1. Bind vs Compile

Hello everybody,

When I Bind a program I get:

deleted 862 unused routines and 3531 unused variables.

1.) Does this occur when I compile?

2.) How can I get a list of these variables and routines?

Don Cole

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2. Re: Bind vs Compile

DonCole said...

When I Bind a program I get:

deleted 862 unused routines and 3531 unused variables.

1.) Does this occur when I compile?


DonCole said...

2.) How can I get a list of these variables and routines?

Run the bind program with the option -list. This will create a file called "deleted.txt" that lists all the removed routines and variables.

Refer to the manual

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3. Re: Bind vs Compile

Thank you Derek,

This saves me a lot of worry.

Don Cole

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