1. Gratuitous insults

Gratuituous insults are all very well among friends.

Is it only me.

Do other peolpe on this forum believe that calling me
. controlling,
. passive-agressive,
. in need of a psychiatrist (by implication),
. bossy,
is fair comment.

I did not in any way insult him.

euphoric said...
bill said...

Someone comes along and uses that project to not only
make a profit for themselves (OK) but make their product
closed source (dodgy) and protected (even more dodgy).

Closed source and protected is dodgy? How so?

bill said...

Euphoric gave advice how to do this with no recognition that
the request was in any way out of order.

In what way could it be construed as out of order?

You have a seemingly strong desire to control/police others. That can't be healthy.


IANAP: I am not a psychiatrist.

euphoric said...
bill said...

I am not trying to control people.

Actually, yes you are, in a passive-aggressive way.

Regardless, you are not the Euphoria police. If you have an issue with a Q&A, state it plainly.

"I don't think people should have the knowledge of obtaining hard drive serial numbers because they might create software and make a profit with it, or they might be hackers who want to cause havoc, or... or..."

But to come at me like my daddy or boss is a little overzealous, IMHO.

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2. Re: Gratuitous insults

I like to think we're all adults here, and as such, we should be capable of having civilized discussions without insulting each other and/or taking things too personally.


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3. Re: Gratuitous insults

bill said...

I did not in any way insult him.

It was insulting for you to talk down to me like I'm your child, or to assume the stance of a policeman in this community.

However, I apologize for offending you with my subsequent posts if they were a bit strong.

Let's be friends, shall we?! smile

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4. Re: Gratuitous insults

ghaberek said...

I like to think we're all adults here, and as such, we should be capable of having civilized discussions without insulting each other and/or taking things too personally.

I agree with you, knucklehead! XD

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5. Re: Gratuitous insults

bill said...

Gratuituous insults are all very well among friends.

Is it only me.

Do other peolpe on this forum believe that calling me
. controlling,
. passive-agressive,
. in need of a psychiatrist (by implication),
. bossy,
is fair comment.

Yes, I'm afraid I got a similar impression. Well, the attempt to control and be passive aggressive, anyways. I guess part of my reaction was someone being offended on my behalf (i.e., someone making money off of the time and effort I've put into euphoria), which is a bit of a pet peeve, I suppose.

The original tone seemed to go beyond stating an opinion, and drifted into being a lecture.

I don't hold grudges, though, and try to treat each discussion separately. Honestly, I'm more interested in discussing and debating ideas than getting into personal arguments.


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6. Re: Gratuitous insults

euphoric said...
ghaberek said...

I like to think we're all adults here, and as such, we should be capable of having civilized discussions without insulting each other and/or taking things too personally.

I agree with you, knucklehead! XD

I add an insult to the end of error messages, when it is the user who made the error, as in: Please enter your name, you puisny tilter!

You can examine my database of insults at http://www.swiftys.org.uk/insult

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