don't actually know what you mean by "replacing". Simple Combos don't have
labels. Are you referring to a LText control that is displayed over the top
of a SimpleCombo control? I can't picture what you are trying to do?

> Problem seems to
> be that because it has a label, and labels don't respond to
> events, I can't
> get a hook into it; yet clicking on the label does open the
> combo box list,

Again, a SimpleCombo doesn't have a label, so I don't know what you are
talking about.

> so *something* is able to sense and respond to a click.

I'll see if I can get onClick and/or onChange to fire for SimpleCombos.


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3. Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?


I'm sorry, habit mislead me to use a not standard term in my post.  The
"SimpleCombo style of combo box defined by Win32Lib has a "static text
control" as an *inherent* part of it (instead of the *editable* control the
regular "Combo" has), and since "static text" controls are often used as
"labels" in a window, I just referred to it as a "label" instead of "static
text control". I got in a habit of calling such "static text control"s in my
programs "label1", "label2", etc, and forgot that they're really "static
text control"s.

That "label" ("static text control" ) is created by the inclusion of
CBS_DROPDOWNLIST as a style when the SimpleCombo is created, which is
"Similar to CBS_DROPDOWN, except that the edit control is replaced by a
static text item that displays the current selection in the list box. "

It's that *inherent* (not added on) "static text control", or "label" which
I would like to be able to trap clicks on, but in v50, if it's possible.  I
tried most everything I could think of, except onEvent, 'cause I don't know
how to use that.  I know that Win32Lib says that static text controls don't
trap events, but my presumption is that onEvent intercepts all windows
"stuff"(?), and windows certainly knows when the "static text control"
(label) in a SimpleCombo has been clicked on, so I figure maybe onEvent
should somehow be able to respond to a click on a "label" ("static text
control") which is part of a combo box?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek Parnell" <DerekP at IXCHANGE.COM.AU>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?

> Hi Dan,
> >
> > Does anyone know how to trap a click event on the label of a
> > "simple" combo?
> No, win32lib doesn't capture this. I'll research it this weekend.
> > This is a combo with a label replacing the top edit box.
> I don't actually know what you mean by "replacing". Simple Combos don't
> labels. Are you referring to a LText control that is displayed over the
> of a SimpleCombo control? I can't picture what you are trying to do?
> > Problem seems to
> > be that because it has a label, and labels don't respond to
> > events, I can't
> > get a hook into it; yet clicking on the label does open the
> > combo box list,
> Again, a SimpleCombo doesn't have a label, so I don't know what you are
> talking about.
> > so *something* is able to sense and respond to a click.
> I'll see if I can get onClick and/or onChange to fire for SimpleCombos.
> -----
> Derek.

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4. Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?

try the following code to see if if might suit...
include win32lib.ew
integer w,c,s

w = create(Window, "Test", 0, 0, 0, 500, 400,0)
s = create(StatusBar, "", w, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
c = create(Combo, "", w, 5, 5, 300, 100, 0)

procedure ee(atom msg, atom wparam, atom lparam)

    sequence t

    if msg = WM_PARENTNOTIFY then
        if wparam = WM_LBUTTONDOWN then
            t = "Left"
        elsif wparam = WM_RBUTTONDOWN then
            t = "Right"
            t = sprintf("%d", wparam)
        end if
        setText(s, t)
    end if
end procedure
onEvent[c] = routine_id("ee")

addItem(c, "One")
addItem(c, "Two")

WinMain(w, 0)

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5. Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?


*Very* nearly!

 It works with "Combo" style, only problem is, I'm trying to
use either a SimpleCombo, or in it's cousin as it's been defined in 54.5,
Combo with styles or_all({WS_VSCROLL,
and apparently the dropdownlist creating the "static text control" either
isn't trapped by onEvent, or isn't sent to "WM_PARENTNOTIFY"??

However, that IS a good example to include with "onEvent" in the Win32LIb
doc! :)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek Parnell" <dparnell at BIGPOND.NET.AU>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 4:53 AM
Subject: Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?

> Dan,
> try the following code to see if if might suit...
> --------------------------
> include win32lib.ew
> integer w,c,s
> w = create(Window, "Test", 0, 0, 0, 500, 400,0)
> s = create(StatusBar, "", w, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> c = create(Combo, "", w, 5, 5, 300, 100, 0)
> procedure ee(atom msg, atom wparam, atom lparam)
>     sequence t
>     if msg = WM_PARENTNOTIFY then
>         if wparam = WM_LBUTTONDOWN then
>             t = "Left"
>         elsif wparam = WM_RBUTTONDOWN then
>             t = "Right"
>         else
>             t = sprintf("%d", wparam)
>         end if
>         setText(s, t)
>     end if
> end procedure
> onEvent[c] = routine_id("ee")
> addItem(c, "One")
> addItem(c, "Two")
> WinMain(w, 0)
> ----
> Derek

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6. Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?

I don't know what I was thinking. My previous example was typed after I'd
just flown back home from Sydney. Well its a beautiful morning now  here in
Melbourne and my mental cobwebs have disappeared (I guess).

All you have to do is change win32lib.ew thus...




This will now send onMouse events, and onClick when a selection from the
dropdown list is made.

A similar change for Combobox, etc... should also work for those control
types too.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
(Vote [1] The Cheshire Cat for Internet Mascot)

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7. Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?


That's ok; besides, it was a *good* example, just not quite what I needed!

But I think your last suggestion only works with v 54.5??  See, I'm trying
to get this to work with v50, 'cause it relates to my modification of
Judith's IDE & that's not yet built to run under 54.5.  I'm beginning to
think that maybe I *can't* do this under v50 (& even if I could, by making
changes to v50, that wouldn't really help, 'cause I wouldn't want to have to
distribute the changed Win32Lib in order to get my mod to the IDE to work).

Wolfgang has sent me a list of Combo Box Notifications, not sure if they
will help, but I'll give them a look.

Maybe if I tell you exactly what I'm trying to do, that might help:
In my mod of  Judith's IDE I have pairs of combo boxes, one above the other
in each pair; each of mine have a list of *categories* in the top box, and a
(variable) list of routines in the bottom of the pair; when a category is
selected from the top of a pair, it causes the bottom combo to become
populated with the appropriate list of routines for that category, opens the
bottom list, and either closes automatically or is closed by command (I
forget which); this much works, you can see it in the latest version at user
contributions at RDS.

What is supposed to happen next is that if the user clicks on the
*categories* list while the lower *routines* list is down, it is *supposed*
to close the lower list so it doesn't show "under" the other list if the
lower list is too long.  This also does work.

The problem is that all of that works when the combo box is a *regular*
combo box, with an *editable* control at the top, and if that is
accidentally changed by a user, it crashes the IDE; so I thought to make it
*uneditable* to fix that "crash potential", but when I do that, I loose the
"close the bottom list when the top list opens" capability, because I was
using "onGotFocus" to let me know when the user had clicked on the top
combo, and when I use "SimpleCombo" it doesn't/can't get focus because it
has a static text item, which can't get focus.

If that's not clear in relation to my Mod, I'll try to send you a demo, but
I'm having trouble with my phone lines & can't be sure when I'll be able to
send/receive email.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek Parnell" <dparnell at BIGPOND.NET.AU>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?

> Dan,
> I don't know what I was thinking. My previous example was typed after I'd
> just flown back home from Sydney. Well its a beautiful morning now  here
> Melbourne and my mental cobwebs have disappeared (I guess).
> All you have to do is change win32lib.ew thus...
>   classAttr[SimpleCombo]=0
> becomes
>   classAttr[SimpleCombo]=w32Clickable
> This will now send onMouse events, and onClick when a selection from the
> dropdown list is made.
> A similar change for Combobox, etc... should also work for those control
> types too.
> ------
> Derek Parnell
> Melbourne, Australia
> (Vote [1] The Cheshire Cat for Internet Mascot)

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8. Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
(Vote [1] The Cheshire Cat for Internet Mascot)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan B Moyer" <DANMOYER at PRODIGY.NET>
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2000 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?

> Derek,
> That's ok; besides, it was a *good* example, just not quite what I needed!
> :)
> But I think your last suggestion only works with v 54.5??  See, I'm trying
> to get this to work with v50, 'cause it relates to my modification of
> Judith's IDE & that's not yet built to run under 54.5.  I'm beginning to
> think that maybe I *can't* do this under v50 (& even if I could, by making
> changes to v50, that wouldn't really help, 'cause I wouldn't want to have
> distribute the changed Win32Lib in order to get my mod to the IDE to
> Wolfgang has sent me a list of Combo Box Notifications, not sure if they
> will help, but I'll give them a look.
> Maybe if I tell you exactly what I'm trying to do, that might help:
> In my mod of  Judith's IDE I have pairs of combo boxes, one above the
> in each pair; each of mine have a list of *categories* in the top box, and
> (variable) list of routines in the bottom of the pair; when a category is
> selected from the top of a pair, it causes the bottom combo to become
> populated with the appropriate list of routines for that category, opens
> bottom list, and either closes automatically or is closed by command (I
> forget which); this much works, you can see it in the latest version at
> contributions at RDS.
> What is supposed to happen next is that if the user clicks on the
> *categories* list while the lower *routines* list is down, it is
> to close the lower list so it doesn't show "under" the other list if the
> lower list is too long.  This also does work.
> The problem is that all of that works when the combo box is a *regular*
> combo box, with an *editable* control at the top, and if that is
> accidentally changed by a user, it crashes the IDE; so I thought to make
> *uneditable* to fix that "crash potential", but when I do that, I loose
> "close the bottom list when the top list opens" capability, because I was
> using "onGotFocus" to let me know when the user had clicked on the top
> combo, and when I use "SimpleCombo" it doesn't/can't get focus because it
> has a static text item, which can't get focus.
> If that's not clear in relation to my Mod, I'll try to send you a demo,
> I'm having trouble with my phone lines & can't be sure when I'll be able
> send/receive email.
> Dan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Derek Parnell" <dparnell at BIGPOND.NET.AU>
> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 1:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [WIN]Win32Lib: v50 : trap click in SIMPLE combo?
> > Dan,
> > I don't know what I was thinking. My previous example was typed after
> > just flown back home from Sydney. Well its a beautiful morning now  here
> in
> > Melbourne and my mental cobwebs have disappeared (I guess).
> >
> > All you have to do is change win32lib.ew thus...
> >
> >   classAttr[SimpleCombo]=0
> >
> > becomes
> >
> >   classAttr[SimpleCombo]=w32Clickable
> >
> > This will now send onMouse events, and onClick when a selection from the
> > dropdown list is made.
> >
> > A similar change for Combobox, etc... should also work for those control
> > types too.
> >
> > ------
> > Derek Parnell
> > Melbourne, Australia
> > (Vote [1] The Cheshire Cat for Internet Mascot)
I know exactly what you are trying to achieve. Simply put, you wish to
populate the contents of one list based on the selection in another list.

I needed the same function and that's when I discovered that win32lib v0.50
and earlier delibrately ignored mouse events (except right-down) from
controls that had a parent control. It did this to get out of trying to
handle "double" events happening for some controls that issued their own
mouse events. I've rewritten mousehandling in the current library to cater
for this type of thing. The only thing you can do for v0.50 is to use
onEvent (because that gets *all* events) and roll-your-own mousehandling for
the control. It would be similar to your wdemo.exw code except that you
filter out messages you don't want. Good luck.


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