1. Where is the version of Judith et al's IDE for Eu4.x?
- Posted by ssallen Jun 01, 2012
Is it at this link? http://sourceforge.net/projects/euvide/files/
Thanks! Steve A.
2. Re: Where is the version of Judith et al's IDE for Eu4.x?
- Posted by DonCole Jun 03, 2012
Hello Steve,
I don't believe there is one. She retired about the same time as 4 came out.
I've been using her present IDE with ver. 4 without problems.
Where I find more problems is using the current version with Windows 7.
I just use IDE to create all my control and thier positioning.
Then use 'Pass controls and routines to editor of your choise'.
From then on I write all my code by hand. I may use the Code editor to start the action for different buttons and things. But I don't try to write the whole code with IDE.
What problems are having using the current IDE with ver, 4?
Don Cole
3. Re: Where is the version of Judith et al's IDE for Eu4.x?
- Posted by ssallen Jun 04, 2012
Oh, I thought I saw a post a while back that someone was still maintaining it. I must have been mistaken.
Steve A.
4. Re: Where is the version of Judith et al's IDE for Eu4.x?
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jun 04, 2012
Oh, I thought I saw a post a while back that someone was still maintaining it. I must have been mistaken.
Steve A.
You weren't. Here's the post:
5. Re: Where is the version of Judith et al's IDE for Eu4.x?
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jun 04, 2012
Oh, I thought I saw a post a while back that someone was still maintaining it. I must have been mistaken.
Steve A.
You weren't. Here's the post:
Or this thread: http://openeuphoria.org/forum/107324.wc
6. Re: Where is the version of Judith et al's IDE for Eu4.x?
- Posted by AndyDrummond Jun 05, 2012
Is it at this link? http://sourceforge.net/projects/euvide/files/
Thanks! Steve A.
A while back Derek Parnell produced a version of IDE for Eu4; I think it was just edited enough to make it run. I bound it and run it that way; it seems to work fine, but I don't really use Eu4 much at all. You can download the bound file and the relevant extra files from this link:
If you create a folder EuIDE in the Euphoria4 folder and put all the files and folders above in there then it should work. You need the folders called files and languages or it won't run.
I use the bound version because it runs more or less immediately, but any program which uses Win32Lib - all of them! - still takes ages to start executing. It was bound with an elderly version or Eu4, but that daoesn't make any odds now. It isn't a fully satisfactory system yet but I'm hoping Derek will get a pukka version soon. Well, one day, anyway.
I hope what I have said is right, if not I apologise.