1. ed.ex: BUG in function get_err_line()

-- actually two bugs, I think 
-- 1: the while loop only read < 6 lines from ex.err 
-- 2: expand_tabs routine fails to set start_col 
-- the following code guarantee's that that the ex.err 
-- line containing the '^' marking the error start_col 
-- will be read. 
function get_err_line() 
    -- try to get file name & line number from ex.err 
    -- returns file_name, sets start_line, start_col, error_message 
    file_number err_file 
    sequence file_name 
    sequence err_lines 
    object temp_line 
    natural colon_pos 
    integer cont = TRUE 
    err_file = open("ex.err", "r") 
    if err_file = -1 then 
	error_message = "" 
	-- read the top of the ex.err error message file 
	err_lines = {} 
--      while length(err_lines) < 6 do 
	while cont do 
	    temp_line = gets(err_file) 
	    if atom(temp_line) then 
	    end if 
	    err_lines = append(err_lines, temp_line) 
	    if find('^', temp_line) then 
		  start_col = match("^", temp_line)-1 
		  cont = FALSE 
	    end if 
	end while 
	-- look for file name, line, column and error message 
	if length(err_lines) > 1 and match("TASK ID ", err_lines[1]) then 
	    err_lines = err_lines[2..$] 
	end if 
	if length(err_lines) > 0 then 
	    if sequence(err_lines[1]) then 
		colon_pos = match(".e", lower(err_lines[1])) 
		if colon_pos then 
		    if find(err_lines[1][colon_pos+2], "xXwWuU") then 
			colon_pos += 1 
			if find(err_lines[1][colon_pos+2], "xWuU") then 
			    colon_pos += 1 
			end if 
		    end if 
		    file_name = err_lines[1][1..colon_pos+1] 
		    start_line = numeric(err_lines[1][colon_pos+3.. 
		    error_message = delete_trailing_white(err_lines[2]) 
--                  if length(err_lines) > 3 then  
-- when this routine is used, the cursor is 
-- positioned at the start of the line, but not on start_col 
-- start_col = find('^', expand_tabs(STANDARD_TAB_WIDTH,  
--                      err_lines[length(err_lines)-1])) 
--                  end if 
		    return file_name 
		end if 
	    end if 
	end if 
    end if 
    return "" 
end function 
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2. Re: ed.ex: BUG in function get_err_line()

-- edx: edited get_err_line() 
--      Now, on error, edx.ex opens file and positions cursor at the proper 
--      line and column. Also, this version does not assume that that the 
--      start_line reaches to the end of the line, which is not always true. 
include std/convert.e  
function get_err_line() 
    -- try to get file name & line number from ex.err 
    -- returns file_name, sets start_line, start_col, error_message 
    file_number err_file 
    sequence file_name 
    sequence err_lines 
    object temp_line 
    natural colon_pos 
    integer cont = TRUE 
    integer start_slice, end_slice 
    err_file = open("ex.err", "r") 
    if err_file = -1 then 
        error_message = "" 
        -- read the top of the ex.err error message file 
        err_lines = {} 
        while cont do 
            temp_line = gets(err_file) 
            if atom(temp_line) then 
            end if 
            err_lines = append(err_lines, temp_line) 
            if find('^', temp_line) then 
                start_col = match("^", temp_line) 
                cont = FALSE 
            end if 
        end while 
        -- look for file name, line, column and error message 
        if length(err_lines) > 1 and match("TASK ID ", err_lines[1]) then 
            err_lines = err_lines[2..$] 
        end if 
        if length(err_lines) > 0 then 
            if sequence(err_lines[1]) then 
                colon_pos = match(":", lower(err_lines[1])) 
                if colon_pos then 
                    file_name = err_lines[1][1..colon_pos-1] 
                    start_slice = colon_pos +1 
                    end_slice = start_slice +1 
                    for x = start_slice to length(err_lines[1]) do 
                        end_slice = to_integer(err_lines[1][x]) 
                        if end_slice = -1 then 
                            end_slice = x 
                        end if 
                    end for 
                    start_line = numeric(err_lines[1][start_slice.. end_slice]) 
                    error_message = delete_trailing_white(err_lines[2]) 
                    return file_name 
                end if 
            end if 
        end if 
    end if 
    return "" 
end function 
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3. Re: ed.ex: BUG in function get_err_line()

-- vastly improved version of get_err_line() 
-- uses code derived from Irv Mullins' version gneui.ex 
include std/convert.e  
include std/io.e 
function get_err_line() 
      -- try to get file name & line number from ex.err 
      -- returns file_name, sets start_line, start_col, error_message 
      sequence file_name 
      object err_lines 
      integer i = 0 
      err_lines = read_lines("ex.err") 
      if atom(err_lines) then 
	    error_message = "" 
	    error_message = trim_tail(err_lines[2]) 
	    for n = 1 to length(err_lines) do 
		  if find('^', err_lines[n]) then 
		    i = find(':',err_lines[1]) 
		    start_col = match("^", expand_tabs(STANDARD_TAB_WIDTH, err_lines[n])) 
		    file_name = err_lines[1][1..i-1] 
		    start_line = to_number(err_lines[1][i+1..$]) 
		    return file_name 
		  end if  
	    end for 
      end if 
return "" 
end function 

Comments and suggestions for improvement will be appreciated.

Ken Rhodes

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