1. Fail to compile using watcom
- Posted by cp Nov 17, 2012
My code runs without error and produces the correct results with the interpreter (eui).
If I compile with -gcc, it compiles without error but the program does not produce correct results.
If I compile with -wat, it fails to compile.
running 4.0.5 on windows 7
C:\Dev\Euphoria\Projects\TestScripts>euc -wat cg.exw Build directory: build-105347\ Translating code, pass: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 generating Compiling with Watcom Compiling 5% init-.c Couldn't compile file 'init-.c' Status: -1 Command: wcc386 /dEWINDOWS /bt=nt /mf /w0 /zq /j /zp4 /fp5 /fpi87 /5 r /otimra /s /IC:\euphoria init-.cany help is much appreciated.
2. Re: Fail to compile using watcom
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Nov 18, 2012
My code runs without error and produces the correct results with the interpreter (eui).
If I compile with -gcc, it compiles without error but the program does not produce correct results.
If I compile with -wat, it fails to compile.
running 4.0.5 on windows 7
C:\Dev\Euphoria\Projects\TestScripts>euc -wat cg.exw Build directory: build-105347\ Translating code, pass: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 generating Compiling with Watcom Compiling 5% init-.c Couldn't compile file 'init-.c' Status: -1 Command: wcc386 /dEWINDOWS /bt=nt /mf /w0 /zq /j /zp4 /fp5 /fpi87 /5 r /otimra /s /IC:\euphoria init-.cany help is much appreciated.
It looks like Watcom isn't properly installed and isn't actually running. It's impossible to say what's going on with your MinGW version without seeing or at least knowing more about your code and what it does / doesn't do.
3. Re: Fail to compile using watcom
- Posted by cp Nov 19, 2012
My code runs without error and produces the correct results with the interpreter (eui).
If I compile with -gcc, it compiles without error but the program does not produce correct results.
If I compile with -wat, it fails to compile.
running 4.0.5 on windows 7
C:\Dev\Euphoria\Projects\TestScripts>euc -wat cg.exw Build directory: build-105347\ Translating code, pass: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 generating Compiling with Watcom Compiling 5% init-.c Couldn't compile file 'init-.c' Status: -1 Command: wcc386 /dEWINDOWS /bt=nt /mf /w0 /zq /j /zp4 /fp5 /fpi87 /5 r /otimra /s /IC:\euphoria init-.cany help is much appreciated.
It looks like Watcom isn't properly installed and isn't actually running. It's impossible to say what's going on with your MinGW version without seeing or at least knowing more about your code and what it does / doesn't do.
Update: With a couple of mods(remove 4.x only functions) I was able to run this under 3.1 and compile with Borland 5.5 without issue.
I would like to get this running under 4.x with GCC considering that watcom looks like it may get voted off the island.
How and what can I provide to help resolve the issue with GCC?