1. Re: My name in future.htm

codepilot Gmail Account wrote:
> ------=_Part_28370_15086136.1154379260811
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Trace doesn't work, what do you mean?
Inside a complex program, on WIN2k Server with 384Mb RAM I try to use 
the trace(1) function that often crashes, or just exit the program in 
unpredictable situations where no errors are detected in runtime. 
Lines in view overlap each others skidding one step and doubling, 
while you strive to follow a complex routine.. perhaps in presence 
of certain comments or tab characters or I don't know what.

The trace(2) behaves better, but is not evenly legible; it is impossible 
to fix a watchpoint and to know the content of a variable is mostly a trouble,
moreover is limited to the global sequence value into an unsuitable area. 
The tab rendering put the program lines out of the window, spacing more than 
they are set into my editor, so the code can result not enough visible.
The trace(0) does not answer in all situations. 
No matter how many executions you would like to skip, you must stroke one key 
at a time, or you risk to get executed more instructions than desired, as 
the keyboard buffer gets all in advance.
Perhaps this feature was justified 10 years ago, but 24 DOS window rows are 
unthinkable with the current technology and data problems; we need to watch 
what's going on inside a program, if not to interact changing a value, 
and in my experience this is so primitive and more limited than 
the QuickBasic's was.

On the other side, Euphoria owns a superb language dynamic structure that, 
far from the "easy to learn" lable, deserves that of extraordinarily advanced
for joining ease and potentiality. We should expect better accessories.
(Please, be patient with my speech.)

Antonio Alessi


Just a further sample of an error detected some time ago and sent to Rob:

Antonio Alessi wrote:
> _____________________________________________________________________
>  ed_html_167.ew  F1=main  F2=trace  Enter  down-arrow  ?  q  Q  !
>    39:  --===================================
>    40: 
>    41:      html = ""
>    42:
>    43:      if job = -1 or job = -2 and not equal( file_ext, "eml") then
>    44:          i = 1
>    45:      else  
>    46:          line = hyph_tag( Ucode, 1)
>    47:  trace(2)
>    48:          if line[1] then
>    49:              i = line[1]
>    50:              hyphTag = line[2]
>    51:          else                                    
>    52:              i = match( "<BODY", Ucode)                                
>    -
>    53:              if not i then
>    54:                  i = match( "<HTML", Ucode)                            
>    -
>    55:  --             Ed_sel[1] = i
>    56==>          elsif mymail 
> then                                          -
>    57:                  fn = open( 
> HyphenatorDir&"\\data\\signature"&signature+4
> variable name? i  - not defined at this point
> page={70'F',114'r',111'o',109'm',58':',32' 
> ',34'"',65'A',110'n',116't',111'o',..
> job=1               startSym=0          firstLine=0
> _____________________________________________________________________

> As you can see, the global - i - variable has been calculated, before 
> beeing asked for the value, but it is not recognized by the trace() 
> function, although it exists. All this is not inside any local for 
> next loop (or the - i - variable would not be allowed) but it could 
> depend on the FOR NEXT loop that calls the current procedure from the 
> main program; in such cases the two variables are not distinguished by 
> the trace() function, or one darkens the other.
> Defining it as a local integer variable inside the procedure, the 
> answer points out the right value.
> Even if it is possible to change the name of one of the two, the global 
> or the loop variable, I thought you could be interested to evaluate that 
> case.

Thanks for reporting the problem.
I'll look into it.

Can you tell me which version of Euphoria you were using?
2.3? 2.4? 2.5 alpha?

    Rob Craig 
.. ..

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